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Is it intentional that you don't start with any sex positions, and only have quick breed?


Yes the game is setup this way, the first one is free the others you'll find in each area you unlock you'll need to sell breeding stock of specific quality to get the correct currency to buy /learn the positions. Talk to the Serephim in the chapel about it.


NB sorry about any spoilers (not sure how to add spoiler tags )


Will there be m/m content in the future?

Adam Alexander

From the FAQ in discord: Will there be Male-on-Male content? No, there will not be male-on-male scenes in this game. The developer prefers to develop content that appeals to his own fetishes.


How do I download the most recent update to the game?


Turning in quests is broken?


so anyone have any idea how essence works? I can't turn in wilds & I've got about 30 foxen bread up & none of them are able to be turned in for essence either? maybe add some helpful info to the Guardian about what makes a Neph eligible for turn in.


Can we get f/f in breeding area pleeeeeeeeeeeeease


Even just as 'practice'?


or at least an option for spontaneous cunnilingus & Tribbing like how you did the BJ's


hmmm, can't figure out how to raise the essence without cheating... Am I missing smth? Releasing nephelyms in the wild doesn't seem to be the way anymore and I don't seem to have any "elligible nephelyms" to give... Also can't find any explanation anywhere? Still love the game tho and spending way too much time on it! The new UI is great, filters are awesome end dromant traits?! I didn't know how much I wanted that until you added it :D Thanks for everything! Edit : forgot somth : The first sex pose unlock event bugs and forces you to restart the game if futa is disabled... 2nd Edit : Figured it out! You need a nephelym of the kind you want to raise the essence of with full D stats, male and female. You can do that by raising your breeders stats first (just level up a bunch ^^) 3rd Edit : No evolution in the fields even after giving the emissary a couple rank Bs... Either I'm still missing smth or it's not working properly?


oops just asked the same thing before reading your comment... So yes! same question! xD


Ok discard previous messages I figured it out : you need a nephelym of the kind you want to raise the essence of with full D stats, male and female. You can do that by raising your breeders stats first (just level up a bunch ^^)


well I found how to give nephelym to the emissary to increase essence but after more checking It doesn't seem to be working... I did breed nephs to full rank B and she accepted a couple but back in the fields I can't see any difference... still commons E to D ranks with low traits :/... So yeah I need to add a 3rd edit to my comment. ^^'


i spawn with no currency


so with the second edit if I have males disabled or like the risu there are no males am I blocked from raising essence with nephs?


Hope not... you probably only need the existing ones? Also I'm not entirely sure you need both genders now... I didn't need both genders for the foxens and vulwarg to raise Essence 2 & 3... but again, can't see any effects in the wilds! >.<


it means all your nephs stats are D rank & only wah for that to happen is mass breeding * keep breeding the higher stats with each other & you


hello how can we translate into French, #faq the link does not work or no access


Fern gives you 150 money every time you have sex with her and you can do it like 4 times in a row


that's normal the foxen house is free or you can just talk to fer until she's an adult to get some starting cash to get the free house vulwarg & risu hutch bit boring though as fern dosen't give XP 7 & only can do it twice per day until you can build some stamina.


is there anyway to view stats in this build?


Is there any way to do a mouse only control scheme? I'd love to do something like how in most MMOs you can hold left and right mouse buttons to walk forward while controlling the camera. Maybe also putting some of the buttons for other actions on screen so I can click them.


I just go to the Breeding pin and open the detail menu


may be a bit hamfisted but you can accomplish much of what you're asking for with a multibutton mouse and rebind software. synapse and auto-hotkey come to mind. with synapse you can set keyboard buttons and/or macro's to fire on button presses on the mouse. use RMB as a shift key that only makes your LMB fire W while RMB is held. easy peasy. you can also set a button profile for a specific .exe so that profile will only load when that .exe is in the active process list, and your mouse goes back to normal automatically when you close the program. just a thought.


Does anyone have a working link to this version? Both links above say the file no longer exists.


you may have tryed too soon after the file was posted MEGA link is working fine now


Thanks for the heads up. Unless he was updating the links, they had been posted over a week before I tried downloading. The google link worked as well.


Essence works by having the Neph that you want to raise the stats of with full D stats to start but as you continue with the game, the requirements change to needing at least two silver or gold traits to enhance the selection.


Everything is perfect, the only thing missing is compatibility with the Lovense Gravity with thrusting ;)


huh odd cause for me patreon was updated the day I saw your post & thats the day I tested


Every time I try to play a slender character, the game forgets the body type in favor of "normal" and there is no way to edit appearance in-game. Any fix for this?


I tried it with the Gravity friday night, it is compatible :)

Hello, please tell me how to set it to Chinese.


I have not seen any advanced (Legendary, Rare, Unique,)is that intended? Because it does not seem to be working with the essence level... in this build.


when placing a txt file of imma.degenerate it doesnt allow inbreeding? was this removed from game or am i doing something wrong because i remember this is how it worked

Colin Smith

how does one unlock dormant traits ive been trying for an hour to try and figure it out


I think its like a Recessive trait. Somewhere in your ancestry you had blue eyes, so its possible for your kids to have it. Here your parent has big tits but your a guy, so its a dormant trait. Your Daughter Might have big boobs though


it works on mine do you have that file as a plain text document empty and rename it that without the .txt and placed in the game folder mine is in steam apps common in the game folder with obf.exe file


Your on steam and from what I'm aware that is far behind the current build


If you get the key for you Patreon lvl and put it into Steam it will update to what key you have


But that still doesn't change the fact the text file doesn't work anymore


How do you enter the creator mode because I pay for it is there like a code for it or anything or a button I need to push?


https://www.patreon.com/posts/30665124 or if this doesnt work for you, click on "About" and there you find the Creator Mode Code.


None of the sliders save to the character after you enter the world from character creation.


When's the next build?


yeah i have the steam code entered min is up to date and the text file works on mine i can say it does crash a lot if the offspring is inbred i just tried it on a new handheld it worked for me on that


yeah it like a cheat code to enter it you just need to copy the code


i tried moving it to steam doing all you said and it just says incest is not allowed. i seen an early post saying it was fully removed from the game because of patreon. its fucking bullshit its hardly incest its just ark dino breeding


how the hell do you figure out the world level and how to increase it/see its progress to next level


Its a Guess and Guess setup right now. You Guess what it is, then Guess if your right. If you noticed in the Release Notes the World Lvl was Replaced with Essence. If you Interact with a Wild One or one of Vagrants and look in the top Left corner it will show you how many Essence it is worth


You Guess, and Guess. Release a bunch and then go see if the ones that Spawn are a higher lvl, or have different traits, or if there more Rare ones around


Does anyone know the cheats for essence?


https://breedersofthenephelym.miraheze.org/wiki/Cheats if not in here or written in an update post then there either isnt any or it hasnt been told.


have to say I like the idea of essence as world level but sadly all this guessing is just a bit offputting


Im sure with time there will be less Guessing. But untill then, enjoy what you got :D


You only need one essence pr level. Essence is NOT based on releasing to the wild, you upgrade them at the same NPC where you ascend nephelym for favor. They have criteria to go up in essence levels. Example: A Foxen with D in Aptitude can be turned in for level 2. Then for level 3 you need a Foxen with level 2 swift. There's a list for the first 2 tiers on the supporter discord.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-04 16:17:52 how would I go about getting this to run on Linux? I tried adding it to my steam library and force use proton but it says its missing the c++ visual
2023-10-04 10:30:27


Is the inflation always the same or It scales with juicy/hung traits?


You can do it by setting the Nephelym you want to interact with as a vagrant, then you can see them roaming around the farm and interact with them


Oh, Ok. I Misunderstood that, or just assumed. lol. ty

Risu Kami

I did not trie the newes version on linux but launcing from stream with proton worked fine form me.


ok, i checked every rank of hung and juicy. It doesn't seem do influence the inflation rate, i would have really liked if it did.


Build not stable for me. It crashes after about 5 mins of doing anything. Even on character creator. I suspect part of it is due to my display. I have a double wide and I notice that a lot of these small games in development just won't run well on it. I tried to set it to run in windowed 1920x1080, but the setting does not actually change the window dispite saving across game loads. The crash error I get is: "LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 202] Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. D3D device was not available to assertain DXGI cause." The last build I've had was Public_07543A and it never had any issues. EDIT: Looking deeper into this appears to be a problem with UE and certain hardware (especially with nVidia cards). Bummer. Looks like I have to look forward to this cropping up in other games in the future.


Is there still a way to change clothing color? I couldn't find the option...I just came here from Steam, so I have no idea how much has changed


Change language has no effect


the ability to change to color of clothes has been removed a few updates ago.

Sponge Bob

Came back after a year and wow so many changes!


Hello, I have an idea. We could add a option that we can change our own size in Tiny, Small, etc when we are customizing the Breeder. Does it posiible? Could I see this update in subsequent updates?


stay fixed ; serious changes in the menus compared to version 0.756, much clearer (this involves getting your bearings but it's quick). Only one problem: when you want to switch the game to French, you stay on the basic one, i.e. English (I understand English, it's not that but I'm almost sure that there are some who will laugh). A suggestion (if possible): create male versions of races that don't understand them. Great game, keep it up!


i have one problem whit change language? there are no changes to the language


What are some of the Cheat Phrases?


Hai, in the past it always was somehow possible to play the latest patreon on Steam, but I forgot how .-.


they said it was removed in anticipation of a full clothing system


You'll have to know your membership lvl, under its description it will tell you what build you have access too. I've only looked on the website, but under the "About" it has links to the different Steam codes based on the different builds. You take that code and plug it into the settings on the games Steam page


the way this game is set up in its current state is like aggressively anti-player lol nothing is explained and it seems like no one knows what you're supposed to do to level up the world level. having to run to the temple every time you suspect maybe you've appeased the random whims of the gods only to be met with a screen that says you have no nephelym that meet the requirements is batshit insane


i've been banging my head against this for days and days and it's like, if you don't respect players' time then it's like, bye my dude


I think it's the ` key next to the 1 that opens the text window. Then there is a ? before the text box. If you click on it, it will show you a list of commands. You can just click on a command to activate it


You should probably check the Discord because the list for the first 3 lvl for most are listed there


"If you don't respect the players time"? LMAO Who the hell are you? You're not important. If you don't have the time to look up the info you need then that's entirely on you, my dude. The discord exists for a reason. No excuses for being lazy.


Additionally, you're playing a furry porn game where you fuck what are basically farm animals. Relax.


i'm not joining a discord for every single game i play like holy shit lmao i'm glad the info exists somewhere but i'm good at this point also i'm not important, i'm just a person who is frustrated


I get it, but, Discord is usually good for in development games like this. You can also open the cheat menu and type " essence 5 " (1-5).


The fact people dont understand what countless game studios due honestly boggles my mind. Just about every detail is explained in game. No one knows what the game is first going into it. This is a standard across the board from all games. You can't get mad or talk down to people for expecting those standards. I'll turn it around and go who the hell are you? That being said this is still in active testing phases. Pretty sure it will be put in. If not, we can be like hey this really needs to be in not everyone is coders or plugged in like the matrix where you can just download things to the brain lol.


not everyone wants an Adult discord some of us have kids that use these PC's too bud

Lance Saijin

I know its not a popular belief but, I believe everyone plays games and enjoys them different from others. If you are playing a game that is a work in progress you have no right to complain about it. If you do have a problem make in intelligible argument on whats bothering you and give some feed back on how you would make it better, your not going to get part of the game removed by whining about it. The team or person worked hard on making it and isn't going to change the whole game to satisfy some one cry babying about how hard a part is, or that the mechanics weren't well explained. For gods sake, if you spend an hour on the forums complaining that's an hour you could have used to look it up on the internet. Of course if there's no guide make your own and post it.


i admit i could have been less whiny your point about looking it up on the internet is kind of wrong though; there's a wiki, and it's totally out of date for this version. apparently the info i actually needed is only found on the discord, which is completely inaccessible to search engines. i'm not super in the habit of joining discords for porn games, so without that bit i never would have gotten the information i needed.


Also, the guide isn't fully updated. Essence rank is only posted up to three. This is just testing phases and like I said this is beta. There is plenty of time to add tutorial pages. People are looking and a full guide will probably be out once done. No game expects you to know everything right out the gate. Even the hardest games have tutorial pages for systems and features.


Is there going to be more animation voting in the future? Would like to suggest some. So far loving most of them. Also maybe add a follower? So they can do the breeding scenes instead of character or both for faster catching and such.

Dale Tucker

Can you add a gun, or at least a crossbow, so that I may shoot unwanted wild nephs? Get that Safari feeling y'know?


Or just any mechanic or option to get them to despawn really instead of waiting until new ones come up or at least shorten the timer but I say it's not horrible as it could be.


Just catch and release...


Leaving the area and coming back resets the spawns, but I agree - having some kind of "go away" item would be nice, especially when you're looking for hyper-specific sets of traits.


I'd really appreciate an earlier portal unlock. As it is, there's just huge swaths of empty space between areas that add nothing but padding to the game; this is super evident in areas like Pleasure Pastures that are lacking (or devoid) in interesting landmarks/scenery. Barring that, just make areas more interesting to look at or unique. Fun game, though. Weirdly addicting and zen.

Dale Tucker

I think you people misunderstood me a little. I like how this game is set up. I just want to shoot some furries.


"i'm not joining a discord for every single game i play like holy shit lmao" Theeeeeen that's on you, my guy.


"not everyone wants an Adult discord some of us have kids that use these PC's too bud" ....why do you let kids use a computer that you have adult games on?


I'm with some of the others about the portals. I've been really enjoying the game so far but in the 20 or so hours I've played my only little gripes are the late portals and some of the vague information on things. Although I get the vagueness for a game that's in flux, also kinda feels like the games made to be a little bit aimlessly amusing lol


Maybe check the discord, under the supporters tab theirs pinned messages of the requirements to level up world levels.


Love this game! I'm glad to finally be a patreon supporter so I can follow your progress :) Excited to see this world become more fleshed out, there's a lot of potential here


i love new ui

William Buck

This might sound weird but Could you give the breeder the ability to breastfeed the nephelym they’ve caught, it could give them an exp bonus or restore there lust a little bit


Would be great if you could interact subtly, smack as or boobs etc.. otherwise great


Would be great if you could interact subtly, smack as or boobs etc.. otherwise great


how does the essence system work?


Would love if They could add lamias to the game, even without a new area maybe a cave in the Ocean ? But i really would love to see the lamia futas with "dual wielding" likes the portal lady hinted also i would really love if They added also squirt, what do you think ?

Clockwork Bunny

You don't do it at the quest board any more, you do it from the pause menu accepting the quest off the board. If you're still having trouble though I apologise, I just thought this might be the issue.

Clockwork Bunny

Ok so get at least 2 Shiny from Fern, go get the Foxen House for free, buy a Vulwarg Semen from Camilla, and then go catch a Foxen to milk for more Shiny and continue expanding that way.

Clockwork Bunny

In your file explorer (assuming Windows), double-check that the "View" panel has the "show file extensions" checkbox ticked and whether your imma.degenerate file is actually imma.degenerate.txt

Clockwork Bunny

The command console - hit ~ to bring it up and enter the code. In this version I had to type it manually and couldn't paste it, but the unlock seems to persist now rather than needing to re-enter it every time.

Clockwork Bunny

Unlikely, since it would break animations with the Blessed Nephelym. *Maybe* with Spirit Form but again it'd mean giving up on doing those animations with a "size incompatible" warning.

Clockwork Bunny

My brother in Christ, this is what the public build is for - you're playing the early builds with major unfinalised changes to how the game works and complaining when they're not really ready for deep player interaction beyond "how do I do this?" and "hey this part is broken".

Clockwork Bunny

The wiki is intentionally kept current to the Public Build, supporter builds are discussed on the supporter Discord channels.


Can't find the cheat menu, was it taken out?


Hello, the French language doesn't work. Thank you


How do we put cheats in this early build?


If you open up Settings and go to Key Bindings its the button under Console. It will open up a text box where you can type or there is a ? on the side you can click on with all the commands available


Still, it works in the public version despite not being complete


I select the French button but nothing changes. This disturbs the public version too as I have both on my pc

Clockwork Bunny

It's actually just because they personally can't have that trait, but they can pass it on to their offspring. Females can't have "Hung" and futas can't have "Fertile" so instead of losing the trait it becomes dormant instead so their offspring can have it.


Usually it will install both x64 and x86. I have 2012, 2013, and 2015-2022 (3 packages) installed.

Colin Smith

sooo you cant play futa or with futas till your past the orc quest giver or be stuck there forever


how do i use cheats i cant find console


If you open up Settings and go to Key Bindings its the button under Console. It will open up a text box where you can type or there is a ? on the side you can click on with all the commands available


Hi guys I was just wondering does anyone know how to increase their lust in early build and test build?

Risu Kami

Just make a lot of the thing the game is meant to let your character make. You also can let you character breed a lot so its level will increase quickly. Best let it breed with nephs that have a trait that will increase xp for your character.


My workaround, even if it is a pain in the arse, is to Save the Preset, change colours in the old Steam version, Save Preset again, load it in new version


you gotta level up but for the breeder this take A LOT more levels than Nephs especially with the new stats system.


My Breeder is lvl 50 and I still only get 3 pops a day

Elias Erasmi

Is there a way to access cheats?


yes and at level 100 the old max you'd get 8 though usage depends on activity harvesting is cheeper on lust that breeding after all


Some character customization doesn't work but besides that, the new UI is f**king awesome grate work to everyone involved.


If you open up Settings and go to Key Bindings its the button under Console. It will open up a text box where you can type or there is a ? on the side you can click on with all the commands available


Use the ~ on your keyboard to open it up, basically like how you open up console commands on skyrim


Ok, so I started playing this game on the current steam version which is 0.756.9 I believe. Then I changed to this one and one thing I noticed is that the belly cum inflation doesn't always work as it does in the steam version. It does always work with the tentacles but other than that my characters belly only gets just a bit bigger. I'm a really big fan of that mechanic and as such I changed back to the steam version. The new UI is truly beautiful and all the other changed are great tho.


How did you get access to a more updated version when this game is only at 0.760.97 when subscribed? I haven't had an update on here for a while and am paying, so if I can get an updated version I'd like to.


Omg I am so sorry, I wrote the the numbers in the incorrect order. The current steam version is 0.756.9 not 0.765.9. The newest version of the game is the 0.760.97, the one you can download from patreon. I corrected myself in the earlier message as well. Sorry again for the misunderstanding.😅


Oh my gosh. The new UI looks absolutely FANTASTIC. It's also much more intuitive and user friendly. from my point of view at least.


Go to settings -> Fetish -> Click on Futanari -> Select "Replace Males"


I would like more male options for the other species. The girl players would thank you. I also see a lot of potential for the map because there is a lot of dead space. Also for breeding, to make more interactive, and more animations when catch wild nephs. Maybe more aggressive - Get the guys to pin down the girls more and maybe grab a boob or neck from behind.


how emissary raise world lvl?

Sparks McDougal

Has anyone heard yet of another update in the works?


April 10 has a post with a list about half way through saying Work in Progress. I'm guessing that would be in the prosses for next update. Unless there was still issues they were still trying to address.

Jonathan Girard

May we please have an update on progress for the next update for the new year? :)

shawn frady

do you plan on making it to where there is more than one vagrant per kennel at least for the ones that have more than one race like the sylvans?


Anyone having issues connecting lovense to this build?


When's the update coming?


Been months with no update


Maybe add a video for the people who struggle with the download


Hi, might be a weird things to ask. But I just got membership recelty but I can not join discord server? it just goes to discord and tells me no servers here. Something I do wrong?


You doing okay Helmsman?


so is everything going according to the plan, any updates to know about?


when will be next update?


I still see their account logged into discord occasionally. So hopefully the silence is nothing more then a burn out, and that we will be seeing something once they are ready


Is still valid? Cause I can’t get on the Discord: “If you continually show me your support, I will: never quit, never produce low quality content, never let drama or nonsense destroy the project, and always listen to worthy feedback.”


how to access discord? I hit the link and it leads to nothing


Any news on the next update...?


Is the project still being worked on? Any update is better than no update.


I think you can stop paying here. Nothing seems to happen here anymore.


It would be nice to hear something, especially since my annual donation just went through.


i would hope an update will be around in February


looks like abandonedware was true, smh


last i heard from helmnsman was a dm in October nothing since


starting to think i made big mistake backing this another scam like animetube. liked the steam version better


not a con they do do updates but take longer to do them because of life problems i believe.

Terry Humphrey

also, this game is definately in a playable state. I think it's great


I get it Shit Happens but when you get the same updates as the steam people for free. Yes we got a taste of the new version a bit sooner .Not that I don't want to suport a good game .Just a Bit leary of things


Tried downloading today and it says both links are broken