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Throughout Act 1, Odysseus suffers many losses. We see him make an impossible choice in Troy. We see the cyclops kill several of his men. We see Poseidon decimate his entire fleet as they cry out for their captain in vein. We see Odysseus battle a witch, only to learn that his final hope of getting home lies within the knowledge of a prophet in the Underworld. After he sails through the Underworld and is forced to hear the souls of the hundreds he failed to save, the prophet tells Odysseus that the man who will make it home is not Odysseus.

In this song, Odysseus reflects with his few remaining men on the being he must become in order to make it home.

In order for you to get the most out of your Patron membership, please do not share this video outside of Patreon. This is meant to be exclusive content for y'all, and that can't work if this leaks. :) I will be releasing this video on TikTok on April 14 or later.




Emma Chan

Sounds so good!! Got distracted by the little cat in your pfp 😅

Søren O.

Every update is just so beautiful!