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Hello my friends!!! Here is the November Early Access Video! This is draft 2 of Poseidon's cut song "In Vain."

This was Song 34 before "Get in the Water" existed. While the music is exciting, with its triplets in the strings, drums, and piano, I ended up scrapping it and trying again because I didn't find Poseidon intimidating enough. It felt to me more like Poseidon was whining to Odysseus rather than holding all the power in the situation. I was also headed the wrong direction musically, as I kept trying to make a song that was like Ruthlessness, but wasn't Ruthlessness, and every attempt just didn't feel as good to me. 

So I eventually went the other route... instead of making Poseidon's Act 2 song this huge anthem the whole time, I made "Get in the Water" a suspenseful song with a slow, tense build up that leads to an explosion of sound. I had Poseidon say less words, speak more slowly and confidently, and let more pauses sink in. Think of the first time we hear "now get in the water," how little music there is in that moment, just the triplet ocean waves, compared to this cut song that is blasting the whole orchestra so often. Nonetheless, writing this cut song was an integral part of the process, and was a blast to make. :)


Galina Rin

Wow. Awesome to see whats on the cutting room floor.

Amaia Alsua

I am so exited to see the final product 😊