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Hello my friends! This is the second of two January Choice Videos! This video is a 2019 draft of Aphrodite versus Athena from before I was writing EPIC as an Odyssey musical... in fact, I think this was before I even decided on the name EPIC!

For anybody who doesn't know, before EPIC, I had written a group of songs (around 7) for a musical that I intended to be like EPIC except act one would be about the Iliad and act two would be about the Odyssey. This ended up not working because there was too much plot to put into two acts without skimming through events and making characters that are not very fleshed out. I then chose to focus on The Odyssey and write EPIC. I'd be lying if I said I didn't cringe at these older songs, but at the same time, I try to let them be a reminder of how much I have learned about songwriting over the years.

This song, which was called "God Games," was very inspired by Epic Rap Battles of History and Hamilton. At the time, I just wanted to have a lot of shock value, hence why every other line between Aphrodite and Athena is a diss. Oh, how time flies. xD



😂😂😂 the sorry's right after 🤣 brutal 🔥😂 jaoo! My jaw was on the floor 😂

Erin Smith

🤣🤣🤣OMG That's so funny! This belongs in the hilarious outtakes of EPIC!!!