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Hey guys,

Now that Box Shaped Heart is over, it's time for the AMA! Feel free to ask me anything related to the story line, the characters, ... really anything. 

Also, since I plan to write a bonus story for it, as I do for all the series I finish with your help (which will be a Patreon exclusive), I would like to hear from you any ideas, suggestions, that might cross your mind.

Whether you want to read about Carter and Aron having hot sex in the pool, or trying their own take on BDSM, or simply about their every day lives as a married with children couple, feel free to get as crazy (or as mild!) as you want.

Use the messaging feature of the site if you don't want to write down your suggestions in the comment section of this post. It will totally be our secret, I promise!

As a side note, I will also start publishing a mini-series (a few chapters long) featuring Alex and Simon since some of you asked me to give the guys a second chance, too. You know who you are :) So, the bonus story with Carter and Aron will be a separate matter that doesn't have to touch this secondary series, to keep things neat and simple.

All of you who can't stand Alex, don't worry. I'm not going to go that easy on him. The mini-series will be called, after all, Taming A Jerk. I think it suits him.

Also, over the next month and what's left of this one, I will take upon the task of going through all the chapters, proofreading, formatting, and cover concept, so that I can offer you guys Box Shaped Heart as a book, too. I think it is the longest story I've ever written, and probably the one I've enjoyed the most, as well.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Without you and your support, this story would have probably taken years to finish.  

All the love,




Damn I can’t figure out how to reply to a comments comment or edit a post. I’ll be more than willing to see what happens to Alex’s re-education. I’ve heard the trope that powerful people sometimes are subs in real life but never really heard the answer. Alex seemed to be a control freak for his underlings and equals at work but seemed to be completely scared (in my opinion) of authority. I’d also love it if you delved into the backstory of his mother being a socialite turned whore.

Laura S. Fox

Ah, those things were a little hard for me at first, too. To reply, use the bent arrow you see right under the comment you want to reply to. For editing, press on the three dots (right after the heart icon, under the message), and pick the pencil to edit. The trash bin icon would delete the message completely. As for the questions related to Alex and his storyline, here's my take. I used to watch some German programs about sex when they were on TV (I couldn't understand much, but some images were self-explanatory), and I saw something about a dominatrix and how her clients were only bankers, CEOs, people like that. And that sort of stuck with me, hence this idea. Yet, you are correct that Alex has a fear of authority - which is why his marriage to Aron is in shambles, as he sees any demand from anyone as an attempt to his freedom. The mother will make an appearance in Alex's story, since she's pretty important! You'll learn more about her, too, when that happens. Thanks for all the comments!

Natalie Ynigo

I would love to read about Arons and Carters introduction to BDSM, or to David lol

Laura S. Fox

He, he, allrighty then! Aron and Carter will go visit David since the guy is such good friends with Aron. Except a lot of goofiness though!