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Hello friends! For this month's early access video, I wanted to show you the final section of Luck Runs Out. Here's a peak into Odysseus's thought process:

In Luck Runs Out, Eurylochus may mean well but there are several things that cause him to be more disrespectful than one might notice upon first listen through. Eurylochus, who is supposed to be Ody's second in command, his right hand man, his most trusted comrade, is questioning his commander publicly. This already breaks their image of a united front and causes some crewmates to begin to doubt the competence of their commander. On top of that, Eury is making an implication that Ody is only getting this far because of sheer luck, which, in Odys's mind, is a huge jab in because he has worked so hard his whole life to develop a cunning mind a to become a formidable tactician.

The obstacles set before Odysseus are obstacles that would have easily overwhelmed anyone else, especially Eurylochus. Eurylochus would have eaten the lotus and would have been stuck on that island forever. Eurylochus wouldn't have been able to best the cyclops on the fly.

Keep in mind Odysseus's position and how he tries different approaches to get Eurylochus to stop questioning him throughout Luck Runs Out. The second verse of Luck Runs Out has Ody trying to reason with Eurylochus on an emotional level since Eury is already questioning his plan. This has some effect as it gets Eury to be more vulnerable, but that doesn't stop Eury from continuing to publicly express doubt in his commander. Odysseus can't have that. Odysseus also can't lash out or lose his cool. Under pressure, he resorts to reminding Eurylochus (and anyone who can hear their convo) that he took 600 men to a decade long war and not one of Odysseus's 600 Ithacans died during that war. This in itself is a massive feat. Then he talks to Eurylochus in private and they handles things like adults.

In order for you guys to get the most out of your Patron membership, please don't share this video outside of Patreon. This video is meant to be exclusive to you guys for at least a week and that can't happen if this video leaks. :) I'll be posting this video on TikTok on either January 16th or later.


Elke Weiss

I do love how well this is acted. Odysseus smiles reassuringly in public but as other posters note, as soon as he gets in private, his expression gets dangerously serious and scary. I love the message of “Maybe I haven’t been clear so let me clarify. You will devoutly comply with the chain of my command or my next command will be you in chains” Odysseus is smart enough to imply the threat and just say this in-fighting will get the crew killed, but he makes it very clear that he is prepared to take further measures if he feels this will continue to be a problem. Really well done!

Pan Pandax

I can't get enough of this...