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Two 30-min Livestreams?

  • One 1 hour livestream (Song 38) 1
  • Two 30-min livestreams [1) Song 38, 2) Song 39 later this month] 27
  • 2021-12-05
  • —2021-12-05
  • 28 votes
{'title': 'Two 30-min Livestreams?', 'choices': [{'text': 'One 1 hour livestream (Song 38)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Two 30-min livestreams [1) Song 38, 2) Song 39 later this month]', 'votes': 27}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 5, 20, 0, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 5, 14, 35, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 28}


Hi everyone! While usually each song of EPIC takes me a bit over a month to create, this month I am finding myself in a position where I will be working on both songs 38 and 39 within the same month! Because of that, I wanted to ask if you all would be interested in two 30-min livestreams this month (one for song 38, the other for song 39) rather than a singular 1 hour livestream for song 38? I've put a poll to see who is interested.

I'm aware that this is not the exact agreement you signed up for, which is why I won't go in this direction unless the vote is unanimously in favor of it. I just thought it might be a cool opportunity to see me work on two different songs within the same month, and wanted to extend the offer to y'all! Lemme know which you'd prefer!



Whatever is more fun for you I expect will be more fun for me.