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While working on recovery and moving, I have managed to make another build. It's been a difficult few months to say the least. Now that I have finished moving, I will continue trying to release builds as I can.

New in this build are vagrants, roamers for the ranch essentially. One can be set per barn. They can be interacted with in much the same way as wild roamers, but they won't surprise you.

  • Added: Vagrant system
  • Tweaked: Tasks will now accept any trait rank
  • Fixed:  Graphical bugs around the town fountain
  • Upgrade engine version to latest hotfix


  • Fixed: Vagrant issues
  • Fixed: Desire preference assignment


Gavin Morrison

Awesome addition, however you should still put yourself first when it comes to anything I hope you have a good recovery

Frbrbr Grblgrr

Oh, you're recovering? That is fantastic news alone but a build to go with it, thank you. Don't rush yourself though. I hope your recovery goes smooth and you feel human again sooner rather than later.


Great news all around. I hope that you are feeling better...and now to try out the new build. :)


Ah, finally lively farm. :-) But just one per barn is not enough for someone... I think that players will beg for more than one NPC roaming in here. Also disabling surprise? They are still wild, not domesticated, so why no surprise?

Xavius Night

Oh, awesome! Thank you for the update, and I hope your recovery is going well ^^


Welcome back, good to see you up and moving again!


Welcome Back


I hope you doing well. Keep up the good work I live the new addition make the farm seem more lively!


Thank you for the update. Best of luck with your recovery.


Hey helmsman really good to hear from ya update or not. Keep on keeping on


Thank you and i wish you all the best and full recovery. Stay strong.


Thanks mate - all the best wishes!


This is an amazing update! Thank you! Wishing you the best out there 👍

Number Zerosixsixsix

oh! Didn't expect any further updates and the vagrant system sounds like something I always hoped for.


take all the time you need for recovering fam. Health comes first. Good luck for your future achievements


So glad to see you back and doing well. Your community has stood behind you and will continue to do so.


good to see you up & on the mend dude keep up the good work both on the game & on yourself


noice! happy you keeping up my dude! just keep at it at your own pace and all will be well.


good to hear you are doing better.


Glad you're recovering. I also love this game, so keep it up


Awesome! I am very glad that you are working on the game! But first of all, take care of your health!

Auburn Zero

I'm glad you're feeling better. Thank you for remembering us. ;-) I just installed the update and have the following feedback: 1) I didn't know at first what was meant by "roamers", but those are just the Nephelym that wander around wild. 2) I've selected one member from each barn to be vagrant. It's really a nice feature! It makes the farm feel more alive and vibrant to see them moving about. This also adds more motivation for breeding with my breeder (who's pink) so I can maybe get a color-themed population here. That could be fun. 3) I had no problem loading my previous saved game in the new updated install. Thank you, DerelictHelmsman, for keeping previous saves viable. 4) I checked out the town fountain and it is indeed flowing bug-free.


Oh wow thank you so much! I'm so glad you finally found a place. While this build is greatly appreciated, still keep yourself first. Much love for your mental health and your work!


Glad you are getting help, and feeling progress. I was more stoked when I saw steam wanted to update this game for you possibly making personal progress then game progress lol. Keep it up man one step at a time, one day at a time, no rush. Fact you are asking for help is still a big deal, and you should feel proud. I know a lot who have issues, I myself got some I am being treated for, hardest part is admitting you need professional help

joshua nolin

Welcome back its nice to hear from you. It's great that things are smoothing out for you. Keep up the work and I look forward to what the future hold for you and this game


This is one of those updates I had been looking forward to for some time, thank you for letting players have new ways to interact with the variants we have bred. I hope more interactivity can be added over time, take care of yourself!


ill admit, i had a selfish thought when you posted about your mental health issues, and immediately felt like a dick. i apologize and I'm genuinely glad you're on the mend now. keep on going my friend


Great update, but I noticed a bug that lets the game crash everytime a wild nephelym initiates wild sex. Anyway I wish you the best for the future.


I'm super happy that you're getting better and I don't think I'm the only one! Take care of yourself first because you are doing an excellent job.


Good to see update from your game and great to know you didn’t give up!! Stay strong!!


Stay safe and healthy first, the game won't go anywhere it'll still be there to work on if you take a break.


Good to see you back, I sure you will overcome depression. Always support you!


Gladt to have you back, don't stress yourself and your health goes first!


I've been a quiet fan for some time now. Just want to say thank you for the amazing game... but most important - glad to read "working on recovery and moving". I hope you find rejuvenation. Take care of yourself.


good to see your doing good. your health is important, and now that you think your ready again, we're eager to see what you got for us. Stay strong my friend.


"Tweaked: Tasks will now accept any trait rank" YES! Awesome that you are back! I love the new Vagrants. Keep it up and stay healthy!


I swear this game keeps getting better and better with each update. I love the new vagrant system, it adds so much life to the farm and I can't wait to see what other features you add for your favorite nephs.(maybe brining them along on adventures, with the ability to get random sex and impregnated by wilds/other vagrants). Thank you so much for this update and I'm glad to hear your situation is becoming more stable, hopefully the new housing situations helps with your mental health.

Handy Andy

Nice work, we really appreciate , and please take it easy your health is priority.