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"Too many people downloading"? wtf


(MEGA) link works just fine.


what is upstairs from Sensual Heavens, I mean past the Seraphim ?, and how do you get past the top of the stairs ?, or isn't that part of the game complete yet ?

Rusty Dusty

How do you access the creator mode?


Same question


Where is free download, i dont wanna pay for MEGA and i have not access to Google drive

Frbrbr Grblgrr

MEGA is free. Hit download on the bottom right and just let it download from the webpage

Frbrbr Grblgrr

If you have the proper tier you can find it in Tier Rewards in your My Membership thing

Frbrbr Grblgrr

If you have the proper tier you can find it in Tier Rewards in your My Membership thing

Frbrbr Grblgrr

I'm trying to remember as I haven't played in a bit, waiting for a grand update so I don't burn out. I know there is a teleport to a floating island with Nephs but other then that I don't think there is anything else yet.


How do I update the game with this?


hmmm different question, most stories i have heard including anime, to grant a name to a monster uses energy, the more powerful the monster the more energy it drains from you, it could be a good extra thing to put into the game i was thinking


it's the newest version of the game, not a update, download it and then unzip it where you would like it located, leave what version it is added to the folder name if you like, then click on the OBF.exe file and enjoy the game, all your save games will be there, they are backed up elsewhere in your operating system

Frbrbr Grblgrr

Can toss that under the feature suggestion tab in Discord. Think that's more so his go to for ideas as opposed to here or the other site


is there any way to update the steam version to the patreon versions if we have it? it's easier to keep track of the steam version than this one, manually downloading every new version.


I can offer some help with Chinese translation


My membership tab and go down to the steam early/testing build code, enter it and it'll stay up to date with the latest builds. Currently they are teh same though and will probably be until he finishes the UE5 upgrade