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Stay healthy. We support you 100%


Take a good rest ! We are here for you at 100%


Okay I'm jumping on the bandwagon, because of course we all support you; that is why we're here. If those two are going to cheer you on as the wonderful person you are then I will too, look after yourself and thank you for all the effort you put in. Set some time aside; get a good meal inside you like a lasagne or roast dinner and just focus on you, keep your body in check first and it should make your mind easier to tackle. If you need help just ask, consider me a friend if you need me. *edit, I made a thing because we care* https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/cf00543e494986ec667bd97e17c65a5f


Take the Time you need and rest! We are here for you.

Tamás Tatárik

No hard feelings man! I already got use to that all similar (or any) individual projects are recently slowed down significantly!


Awesome game


Sounds like an awesome overhaul, thanks for all your hard work. We're here for you. <3


So no steam version this time noticed no updates, or do we got a new steam code?


so has the "max trait level" cheat been removed entirely or is it something else now?


So I have a question. You have removed inbreeding but the Debauched trait is still in game and able to have additional levels. Is there a reason for this?


Might add it back once it is off Patreon? Or as extra content on Steam? Just a guess.


Now all we need is VR support and this is the best port game there is


They said its not going to happen. Mostly because the characters are not designed for first person perspective I think was the reason. The clipping would be bad is my guess. Which is a pity, but understandable.

Robert S

i do not know if anyone else as have this bit of trouble. but for me when i play the new ver of the game my mouse and where it point at on the screen do not match up


You’re prolly playing on the wrong resolution with borderless window. Try to tinker with it - helped me


Is it normal that some characters have disappeared from the Creation Mode Gallery (Fern, Human) or is that a bug?


is anyone else having problems with the gallery mode? everytime I select "Make Offspring", no matter what pairing i choose, my game crashes


Only complaint I have is that the nephelym are a bit too aggressive. Just inspecting them cause them to chase you for a very long time


Ok so if releasing breed offspring into the wild effects world lvls of that species, do hybrids effect both? or not at all?


Is there a new cheat code to raise the rarity based wild encounter levels, I can see the grind getting frustrating as new versions come out and the prior saves are no longer compatible. I hope you are doing well with these trying times, get plenty of vitamin D, stay healthy and keep up the great work!


Hybrids seem to have their own "world" level, not sure how that functions




I think getting pregnant in the wild as a female/futa breeder is broken or just overly rare? I made it to lvl 7 and nothing so far as opposed to the steam version where it happens fairly quickly in a short amount of encounters


Any plan to include any other kind of intercouse? I saw that in the wild female and female have scissors and 69, is that going to applied to male vs male or are you going to add other positions or for example anal?


Do you plan on adding more Males to each race? I like playing as a Female character but prefer to play around with males rather than Futa... which most of these races have other than male for example Titans and Orcs.

Stefan Wulph

Great stuff as always, DH. What sound systems does BotN support? IE: Mono, Stereo, 2.1, 5.1, 7.1 etc etc etc.


Sorry read that wrong. You can raise the world level with a cheat but it's still random for rarity


I concur, the lack of male equivalents for a lot of the races is the most glaring content gap in this game. Personally, I'd rather see that added than more fundamental rewrites of the game or more areas or quests added. But I'm not the dev so he'll do as he wishes with his game *shrug*


how do i get access to the discord?


What is the change log for this build? Thanks for the update!


there was an update today for 3.3gb but where are the patch notes?


not sure if it's a bug, but nephelym with more traits than what breeding requests ask for aren't usable to fulfill the request; i've been trying to find a futa bee with Hornball II for days for Autumn's quest and finally found one but it has more traits and i can't fulfill the request


Was fine with mine but before 2nd hotfix. Check the level required is reached, doublecheck if it has to be a futa or if yours has a higher than 2 hornball


How do i raise the world level?


I've been a subscriber for awhile now, and I get that the author probably isn't going to make many more male models etc, I would however, like to make a most fervent request- The ability to modify the probability of a nephelym spawning in as any given gender, for whatever genders are available for the species. It would also be fantastic if we could weight how assertive they are in pursuing a sexual encounter by gender. Very worn out running from 50 females before I even catch sight of a single male spawn. Also, I love the progress and so many changes I'd been hoping for added in this last update!

Frbrbr Grblgrr

He could make it so depending on what you release to the wild will increase the spawn chance of that gender. So if you breed abunch of males, release the males, sell the females it increased the male spawn rate by X amount with a cap of say 60% increase


Cannot for the life of me find the blessed clam. Used to be a quick hop off the pier and bam, but now I cannot find her, and I've been searching for the past week.


changed resolution to 4k and now i cant click buttons, what to do?


Try to do it in the daytime, easier to notice. Jump of the pier, swim straight till the underwater cliff goes down, at the bottom a bit to the left you’ll notice a few clams, if one of them is spawning bubbles - that’s her


For me it had something to do with windowed mode, and I could push the buttons, but the cursor was a bit off. try swapping between fullscreen and borderless window


Thank you, I didn't realize how close she was to the column.


has the pregnancy chance been removed from wild sex? or has it been incorporated? I ask as I no longer see the option to toggle it in settings


is there a CTRL+ key that does that? cause i cant click any buttons in settings


I found a bug. Not sure if anyone else is having this problem, it happens when I harvest or capture semen from a hybrid: Surabhi. The scene plays as normal but I don't get the notification or an increase in my fluids. The milking works fine, as well as, their excitement goes up.


Its been a long time since i played but how do you raise trait level? Last i remember was talking to the emissary but now that option is gone


Release captured or bred nephs to raise that race world level. You can see the progress bar pop up in the capture zone or in the barns. Also next post states the update notes, can have a look there what’s new :)


Is it possible to manually increase max number of spaces in the Mutt Hut. Been running out of space, would be nice if it can be increased


Haven’t found it. No in-game increase as in right now. Biggest problems are Hybrids and Sylvs for me, others I don’t keep more than 20 ^^

Tyler Leron Kollock

Anyone else having trouble with the links provided? It's 11/17/21 at 7:51PM PST for me.


I am having trouble progressing because I cannot increase the trait levels beyond 1 and the emmysary does not have an option to increase them... what should I do? I need to creat an akuba wth 11 level trait


oh wait, now I see it involves releasing animals... dangit...


Does anyone know how to favorite the nephelym?


cannot download the file


Same issue all links say invalid.


same here