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Author's note: This is the bonus story, guys! Please enjoy! You can find the English translations of the German phrases at the end of the story.

The Perks of Married Life 

Jake groaned as he pushed the books away and let his head rest on the desk. It was the heart of summer, but he was still studying. It wasn’t like he had a choice, no matter what Klaus said. Gisele had been clear about what path he needed to follow; first, he needed to get his university degree in civil engineering. He liked what he was studying, but, frankly, he was pretty scared about what Klaus’s mom had in store for him.

He could still recall, crystal clear, the first time he had met Klaus’s parents. It had been before the wedding, and he had been invited to go alone. Ordered was probably the right word, and Klaus had insisted on accompanying him, but, in the end, he had decided that he needed to prove to his lover’s mom and dad that he was not ashamed of who he was. 

Gisele and Dieter Metzger lived in a sumptuous mansion somewhere away from the ruckus of the city, and they seemed to be every inch royalty, minus the title. He could feel the jitters in his stomach as he had climbed the stone stairs and been ushered in by a butler in livery.

As he had stood there, inches away from the large glass doors that the butler had closed behind him, he had had to endure the scrutiny coming from one pair of blue eyes, much like Klaus’s, but colder. So that was the mom, he had thought at the moment. The father had seemed far less preoccupied to examine Jake, and his small pleasant smile had made Jake feel more at ease. 

Gisele had looked at him and commented, in a perfectly enunciated English with a faint trace of a British accent.

“The boy needs a haircut.”

She hadn’t spoken to him, although her eyes had remained on him, determined to identify the slightest trace of fear, or so he had thought. After a few moments of awkward silence, during which Jake had had no idea what to do with his hands, Gisele had finally turned towards his husband.

“You are scaring Jake, dear,” Dieter had spoken, and Jake had been happy to have an ally behind the enemy lines.

“Nonsense,” Gisele had counterattacked right away. “The boy is not scared. Are you?” she had looked again at Jake.

“No, ma’am,” Jake had said quickly.

“Call me mother, child,” Gisele had said like she needed to reprimand him for forgetting his homework at home.

And so he had done and called her mother after she had patted a place next to her on the sofa dressed in nice upholstery as he had only seen in movies. He had been served tea and cake and had answered every single question Gisele had had in store for him.

Dieter had intervened only when asked directly, and Jake had known right away who Klaus took after. That domineering presence had to come from the genes. 

After all that grilling, Jake had been allowed to join Dieter in what looked like a hothouse and a research lab in one. Klaus’s quiet dad had then turned into a veritable chatterbox, explaining Jake one of his projects, and Jake could not help thinking that he was in the company of a happy man. Dieter was way too pleased to let his wife handle everything involving the social aspects of life, as long as he was not disturbed from his experiments.

“She will want to make a doctor out of you, Jake,” Dieter had told him and patted his back in sympathy.

“A doctor? But I’m supposed to be an engineer,” he had mumbled.

Dieter had laughed.

“We’re talking about a PhD here, Jake. A different kind of doctor.”

“I don’t even know if I will get admitted to the university in fall,” he had looked down. “And I don’t even know German ...”

Dieter had squeezed his shoulder in sympathy.

“Klaus says you are bright. I trust him. And so should you. Gisele will take care of everything. She already chose a tutor for you, and, if you are half the clever man Klaus thinks you are, you will get into that doctoral programme when the time comes. Bear in mind that she has it all figured out. The PhD program she already chose is offered by the Hector Fellow Academy. That’s in Karlsruhe, so you will have to travel from Berlin quite a lot.”

“Mr. Metzger, I don’t know ...” Jake tried to express his anxiety, feeling overwhelmed by so much information unloaded on him.

“You are in good hands, Jake,” Dieter had laughed. “But don’t call me Mr. Metzger. It sounds too formal since we will be soon family. Don’t worry. I will not ask you to call me father. But Dieter will do. Now I should tell you not to worry, but I would lie, and this is not something I do,” the man had added. “Gisele will want you to succeed, Jake. And seeing how both Klaus and I had let her down in this respect, I am afraid you will have to take one for the team? Is this the right phrase? Take one for the team?”

Jake had nodded and thought with dread how Gisele was going to be terribly disappointed.

Now he was still far from that doctoral programme as Gisele said, but until now he had not let her down. His German was more than just reasonably good, thanks to the tutor she had enlisted, and he had passed all the exams with flying colors. But a guy with a PhD? Who? Him? Jake the Outsider? Gisele was still going to be disappointed, so he needed to study really hard and at least show her that he was doing his best.

Klaus had found the entire situation quite amusing. 

“So why do you let her bully you like this, Outsider?” he had laughed at him.

“Shut up, you’re no better,” Jake had mumbled. “And it’s clear who I have to suck up to if I want to make it in this family.” 

“Really?” Klaus had glared, but with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

“Yeah, she’s the gang boss,” Jake had said matter of factly.

She had also found a job for him, a few hours each day, as an assistant to a real engineer, and Jake was more than thankful. He was learning as much as he could about the career he was pursuing, and that meant a lot.

“You are not and will not be a kept husband,” Gisele had been clear, and, in a way, he felt proud that he could earn some money the honest way. “Maybe Klaus likes to treat you like a trophy of his, but I do not condone laziness.”

He could not have agreed more. That gave him the opportunity to put some money aside, and, when he had finally grabbed hold of his brother, that had come in handy. 

Diaz had been difficult to talk to, at first. Jake had called at least a dozen times before he had managed to have Diaz talk. It hadn’t gone well, either. The questions had been inevitable. Where was he? He had chosen not to lie. Diaz had hung up on him again.

And, in the end, his brother had learned that he had married Klaus. For one month, he had heard nothing from Diaz. His brother could be dead, for all he knew. Then the silent treatment had stopped, just like that.

“Jake, I can’t even say that I’m mad at you cause you’re a homo. But did you really have to tie the knot with that bastard? Why don’t you come home? We can work something out. Business is good. I’m moving a few bricks, get some money, and we’ll have everything we want,” Diaz had said the moment he picked up the phone.

“Everything we want?” Jake had emphasized the word ‘we’.

Diaz had sighed at the other end.

“Fine, be a homo, little bro, if that’s what you want.”

“Diaz, don’t hang up again,” Jake had warned. “I won’t call back. I’m done with your shit.”

“Whatever,” Diaz had said after a while. “So, do you live in a big fancy house? Eat from silver china?”

He had had a mind to tell Diaz that those were two entirely different things, and Diaz surely knew, but he just wanted to rub it in Jake’s face where they were coming from. But he had kept it to himself.

Not long after, Diaz had gotten shot while trying to push drugs into a neighboring gang’s territory. That had been when he had sent his brother money the first time. And, while Diaz had said nothing, not even a thanks, he was accepting the help, and that was a good sign.

Sometimes, he felt like he just wanted to board a plane and see Diaz, especially after the shooting, but he knew he had made his choice. There was darkness in his brother, as it would always be, and he was done with that.

Now he had a home. A family. A mother in law who wanted him to have a PhD. A father in law who was showing him his amazing experiments. And, the most important, someone he loved. A husband.

It wasn’t true what people said about the wedding day being the happiest day of one’s life. For him, every day was the happiest. Every day he was married to Klaus.


Being introduced to Berlin’s bustling nightlife had been quite an experience. At least, he could say that Klaus had taken things slowly. In the beginning, they had gone to the nice bars, where patrons were served amazing cocktails that Jake had a hard time remembering their names. His husband had even indulged him in nights out dancing, and he was happy to have at least one partner on the dance floor, in Hans’s husband, Stephen, with whom he got along better than all the friends he had ever had.

It felt comforting, yet a tad unnerving, to search for Klaus with his eyes, and always find him watching. Jake loved the attention; when they were out together, his husband never neglected him. Yet, at the same time, he felt like there was a small question there, in Klaus’s eyes, in the way the man was slightly cocking his head to one side, a slight stiffness in his shoulders.

He wanted to ask about that. But every time they had headed back home, they had just landed in bed, with Klaus determined to make love to him until dawn. Everything was becoming fuzzy after that. Klaus was always gentle during their lovemaking, each time after a night out, not that he was ever inconsiderate. His hands were everywhere like the man wanted to be sure Jake was real, and not going anywhere.

Then came the other sort of experiences, and that had filled Jake’s mind and soul with a different type of trepidation and excitement.

“I want to show you everything,” Klaus had cooed into his ear, as they had set foot in an establishment that seemed to be located in an old industrial building of sorts.

There had been no need for further explanations once inside. He had still needed to recover after the initial shock of finding out that dress code for the place practically required them to remain completely naked. 

And, of course, the dress code applied to everyone inside, which meant, of course, that all the patrons for the evening were frolicking around, in nothing but their birthday suits. Klaus had had to push him gently aside, to avoid getting in the way of other people, as he had remained there, completely stunned.

He still wasn’t sure if he was ready for that kind of entertainment. What he couldn’t see, he could guess, and the guys frequenting such places meant business. With lube and condoms on the house, supplied by individual dispensers strategically placed in the corners of the room, people didn’t need much incentive to engage in what could not be defined as anything else but public sex.

Klaus’s steady hands on his shoulders had kept him in place. He wasn’t sure he would have run. There had been no power to do that left in him. He could not close his eyes. The raw power of male sexuality surrounding him like a flood, making his skin buzz with something akin to electricity.

They would end up going to such places many times. But they were there just to look, and Klaus didn’t even have to say it out loud. His husband was just touching him lightly, making him feel on the point of begging, but they had just watched. 

On more than one occasion, men had approached them with a question or two. 

“Kann ich deinen Jungen ficken?” one guy had once asked directly.

Jake could feel getting weak in the knees as the naked man had measured him up and down and even raised one hand to caress Jake’s chest slowly.

He now knew enough German to understand that the guys were interested. In him, in particular. But Klaus had refused each time, pulling Jake closer to him, as if the club patrons could have stolen him.

Klaus had been polite in his refusal, but he could clearly hear the curse that followed, usually, said through clenched teeth.

“Du kannst mich, Wichser.”

Jake could say Klaus was unfair. It was only because of him that Jake was now starting to have a different kind of fantasy playing in his mind. With each man passing by, looking up Jake with interest, he had felt like his knees were turning weaker. Klaus’s hands had wandered down his flanks, caressing him, touching him only enough to drive him mad, while he had taken in the voyeuristic delights presented to him by his beloved husband on a silver platter.

It was one thing to watch porn, and a totally different one to see it happening for real. And he could not escape it. He could not stop looking. And soon enough, he could not stop wondering how it would feel to be taken by a stranger, bent over in front of his husband, and fucked fast, until completion. And, all this time, in his mind, he would have just kept his eyes locked with Klaus who would have just looked at him, his eyes hooded with a new strange kind of desire.

His fantasies were getting more and more elaborate. Being fucked into oblivion with his husband watching was not enough. Sometimes, he wished some stranger would have walked past and looked at Klaus, kneeling in front of the man, and taking him in his mouth. That was making him come undone each time he played it in his mind. To fuck others, while watching each other. He could not understand why his own mind was doing this to him. He could not understand why Klaus was doing this to him.

The worst part, perhaps, was that each time they went out like this, Klaus preferred to keep him close, his erection pressed hard against Jake’s ass crack, rubbing against it slowly, pure torture, and holding Jake’s hips, with fingers digging deep. 

He had tried to touch himself, but Klaus had sensed it, and he had just firmly grabbed his hands, sometimes pulling them hard behind his back, teaching him to behave, without words.

And, after those strange nights out, when they had gotten back home, there had been no slow lovemaking. Like Klaus could really tell what was going on through his mind, he had taken Jake hard, sometimes tying him, possessing him, hard and fast, and Jake had been more than happy with that because he felt like he needed the extra stimulation so he could come like never in his life. On such occasions, Klaus had often offered to be on the receiving end, too, and Jake could feel a new power growing inside him with each thrust as he fucked his husband into the mattress, making both of them delirious with want and sensory overload.

It made the guilty feelings disappear. Or maybe not for good, but it definitely eased the painful thought that he was fantasizing about having sex with others and watch his handsome husband carelessly fuck some strangers.

And then, the questions remained hanging in the air.


The fact that his husband was running a bit late was making him feel a bit restless. So, in the end, he had just decided to rub one out. Maybe he had spent too much time cooped up at home, and now he needed to blow off some steam.

Jake searched blindly for the remote. The damn thing had a way to slip through the back of the couch, and now it was really not the time to be caught in the act. 

He had no idea why he was so embarrassed by this. It was not like he wasn’t already watching porn with Klaus as often as they could. He felt guilty, and now he was searching for the stupid damn thing, while Klaus was obviously at the door. But, after all, he was feeling guilty a lot these days.

With an annoyed grunt, he grabbed the remote and pressed the off button. All right, drama averted for now.

“Sorry for the delay, love,” Klaus hurried to embrace him.

Jake pressed his lips against his husband’s mouth and sighed in satisfaction.

“What were you doing? I hope you weren’t bored. I knew I said that I would come home at six, but ...”

“Hey, don’t apologize,” Jake sneaked his hands into Klaus’s shirt and pulled him closer for another heated kiss.

“Someone’s in the mood,” Klaus joked, as soon as Jake let them both breathe.

“Are you kidding me? If you are in the room, I’m instantly in the mood. I’m like those animals when they go in heat,” Jake added quickly.

“Then let’s not mess with nature,” Klaus joked, and he began to undress Jake with steady hands. “Hmm, you really are hard ... Wait, were you watching some porn movie right now?”

Jake was confident he was red to the tip of his ears. He wanted nothing but Klaus to put his hands on him already, his mouth, something. 

“Hey,” Klaus cooed softly as he tipped up Jake’s chin.

He was sure he looked guilty, but there was no way to fight that scrutinizing once-over Klaus was giving him right now.

“I ... yeah, I was watching porn,” he admitted quickly.

“And why do you look like you sneaked your hand in the cookie jar? Don’t tell me you were watching straight porn. Should I worry about you switching teams?” Klaus joked. 

“Cut it out,” Jake mumbled. “No, I wasn’t watching straight porn. Just that ...”

“Come on, don’t be shy now. I think I lived a bit longer than you. And I am not usually easy to shock.”

Jake nodded and looked down.

“Well?” Klaus asked while slowly caressing Jake’s shoulders in a comforting motion.

“I just ... I don’t know. It feels wrong that I look at other dudes and ... kind of think how it would be ...”

He stopped, chewing his bottom lip. Was he really going to say it? It felt wrong as it was. 

“Are you fantasizing about having sex with other people, Jake?” Klaus asked slowly, forcing his husband to look up.

“No,” Jake shook his head vehemently. “No, not really. Just, oh, fuck, it’s difficult to explain!”

“It is not. And it is okay. I understand.”

“You do?” Jake searched Klaus’s beautiful blue eyes for any trace of doubt. “But how could you? I mean, you’re more than enough for me, and my ass knows it, and it’s not like I’m not always satisfied, because you definitely make sure I am, and ...”

“Jake, Jake, breathe, okay?” Klaus stopped the torrent of words pouring out of his mouth. “I am not mad. And I have no reason to be. It is natural, this thing you feel. And I want to offer you the possibility to enjoy it, for real.”

“What?” Jake blinked and stared at his husband in disbelief. “For real? Like do you want me to get fucked by some other dudes? No way! I take everything back! I didn’t mean it, okay?”

“Hush now, love. Do you trust me?”

“Of course I do, but this, this is too much. And I don’t want it. I have you.”

“Jake, just trust me. I will be with you. And you will feel pleasure and no guilt at all. Leave it to me.”

Jake had no comeback for that. What could Klaus be thinking? He was trembling just thinking about it. And he could not believe he had been so stupid to blurt it all out. Couldn’t he just lie?


“We are going on a small trip this weekend,” Klaus informed him on Friday night.

“Isn’t it kind of short notice?” Jake asked as he placed a quick peck on his husband’s lips.

They had not spoken about Jake’s secret desire since that day. But Jake felt that it was hanging between them, like a dirty little thing no one wanted to talk about. 

“I have it all prepared, and you do not have to do anything but, of course, come along,” Klaus returned the kiss, this time keeping their mouths glued together for a bit longer. 

Jake grabbed his husband by his tie, decided to drag him to bed. He could barely wait to make it there. But Klaus resisted, and Jake turned to throw him a quizzical look.

“You go ahead and sleep. I need to take care of a few things, business related. Don’t wait up, okay?”

Jake frowned. Were they already like those couples that no longer wanted to have sex because they were so bored? It had to be his fault. Practically, he had been the one to hint at it, with his stupid fantasies. Was he really blaming Klaus? Wait, what if Klaus was the bored one? Damn his stupid mouth! Jake was sure he wasn’t bored. He wanted nothing but to have Klaus deep inside him, and the lack of that reassurance was now making him feel like the entire world was swept from under his feet.

“What if I say please?” he asked in a heartbeat.

Klaus caressed his cheek briefly.

“Don’t worry. You will not sleep alone the entire night. Come on, love. You look tired. And I need you to have your strength for this weekend.”

“Why? Are we going skydiving or something? I’d rather spend the next two days in bed with you.”

All right, now he was practically begging.

“Who says I plan on letting you out of bed this weekend?” Klaus winked at him and laughed.

Jake could feel blood returning to his cheeks. 

“Okay, then I’ll go sleep.”

“Do that, love,” Klaus pressed his lips against his, and this time, he took his time to kiss Jake.

Well, if Klaus was planning a sex marathon this weekend, Jake was totally down with that. And yes, that was good enough reason to sleep like a log until the next morning.


The resort looked terrific, but Jake wanted nothing more but to get into the room and just ravish his husband. Klaus had come to bed before midnight, and had only slept wrapped around Jake, but with no other intention than to have a good night’s rest. So they had no sex for the last 36 hours or so, but who was counting? Well, he was counting. And he was damn sure he was going to explode soon.

The busboy opened the doors to the penthouse and wished them an enjoyable stay. The guy was barely out the door that Jake pushed Klaus against the sofa and straddled him. His husband seemed quite amused with his determination, something that was making him pissed, but, since he was also horny, he didn’t want to dwell on that right now. Just that, as revenge, he was going to be the first to top.

“Are you guys starting without us?”

Jake froze on the spot. He turned carefully, wondering if he wasn’t starting to have hallucinations because he was sexually frustrated. Sure enough, Stephen and Hans looked nothing like figments of his imagination. They were there, in flesh and blood, and seemingly ready to party at the beach, if he were to take after their clothes, or lack thereof, to be precise.

Stephen was wearing something that could barely qualify as legal in 90% of the world’s countries. Was that like a bikini for guys or something? Not that the flimsy piece of spandex looked terrible on him. Jake stole a short look in the guy’s direction. Anyone going for the slim type would have gone for Stephen. Not that he was thinking that. Stephen was Hans’s husband. Not someone Jake should gawk at, his half erection still pressed against his own husband’s midsection.

“Klaus, baby,” Stephen drawled, “you didn’t tell Jake?”

Hans laughed from behind his husband and took a step forward, only to lean in and pat Jake on the back in a friendly gesture.

Damn, Hans looked beautiful, too, Jake’s devious mind wandered, along with his eyes, taking in the man’s sculpted torso. Hans was a bit taller and stronger than Klaus, and he wasn’t keeping himself completely smooth. Jake’s eyes followed the hairy treasure trail losing itself in Hans’s swimming shorts. Unlike Stephen, Hans was modest enough to hide the most precious bits in large trunks. But Jake still wondered what could be there.

How many times had he jerked off imagining Klaus and Hans together? At least, that guilty fantasy he had managed to keep hidden from his husband. What was wrong with him, really? It was not like he wanted to lose Klaus to Hans. But they both looked like ancient gods, and Jake was pretty much into that kind of mythology, or at least the porn version of it.

“Tell me what?” he shook his head, trying to get rid of whatever was happening in his mind.

Stephen laughed again.

“Hans, darling, I think someone is going to sleep on the balcony this entire weekend,” he said and winked at Jake.

Jake finally turned to look at Klaus who was looking at him slightly amused. His eyes narrowed.

“What are Hans and Stephen talking about?” he asked.

Klaus’s eyes flashed with something wicked. When he did that, usually it meant that Jake was going to end up tied up to some weird device or slowly coaxed into taking some impressive dildos up his ass. But what could kinky bedroom play mean in this type of circumstances? Unless, Jake’s mind began to work, unless ...

He pushed himself up from his husband’s body and stood up. Stephen and Hans were watching him closely. Damn, he felt ... What the hell did he feel? On one side, there was Klaus, his husband who he loved and was crazy about, on the other, two hot guys, almost entirely naked, looking at him like he was dessert. This could not be real.

“I planned a surprise for you, Jake,” Klaus eventually spoke.

Jake turned towards him. Klaus began to take off his shirt like it was the most natural thing in the world to just get undressed.

“I don’t understand,” he gulped, his throat getting dry.

“Well,” Stephen intervened, “since your kinky husband does not want to put the cards on the table already, I feel like I must speak.”

“No need to,” Klaus intervened. “I’ll let you know when I need a lawyer, Stephen. Not this time. Jake, I want to offer you what you have been fantasizing about. You know we talked.”

“Oh, damn,” Jake hid his face into his palms. “Are you serious? But, but ... Stephen and Hans? They’re like our best friends!”

“Oh, sweetie,” Stephen spoke, his tone apologetic, “if you feel like backing down ...”

Hans was quick to shut his husband up with a kiss. Apparently, it was the best thing to do, seeing how Klaus was now looking at the guy. A bit murderous. Not much, but still.

“I wanted it to be someone I can trust,” Klaus explained. “I cannot let some random guy have you. I am deeply sorry, but that is never going to happen. I trust Stephen and Hans. They love each other, and they won’t try to steal you from me. Plus, I would trust them with my life.”

“Oh, Klaus, baby, you’re so sweet,” Stephen spoke again, and this time he sat next to Klaus on the couch and dragged him into a tight embrace.

For some reason, Jake could feel his cock twitch at the sight. Stephen’s slim body was lining up so well with Klaus’s stronger frame. For a brief second, he imagined his husband on top, spreading Stephen wide, and taking him fast. Stephen, the chatterbox he was, most probably would put on a show, while being fucked like that.

He was licking his lips, and when Klaus and Stephen turned to look at him, he averted his eyes. 

“Well, Jake,” Stephen cooed, “what do you think? Are we hot enough for you? See, I’m willing to help your husband, although he tends to think he doesn’t need to talk to you in advance about such an important thing.”

“He would have just said no. Isn’t that right, Jake?” Klaus called for him.

“Yeah, I suppose,” Jake admitted.

“See? That is why I needed to put you on the spot. Love, you can have this. I do not only allow it; I want to give it to you. And you can trust Stephen and Hans not to hurt you. I would never allow something bad to happen to you.”

Jake gathered enough courage to take a look at the three sexy men in the room. Hans was staring at him, with something akin to lustful curiosity, and his playful eyes were measuring him up and down, leaving goosebumps everywhere. So he was allowed to ... play with that hunk? For real? His eyes moved to Stephen who was smiling at him in that sunny honest way of his. So he could play with that guy too, huh? Hans had hinted by accident one time that the guy gave heavenly head. Jake had tried the entire day to have that image cut out of his brain. And it was a lie to say that one time, then, he hadn’t come into Klaus’s mouth while thinking about how Stephen’s blowjobs might be. That man had a lovely mouth.

He was staring now, but Stephen didn’t seem embarrassed. Jake looked at Klaus, searching for help. Klaus’s eyes were a bit unfocused. Was his husband thinking what he was thinking?

“So, you’ll like gangbang me or something?” he just blurted everything out.

“No,” Klaus shook his head.

“Unless you want to,” Stephen supplied.

“Shut up, Stephen,” Klaus snapped, a bit irritated.

“Or what? Are you going to shut me up with your big cock, daddy?” Stephen leaned in and rubbed his head against Klaus’s shoulder in a mocking gesture.

There was something in Klaus’s eyes then that wasn’t missed on Jake. Was this way of talking something that could make his cool husband lose his cool a little? Also, he was confident he was now pitching a tent worthy of a ten day trip to the Yosemite Park.

“Fuck me,” he whispered. 

“Damn, it’s not like I don’t want to see that,” Hans chimed in, almost at the same time.

Klaus and Stephen stopped their mock quarrel to look at him, then at Hans.

“What?” Hans shrugged. “Frankly, Stephen and I have been thinking about having a swingers party with you two since forever.”

“Really?” Jake spoke. “You guys don’t mind?”

“Why would we mind? We’re all consenting adults here, right? Oh, right, your husband indeed didn’t care to tell you, which makes one less consenting adult here. Come on, sweetheart,” Hans offered his hand to help Stephen off the couch. “Let’s leave these two lovebirds to settle things. Maybe Klaus will learn the importance of good communication first.”

“No, don’t leave,” Jake took a step forward. “I’m in. I mean, if you ... if you’re sure you want this.”

Hans blinked and stared at him. Then he relaxed and began laughing.

“Don’t I stand corrected? Klaus was right to have kept you in the dark, then?”

Jake didn’t care that much about technicalities right now.

“But I have one condition,” he spoke.

“Shoot, sweetie,” Stephen winked at him. “I’m sure we can accommodate you, given that you have such an insensitive husband.”

“I want to call the shots. To say who does ... who.”

“Fine by me,” Stephen spoke.

“I totally agree,” Hans added.

Jake looked at his husband. No wonder there. Klaus didn’t seem as happy as the other two guys in the room. But he nodded slowly. Jake exhaled. And now he could look at the three good-looking men, and ... let his imagination roam free.

But what to do? Just blurt out what he wanted? Hans’s hand was warm on his back, and he turned his head to look at the guy who was smiling at him, trying, perhaps, to encourage him.

“If it is too hard, Jake,” Hans cooed into his ear, “just close your eyes, and say what you would like. No one is going to judge.”

He nodded eagerly and closed his eyes. Hans was right. It was easier this way. Yet, his voice came out as a whisper when he talked.

“I want all of you.”

Hans’s hand on his back was now going lower, making him tremble with excitement. 

“You’re doing great, Jake,” he heard his husband saying gently.

He could feel Hans now slowly caressing his ass, squeezing only now and then, but with purpose.

“I want … Stephen … to suck me off,” he exhaled.

Was Hans going to want to strangle him now? He knew for a fact how crazy the guy was about his husband. But the man just blew hot air over his neck and ear.

“Good choice, cutie. You’ll love it. Guaranteed,” Hans chuckled. “Now what do you want me and Klaus to do while you’re enjoying my husband’s mouth?”

Ah, now things were getting easier.

“I want … both of you, in my mouth,” he said, a little bit more confident.

He heard a playful whistle. That must have been Stephen. And a low chuckle, followed by a heartfelt Scheiße! from Hans.

“We should take this to the master bed, then,” Klaus had commented, and that was a bit of strain there, in the man’s voice, that made Jake open his eyes.

Klaus was looking at him, as expected. Was this a mistake, after all? But no, his husband was smiling, and the cause of his discomfort was not that hard to figure out. Stephen was slowly massaging Klaus’s cock through his pants, and whispering something in his ear. The words ‘naughty boy’ traveled to him.

Later, he could say that he had little recollection of how he ended up naked, on his back, on the large bed, his head hanging on one end, with Stephen peppering small kisses on the inside of his thighs, while Klaus and Hans were busy freeing their cocks right above him.

“Naked,” he whispered. “Both of you,” he ordered the two blond gods.

It was the stuff of his wildest dreams. He had wondered so many times now how Klaus and Hans must have looked together. Klaus’s alabaster skin was a slight contrast to Hans’s healthy tan, and his somewhat slimmer build different from his best friend’s muscular torso. Hans, being the taller of the two, chose to hook one arm over Klaus’s shoulders and, in turn, Klaus was holding his waist.

Klaus was slowly pulling at his cock, using it to paint Jake’s lips with precum.

“Is this what you want, love?” Klaus whispered. “A special kind of cocktail?”

He laughed, and, in turn, Klaus slapped him playfully with his cock. He grabbed it quickly and gave the cock he loved so much a long wet kiss. 

“Aren’t you forgetting something, Jake?” Hans feigned a complaint.

He was not one to neglect their guests, so he used his other hand to grab Hans’s cock, too. The guy’s dick was shorter compared to Klaus’s, but a bit thicker, and it made Jake wonder how that would feel in his ass. He felt a jolt of pleasure just thinking about it, and decided to have a taste. 

He had no idea guys could taste differently, but it was damn true. One swipe of tongue over one engorged head was making his taste buds explode with excitement, so he was quickly switching between the two, getting hungrier by the second.

It was impossible to stuff his mouth with both cocks at the same time, although that was something he definitely wanted to do. In the meantime, Stephen was getting busy with his balls, licking them and taking them into his mouth, one at a time.

When the guy took him deep, all of a sudden, he groaned in pure delight. He could feel the head of his cock pushing against the back of Stephen’s throat, and that only made him harder. 

“Get busy,” Klaus scolded him playfully, using his cock to slobber precum all over Jake’s face.

Hans was laughing.

“Let the boy get used to Stephen’s oral skill. I told you my husband is a perfectionist.”

“Really? What do you say, Jake?”

He had to let go of the two cocks he was kissing to reply.

“I say Hans is right and more,” he replied with a smile.

He gasped the next second. Stephen apparently felt the need to up the ante and was now using plenty of tongue to drive him nuts, while pushing him deeper and deeper with each move. That was making him feel hungry for cock, too, so he just went back to the delightful job of rubbing and sucking his husband and his friend.

The way Stephen was sucking him was enough to make him lose it, but he wanted more. His mind was in overdrive, just like his body, and he had no remorse when he began rubbing the two engorged heads he was playing with against each other. By the way Klaus’s breathing hitched, and Hans cursed, he was doing a pretty good job.

“Keep it like this, and we’ll give you a much-deserved facial,” Hans joked, but Jake could tell the guy was affected.

He was taking pride in that. Hans and Klaus were both older than him and had plenty of experience, and Stephen was the only one who he thought to be like him sometimes, despite their age difference. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t learning. He was now using as much tongue as he could to make the two males lose control.

But he wanted something in return, too. 

“Kiss,” he ordered, interrupting his tongue action for a second.

Hans and Klaus stared at him, two pairs of blue eyes filled with disbelief.

“Yeah, kiss each other,” he said, with more confidence. “And make it dirty,” he added with a smirk.

He could feel Stephen’s mouth vibrating around his cock. The guy was probably trying to laugh, but he was too dedicated to the task at hand to let go of the cock in his mouth.

Hans was the first to shrug and angle his head for a kiss. But it was Klaus who threw him a challenging look, which was a bit hard to see, with so much cock all over his face. When both guys stuck out their tongues and began kissing, Jake was sure he had almost everything he needed.

And not only him. The cocks in his hands were growing stiffer, and he was having a hard time now trying to bend them enough to suck them. The moment Klaus began spewing all over his face, he could swear he was starting to lose it, too. It was a good thing that Hans came right after because he could no longer coordinate his hands. He was pretty sure Stephen was getting a mouthful from him because he was blowing like there was no tomorrow.

“Damn,” Hans whispered and chuckled.

“Schwanzlutscher, Du bist so ein großartiger Schwanzlutscher,” Klaus said with a small chuckle, caressing his face.

He liked it how Klaus switched to dirty German, sometimes.

Stephen let go of Jake’s spent cock and climbed on top of him. Jake watched lazily how Stephen cleaned both Klaus’s and Hans’s cock, continuing by licking Jake’s face, too. Fuck, he could not get hard again, but that was frigging hot. Stephen stuck out his tongue at him and then gave him a wet, sloppy kiss.

“Wait,” he grabbed Stephen by one shoulder as the guy started to move away. “I want to blow you, too.”

It wasn’t just a sense of duty. He wanted to do that because he was curious about Stephen’s taste, too.

“Shouldn’t you ask your husband for permission?” Stephen teased, but his eyes were shining.

“Fuck that,” he joked. “He brought me to the cookie factory.”

Stephen laughed, but he straddled Jake’s chest, angling his hard cock towards the now open mouth waiting for him.

The guy’s cock in his mouth was delicious, but he could still not believe it was real. Klaus sat on the bed next to them, and Jake looked at him. There was nothing but love there. Love for him. Klaus slowly caressed his cheek and then sneaked one hand to grab Stephen by the balls.

“Are you trying to make me come faster?” Stephen breathed out.

“My husband wants your load,” Klaus teased. “And I always give my husband what he wants.”

“Sexy,” Stephen murmured, and he began pistoning Jake’s mouth in earnest.

The guy didn’t really need much of an incentive. Jake had to consider that Stephen had been the one neglected while the rest of them had had their fun. So he wasn’t surprised to feel the guy emptying his balls inside his mouth.

Maybe he was more surprised when Klaus took hold of his head and leaned in for a kiss. Damn, this vacation was going to be the best thing ever.


They were relaxing in the private pool, and indulging in the strawberries and champagne Klaus had ordered. Stephen gravitated towards him and took him by the shoulders.

“So, what do you say?” Stephen asked him.

He knew the question was honest. 

“It’s fucking fun,” he chuckled. “I had no idea ...” he shook his head.

Stephen pointed with his chin towards Hans and Klaus, seated on the opposite side, seemingly engulfed in conversation.

“And about them?” Stephen asked.

“Well, I thought I would be jealous, but, actually, well, actually, I kinda secretly want to see them, you know, doing each other,” he admitted.

Stephen chuckled.

“Fucking studs, these husbands we have,” the man said. “Ich stehe auf große Schwänze,” he added dreamily.

Jake laughed and coughed to hide his embarrassment at that brazen statement. The guys preferred to speak English most of the time in his company, and it was a bit annoying that he couldn’t practice the casual language more. The technical German he was learning for school wasn’t helping him with the dirty words he wanted to try. It was true that Klaus’s mom was not cutting him any slack and was only talking German to him, but again, he could hardly talk dirty to his mother in law.

“Well, me too,” he replied, looking down. Then he asked the question that was on his mind. “And you’re not jealous, either?”

He felt a little guilty about that. And he was a bit too spent to think properly.

“Hans is mine. And Klaus is yours,” Stephen said with a small shrug. “This is nothing but a bit of fun between friends.”

Jake laughed.

“This already looks like a lot of fun, not just a bit.”

“In the beginning, I thought I would be jealous,” Stephen confessed. “But I know the difference now. Me and Hans, we have everything out in the open. And we would never do anything that would hurt one of us. And having fun with our sexy friends,” he flashed a smile at Jake, “is just that. Fun.”

“Cool,” Jake grinned.

Stephen gave him a short peck on the cheek.

“Glad to have you on board, Jake. But, so that you know, either way, it's fine. If you don’t like something, at any point, just say.”

“You know what I don’t like?” Jake pretended to frown.

The concerned look on Stephen’s face was almost funny. But he could not be a jerk.

“I don’t like that our sexy husbands are just talking instead of putting on a show for us.”

As expected, Stephen’s face lit up with a playful smirk.

“Well, I believe that we should correct the situation, then,” the guy said. “Hey, husbands,” he called out loud, and Hans and Klaus interrupted their conversation to look at them. “Did you bring us on this trip, so we get bored out of our heads?”

“So, what do you have in mind?” Klaus glared, like he was sensing he was not exactly going to like what would follow.

“Your man and I,” Stephen began, while playing with Jake’s hair, “were just talking about how nice it would be if you two played a little with each other.”

Klaus’s blue gaze zeroed in on him, and Jake could feel his heart beating faster. This was happening ... Maybe it was a bit too much? His head was a mess.

“Jake, come here,” Klaus said firmly, and he just obeyed, because he could say ‘no’ when his husband was talking to him like that.

He went straight into the man’s open arms. With a giggle, he brushed Klaus’s neck with his lips. 

“How about something else?” Klaus cooed into his ear, angling his head. “It looks like you and Stephen are a bit ahead on us. Hans and I are not that ready for such a huge step.”

He could tell Klaus was pulling his leg. But he got the warning, nonetheless. There were other people’s feelings involved there, as well. So he needed to be aware of that, too. 

“I still want to see you fucking someone else,” he whispered into Klaus’s ear, biting his bottom lip hard.

“I thought this was more for you,” Klaus tipped his chin to kiss him lightly.

“It is,” Jake said, a bit stubbornly. “But, still,” he looked his other half into his eyes with determination, “I want to see your dick sinking in a sexy ass, while I ... while I watch,” he added breathily.

“Damn,” Klaus whispered, “I just realized I must have married the kinkiest man alive. So what do you plan for me? Sorry, for now, Hans is off the table. He’s my best friend.”

Jake knew what Klaus wasn’t directly coming up and saying. And he agreed.

“So what do you have in mind?” Klaus said with a smile.

“Don’t tell me you can’t do the math,” Jake giggled and hid his face into the crook of Klaus’s shoulder, only to angle his head and look up to the man. “I want to see you giving it to Stephen. Hard.”

“Hmm, but, in return, you will have to give Stephen something,” Klaus joked.

“I’m already giving him my husband,” Jake glared but laughed right away. 

“Play nice with Hans,” Klaus encouraged him. “Or else I’ll have to pay for what I’m going to do to his cute, obnoxious husband.”

“Hey, I’m good on my promise,” Jake agreed. “But I want to ask your permission. Can I have Hans’s cock in my ass, daddy?”

The word flew from his lips, and he couldn’t take them back. Klaus tensed for a second but right away placed a small kiss on Jake’s forehead.

“Sure thing, love. Nice of you to ask,” Klaus said while giving Jake’s ass a small squeeze. “Now go over there and tell the guys what you want. If you want to make your fantasies into reality, you need to own up to them.”

“Okay,” he nodded, but this time refrained from adding that word again.

Where had that come from again? He almost wanted to blame Stephen for putting that in his head now, when he didn’t have the time to think what it meant. So he swam over to Hans and Stephen.

“I ...” he started. Okay, this was a bit harder than expected.

Stephen came to the rescue again.

“Don’t worry, sweetie,” the guy kissed him on the cheek, “I know how this is going to go down. Let’s boost some egos.”

Jake could not be more thankful for Stephen’s clever mind. The guy didn’t need to overhear them to know what was afoot. But he was still a bit shy when he went closer to Hans, while Stephen had no qualms about almost jumping into Klaus’s arms.

Lucky him, Hans pulled him into a hug.

“You know what, Jake? I think you’re pretty fucking brave to do this,” Hans whispered into his ear. “So don’t worry, you’re among friends, and you can just tell me what you want.”

“Aren’t you afraid?” he blurted out. “About how you will feel when ... Stephen gets ... fucked by another guy?”

Hans chuckled and squeezed Jake tightly.

“You’re almost too good to be true, Jake. Klaus is lucky to have you. But I’m lucky, too, and, frankly, I think I’m going to be really damn horny watching these two. So I really need to ask you. What are we going to do? You can fuck me if you want.”

Jake could feel his chest getting smaller. The idea of dominating and fucking that hunk of a man was just too much. But he was a man of honor.

“No, I want you to fuck me,” he whispered.

“You sure?” it was as if Hans could read his hesitation.

“Yeah. Fuck me,” he said in a low voice.


They had to return to the room, even if there was not going to be anyone bothering them at the pool. Stephen had commented on wanting to be fucked into the mattress, and Klaus had immediately pointed out that there was no appropriate mattress around.

So right now, Jake was watching in a daze, as Klaus was vigorously pounding into Stephen’s round behind while keeping the guy with his head down, and using his other hand to rhythmically slap that perky bottom that was getting redder and redder by the minute.

He turned his head to watch Hans, and only then realized that the guy was practically mouthing something to Klaus. Apparently, the one to encourage that abusive treatment of Stephen’s sexy ass was no other than the guy’s husband. Plus, by the sounds, Stephen was making and the long string of appreciative expletives, the guy loved every second of his predicament.

He was sitting on Hans’s lap, and he was rubbing his ass against the man’s erection. Hans didn’t seem bothered that Jake preferred to take things slowly, unlike the action on the bed. But he was getting hornier and hornier as Hans began to pinch his nipples slowly, making them hard and almost a bit painful.

“Want me to ride your cock?” he asked over his shoulder.

It was easy to turn and straddle Hans again, while the guy fiddled with the lube and began to massage Jake’s backside with slow moves. He could not believe that this was really happening, but he wanted every second of it. This was a gift from Klaus, and, if he had learned anything from the three years he had spent married to the man, that was that Klaus knew precisely what Jake wanted.

As Hans’s began to push slowly inside, he looked over his shoulder, at Klaus. His husband was watching him, his eyes shadowed by desire now, so Jake blew a kiss to him and smiled. Klaus smiled, too.

His face turned soon into another expression, though, as Hans impaled him on his cock, making him gasp. Stephen’s commentary about big cocks was so spot on. Hans was quite thick, even if not as long as Klaus, and Jake could feel the stretch.

“Ready, cutie?” Hans asked him, and Jake nodded.

Fuck, it was so insanely hot to rise a little only to slam back on Hans’s cock. But the physical stimulation was not what mattered most. His husband’s eyes on him, which he could feel even without looking, that was making him hot, and so full on the inside that he could feel like he was going to burst out of his skin.

He continued to ride Hans’s cock, his face turned to lock eyes with Klaus. Watching his husband fucking another, getting fucked while being watched by him. This went beyond his wildest fantasies. And he loved how Klaus was looking at him right now, and he knew he was loved.

“I think I’m going to breed your cute husband,” Hans joked breathily.

Jake could feel his balls getting heavy with each of Hans’s upward thrust. His dick was swelling, too, and now Hans was doing a good job rubbing it while holding Jake’s ass with one steady hand.

“Then your husband is going to get it, too,” Klaus said back.

Stephen was frantically stroking his own cock, close to his own release.

Jake was the first to blow, though, all over Hans’s chest and abdomen. Soon after Hans pushed Jake’s ass down and held him there, whispering small praises in German and filling him. 

He let Hans slowly cradle him in his big arms, as the guy stood up and took him to the bed. He was helped by Hans to sneak one hand under his husband’s balls and massage them, while Hans was doing the same thing to his own partner. 

He wondered whether the guys’ grunts and moans could be heard outside the door, as the two men on the bed reached their completion. It felt rewarding to watch his husband withdraw from Stephen’s ass, leaving a trail of white pouring out.

“Wow,” he barely managed.

Stephen reached for him and pulled him into a hug, touching his sweaty forehead against Jake’s.

“You have an awesome husband, Jake. Don’t ever let him go, do you hear me?” Stephen threatened playfully.

“I never thought I would see the day when you would make a case for me,” Klaus said, but he was having a hard time breathing, too.

“Well, all it took was a good fucking,” Stephen joked back.

“And now everybody needs some rest,” Hans intervened and offered his husband a hand to pull him up.

Well, as the old saying went, they were all tired, but happy.


Jake woke up hours later, and outside was already dark. He searched blindly with his hands for his husband, disappointed to find the bed empty. The billowing curtain let him know where his beloved was. He tiptoed to the balcony, not really knowing why he was trying to be so surreptitious about it. 

Klaus was resting against the railing, smoking, by the bluish smoke rising in the summer air. And Jake felt suddenly the need to take the man into his arms and keep him very close. 

“Did I wake you up?” Klaus asked, without turning.

“No,” Jake gave up on tiptoeing and reached for the man now, placing his hands on the strong square shoulders, mapping with his fingers every ridge and curve he knew so well.

He kissed the smooth skin between the shoulder blades.

“I’m so insanely happy right now,” he spoke, for some reason, his voice strangled by emotion.

Like his heart was too full and he could not even say everything he wanted to.

Klaus turned after throwing the cigarillo over the balcony. He caressed Jake’s forehead gently, pushing away a few rebellious strands.

“I am happy to hear that, too,” Klaus said and kissed Jake’s temple, then lower on the cheek, reaching for his mouth, too. 

And his heart was filling, with each kiss. 

“Klaus,” he whispered when he could no longer keep it in.

His hands were grasping Klaus’s arms tightly.

“I thought you would be a little spent after this day,” Klaus smiled in the semi-dark. “And satisfied.”

“Are you kidding me? I’ll never have enough of you,” Jake shot back. “Do you want me to beg or are you going to fuck me already?”

“Maybe if you ask nicely,” Klaus joked, but Jake had a feeling he knew what his man wanted.

“Please,” he said, rubbing his head against Klaus’s chest in surrender.

“Just please?” Klaus joked, but Jake knew the man was this close to begging for it, too.

“Please, daddy?” he asked with a small smile, lucky that Klaus could not see his face.

“Good boy,” Klaus kissed the crown of his head and pulled him into his arms, forcing him to walk back to the bedroom, until Jake felt the bed hitting his calves and they both collapsed on the fluffy sheets.

He was giggling now, and Klaus was playfully biting him everywhere.

“You should have said, you know?” he said. “That you want me to call you that.”

“It would have just spoilt the fun,” Klaus climbed on top of him. “I needed it to come from you.”

“Well, it was a lucky thing, since Stephen said it and ...”

“It would have had to come from you,” Klaus assured him and kissed him again.

“Maybe,” Jake whispered. “But I want to hear you asking me things like that, because ... I would be so happy to give them to you.”

“Never one in debt, right, Jake?” Klaus nuzzled his neck slowly.

“Never,” Jake admitted.

“Then I should ask,” Klaus said. “Ask me to fuck you. In German.”

Jake laughed.

“My tutor won’t be that proud of me.”

“Then lucky thing he’s not here to hear you,” Klaus pushed Jake’s legs up to reach his husband’s ass.

“Lucky indeed. Now … fick mich.”

“Ah, damn,” Klaus whispered. “Ich will dich so sehr ficken.”

Jake was proud. Very proud indeed. Because this powerful, wonderful man was all his, and Jake was just very, very lucky.

It was easy for Klaus to slide inside, after the day’s events. But even so, Jake could feel a little trembling of excitement growing inside him as his man took him. Only Klaus could make him feel so complete, so full, so put together. 

Fick mich härter,” he demanded, seeing that his husband was still bent on taking him excruciatingly slow.

By the way Klaus’s breathe caught somewhere in his throat, he knew that was what the man wanted to hear. Klaus was moving inside him fast, making the bed shake, and Jake voiced his pleasure at the top of his lungs.

Maybe that had been the strangest day of his life. Perhaps he had never imagined that he would take so much pleasure from watching his husband fucking another, and from getting fucked while Klaus had watched him. This was for them, something they shared, and he understood, not that it was any need for that, that they belonged together. 

As Klaus rode him to completion, both his and Jake’s, he let himself carried away by the stream of emotions and physical sensations. The door was open wide. And he no longer feared what lay beyond it.

“Ich komme,” he shouted, first as a whisper, then over and over again, louder and louder.

He knew, through the daze of his emotions, that Klaus was doing the same, climaxing deep inside, where only he could reach.

Klaus would receive all the reassurance he wanted, because Jake felt that, in his man’s arms, he had just been born again. 


“Ready to go home, love?” Klaus opened the door and looked over at him.

“Yeah,” Jake said and hurried to take his husband by the hand.

It just felt so natural to walk hand in hand with Klaus.

“Do you feel at home, Jake? I mean, in Germany?” Klaus suddenly asked.

Jake smiled and pulled his husband into a kiss.

“Anywhere you are, it’s home for me,” he whispered into the guy’s ear.

“Good to hear,” Klaus joked. “So whenever I’m away on business, you don’t feel at home?”

“Are you kidding me? Your folks are always all over me while you’re gone. I swear your mom has a sixth sense, she knows you are going to be on some trip away from home even before you know it. She has everything planned. And then she drags me everywhere with her.”

“Ah, so that is why you are always so tired when I come back,” Klaus said as realization struck him. “And I thought it was from watching way too much porn.”

“Yeah, really, like I have time for that,” Jake snorted.

“I’ll tell her to go easier on you.”

“No way,” Jake protested.

“But she’s obviously suffocating you!” Klaus exclaimed.

“Let her suffocate me. I like it,” Jake said like a kid threatened to have his toy taken away from him.

“You know I am supposed to take care of you. My mother is wearing you down.”

“Yeah, but she’s doing it with love, so it’s all good,” Jake said with a smile. “Come on, she bought me a car for my birthday. A fucking car!”

“Well, she beat me to it,” Klaus said with a small grimace. “And I was a fool to believe you that you wanted that only on your graduation day.”

“I meant it!” Jake protested. “But I can’t say no to your mom. Besides, I’m really scared of her.”

Klaus laughed.

Jake still had something to ask, though.

“This thing we did … what exactly did we do?” he asked, looking away.

He didn’t want to look like he had doubts, but he had his questions.

“You mean, with Hans and Stephen?” Klaus asked back.


“Well, let’s just call it fun between friends,” Klaus answered with a small smile.

“But we’re not going to … you know, sleep around, okay?” Jake asked again, his heart a bit smaller.

Klaus pulled him closer as they continued to walk.

“No, not at all. Don’t even think about it.”

The man’s voice held an aggressive tinge, but it was actually putting Jake’s heart at ease.

“Thank God,” he murmured.

Klaus slowly caressed his ear. 

“This is not an open marriage, Jake.”

“That good to hear, because I don't want that. But what is it then?”

“Well, it’s just one of the perks of married life,” Klaus chuckled softly, sending small eddies of warmth down his back. “So, what do you say? Did you like our little adventure with Hans and Stephen?” he asked, as they walked through the door and headed for the car.

Jake saluted Thompson cheerfully and climbed in the back without answering. Only when they were comfortably seated inside, he turned toward Klaus and said into his ear.

“I fucking loved it. When are we doing it again?”

Klaus started laughing.

“Now aren’t you demanding? Well, once in a while, you know, when you are a good boy.”

“Are you kidding me? I’m always a good boy,” Jake protested.

“Hmm, no, not really, no,” Klaus teased.

“It doesn’t matter,” Jake lay back on the seat with a smug grin. “I have the trump card now.”

“Really?” Klaus glared.

“Do I really need to test it now, daddy?” Jake stared through his eyelashes.

Klaus grabbed him quickly and kissed him hard on the lips.

“You cheeky brat,” he chided Jake affectionately.

“Yeah, but I’m your cheeky brat,” Jake said with confidence.

“Without a doubt,” Klaus agreed.

“Yours forever,” Jake said.

“Mine forever,” Klaus sealed their deal with another kiss.

“I just want to know,” he spoke, as soon as his husband let him breathe.

“Go ahead,” Klaus encouraged him.

“Are there any other perks of married life, as you say, I should know about?”

“Of course. I want to show you everything,” Klaus caressed his cheek slowly.

“You’re enough for me, you know,” Jake offered reassurance.

“And I intend to make sure it stays that way,” Klaus laughed.

Perks of married life? He could not wait to find all of them.


Author's note:

The English translations for the German phrases used in this story:

Kann ich deinen Jungen ficken? – Can I fuck your boy? 

Du kannst mich, Wichser – You can kiss my ass, wanker

Scheiße! – Shit!

Du bist so ein großartiger Schwanzlutscher - You're such a great cocksucker

Ich stehe auf große Schwänze - I like big cocks

Fick mich - fuck me

Fick mich härter – fuck me harder

Ich komme - I'm cumming



I don’t think i’ll ever stop wanting more of this story just read the whole thing again and finally paid to read the extra story and it was perfect! excellently written i love you Klaus and Jake!


Thank you so much