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Hello my friends!

Thank you all for your patience while I recovered from a sickness and a back injury. I appreciate you guys. :))

This month's early access video is on the importance of pauses in storytelling! It is a tool that I underestimated earlier in my songwriting journey and one that I have come to love!

In order for you guys to get the most out of your Patron membership, please don't share this video outside of Patreon. This video is meant to be exclusive to you guys for at least a week and that can't happen if this video leaks. :) I'll be posting this video on TikTok on either March 12th or later.


Jada 🇵🇷

The pause in Athena’s song is definitely one of my favorites out of the 9 full songs we’ve gotten to listen to so far. I think it does show how hurtful, out of all the things Ody has said, THIS one is. Another pause I can think of from an unreleased song (and honestly one of the songs I’m mostly looking forward to) is in “Dangerous”: Ody: If your plan’s so great, then why’d you wait to say it? Hermes: -pauses- Hermes: Well, it’s a little bit dangerous, my friend. I think the pause there shows that Hermes knows that his plan could sound insane to Ody and that he thinks that maybe he won’t be up for it (but then again it’s the only way he could potentially go back home so…) 😁


I love the pause in My Goodbye. I can *hear* her face fall and her heartbreak as she realizes he's right, but she can never admit it. people see her as a warrior and battle strategist, but not usually as a feminine woman. her life choices have led her to keep everyone at arms length even though what she really wants is connection. here we get to see how much it pains her. at least that's my take.