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Oh wow I was almost worried there, but yeah check my hidden steam games and see update lol. Good to see you are doing well enough to update again hope all is well.


we are so back


Sorry, I am new to using the patreon and not too sure what to do once I have downloaded the files 😅


YES! We're back baby!

Jonathan Girard

How do you raise the trait level on this version? Need a nympho cow, but I can't seem to get one to spawn.


Yeah I have been having the same problems. I have released a lot of foxen and vulwarg into the wild but doesn't seem to be doing a lot. I'm guessing that part of the UI is incomplete as of this build, the ascending UI doesn't seem to be complete yet either.


World levels still exist in the background, but we cant see it and the numbers are not displayed anywhere. Derelict is unsure of what to do with the world level systems, but from what i recall, ascending pregnant mons is the way to level it up the fastest, but it is still a pain in the ass since it takes a long while to level it up


Amazing boss! <3

Jonathan Girard

So is it still possible to get the other traits to spawn then? I'm stuck on the main jobs until I can get Nympho.


So releasing captured Nephelym no longer levels the world zones?


the French language does not work?


Anyone else frequently getting fatal error when breeding?


The imma lazy sack and world level cheats also don't raise the world levels. Not that I've noticed anyway seeing as their currently isn't a way to check it. I think it's not in this build until the traits are reworked to fit the new condensed stats.


I encountered it when pregnany is off,


The live info when breeding dont update, and how do i update the different realms after releasing a nephelym in the wilderness? I like the new ui, graphics seem much better, i want more customization options for the character, keep up rhe good work 👍🏼


several times the game crashed when choosing vulwarg futas in breeding menu


P.S. sorry for my poor english (^^,)


Love the new UI and am really looking forward to the clothing system


Still having the crash after successful breeding attempt, i encountered freeze when learning new position at the vulwarg zone. But the detail windows with xp bar work now 👍🏼


How to update from previous version?


Just download new version and play that. Your old save should work, unless it's from before 0.760.0


the world level cheats don't work for me


Seem to be having problems with saving, cant overwrite a previous save


I clicked the link to join the discord in the about page, but it says it's no longer valid.


I had that, turns out I had an old discord (the one where you didnt have to put in your age) and I contacted discord support about it, they cant update it so I had to make a whole new discord to have my age on there just to join the community. hope this helps

Dustin Hubbard

So is there a date for when we will get a steam update?


Found a bug. The model attempts to update after a pregnancy is completed, but can't if you are already in the breeding process and have bred once prior to the model update attempt. Can be recreated using the breeder on the last day by spamming quick breed when the timer is just about up on the pregnancy. It causes a ctd.


how do i install patreon build?


Not sure it's a bug per se, but there's no reason for the "Toggle Giver/Receiver Details" menus in the breeding arena to automatically collapse every day. Once toggled open they should stay open until we close them again.


Im not sure if iam just dumb, but i try to put the world level command in and it just does nothing. In an earlier version it worked.


just download the mega or the google drive files and then extract the game to where ever you like and then dobble click the .exe


are the cheats unavailable for this version?

Ryan M

press the key next to 1 on the keyboard to bring up the cheat input thing. the one just above TAB with a squiggly line on it


how come it seem that world levels 1 to5 cheat doesn't work? How can I know it worked, it doesn't write a message that it worked like other cheats. When I try to get new monsters I only find commons one, but with cheat level 5 I should be able to catch monsters that are uncommon, rare, epic and even legendary


I dont think the cheats for those work at the moment. All i know how to get it to work is to keep releasing butt tons back into the wild and eventually the world level, in whatever state, will rise. I do hope a visual indicator is in the works.


So is the gallery not working in this version?


From what I know DH is updating the gallery to include all sex scenes. So it will take DH time to code it in.


Keep up the good work by the way. Love such a wonderful game. Any plans for more votes once everything is more settled?


Settings are not reflected


I'd like a tab to see character stats even if not greatly relevant anymore. A tab where i can see stats would mean not wasting time on a creature I can't catch.


Hello Creator of this addicting game. I would like to take you for all the effort you are putting into the creation of this game as well as the congratulate and encourage you to keep up the good work. I have tried the Early build and i have compiled a list of bugs and suggestions based on my experience. I hope it helps: Bugs: The jiggle/bounce physics sliders are not working for human breeder and at least variant Risu (on Foxen seems to work) - The option to replace Females with Futa is not working - there is lag when trying to select a sex option after finishing capturing another Nephelym - list of givers and receivers doesn't refresh when a Nephelyn has no more lust or is not pregnant when these filters are applied - setting sometimes need save/main menu before working properly or don't work at all - and more that i didn't have time to investigate or encounter Suggestions for build 0760.6: - Keybing I or B to Inventory - Add a Map with M as keybind - Bring back the world information to houses and wild UI - Bring back the Edit appearance at the house? It was really easier to use like that - Add "Pregnant" filtering option (for those who use Pragnancy to lvl the Nephelym faster) - This was suggested before, but it would be useful to have a button that quick harvests/mate until pregnancy or no lust (it takes quite some time to level the Nephelym at high level manualy) - Bring back the stats page for breeder or at least add a pregnant sign where the level is shown - there is no difference between common, uncommon, etc in the giver and receiver lists, maybe a border? - recalibrate the prices for fluids since we are no longer buing or selling using ml? - customize the breeding tasks to only show for types of Nephelym a player has unlocked but maybe make the rewards a little less? it can be very good option to replace the trade with the ml of fluid - a quest with hints on how to get the gatestone from the slime girl in the dungeon without making her cry? - an indication of how much favor we get when we ascend a Nephelym - this might be against popular demand, but from my perspective the wild sex scenes shouldn't be this short, otherwise you would just buy the fluid required for capturing


Are you not in the Discord? There is a place for this there, and most if not all of this is listed there already


I can’t access that discord because it fails to validate my email ( discord fails). If you are talking about the normal discord channel that I do have access to it but I haven’t seen any channels for bugs on early access or discussions on other builds except the public one. In any case thanks for the reply 👍😊


kann das spiel nicht auf deutsch stellen was soll ich machen und der controller support geht auch irgendwie nicht


Apparently in the early version of Steam language switching is not working, I first tried in my Portuguese language, as it didn't work I tried with other languages but it seems that none of them work besides English


For the Character Creation, it seems as if all the changes do not apply. Any particular reason for that?


Loving the new UI and also I noticed some better mechanics in the boob bounce than there were before when I was using the steam version. Looking nice and sleek now. Played on Steam and absolutely had to give you money because this game is amazing!


Hey just a bit of feedback on the new UI, doing quick collection on futas is difficult now because the "quick collection" button randomises between semen and milk collection when semen is the most valuable at early stages. It also makes it so that if it ended on semen collection, you can't quick collect from a female, and the opposite is also true, if it ends on milk collection you cannot collect from a male. An additional button to choose between which collection might be a good idea.

Dylan Hammond

is there anyway to port my current save to the new update or will i have to keep restarting every time?\

Muggo Mad

Couple things though...the UI visuals are amazing fantastic job although I would like the male to futa and only futa options back. The UI for the character creator is a bit clunky and not as user friendly as the old one but I am sure it gets better. Other then that AMAZING GAME so far. Also where is the cheat bar in this new version?


Chinese settings do not work


In settings check the futanari option I see Futa Only as an option


the link to join the discord is broken on this website. if you down load the game, there should be a discord link in the game. remember to have discord open when you klick the link.

Nicolas Lopez Montilla

cant access at all through the link, is there a new way to download?

Mr Cheese

Links are not working paid to get accesss to game