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Hello friends!!!

Because of where we are in the EPIC process right now, I'm no longer in the situation where I'm constantly writing, orchestrating, and recording demos for songs, and so I will be replacing the current Monster Tier livestream perk starting in October.

In its place, I am introducing a new perk: on top of the Mortal Tier early access video, the Monster Tier will include two more early access videos each month, the topics of which will be chosen by you guys! Similar to the God Tier, I will collect your video suggestions in the Discord chat and then I will post a poll for you guys to vote which topics you'd like to see the most! You guys can choose whatever you like so long as it's not too spoilery and doesn't require me to use the other vocalists/team members.

Some examples for what you could suggest are:

-A video explaining how I made the music for Get In the Water

-A video talking about how I chose the instruments for each character

-A video of me singing a verse and chorus of Ruthlessness live rather than a pre-recorded snippet.

-A video showing part of a cut song (depending on the song) and explaining why the song was cut

-A video talking about the casting process and how I go about selection

-A video showing a bunch of video game references/inspirations in EPIC

and so on! They can be more creative than these suggestions too, these are just the ones that came to mind. I'm open to most things so long as they are reasonable and are related to EPIC and/or my writing process. :)

Some examples of suggestions that I wouldn't be able to provide are:

-A video revealing what happens in the secret first 2 songs of Act 2

-A video of one of the other vocalists singing their song live

-A video of me going to a crowded area and randomly singing EPIC.

If the highest voted suggestion isn't something I can do then I will go down the list in descending order of votes until we reach a suggestion I can do.

For those who still want to spend time with me on streams, I am currently looking into other streaming options and will hopefully be able to share them with y'all soon! :) I'm also now able to spend more time in the Discord Backstage Chat VC's to hang out.

Thank you all for your continual support! I appreciate you all so much and I'm excited to make more beautiful memories with y'all. <3


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