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Frbrbr Grblgrr

Woop time for a new run. Did 34 hours on steam, 42 on Patreon and will do another 30-40 on this. I swear each run I end up with a totally new colour combo on something even after I thought I got them all. Love the breeding aspect in this game and ranching. Time for a purity run of whites, golds, blues and pinks


The real achievement here is that you did all those hours ONE HANDED!!!! 😂


I play this one handed.Impossible to use both hands.Game is well thought out and very hot and erotic.Definetely one of the best discoveries i made ever since i started gaming.


i want to see my breeder in the pillory....


I hope there will be an FPS cap to 60 in the next patch :<


what do i do after i've downloaded everything?


Extract it then run it.


Which version of microsoft visual c++ should i install? it says im missing it?


ok i have officially run every version of visual c++ but it still says that im missing the following components. it dosent even tell me which Year?

Frbrbr Grblgrr

Try a clean remove and install of BoN. If that does not work you may need to just do a check for updates in your windows settings or get a driver checker to see if any drivers need updating.


hey Devs, i have a few ideas and improvements for the game if you are interested.


on Discord, i was told to link my discord. how do i do this?

Paul Peterson

go up to My membership at the top of this page, click on that and then scroll down a little ways and there's a button that says connect to Discord, click that and it should bring you over.


I'm seeing some facesitting action on F/F interactions. Love to see that in M/F ones. Either 69 or simply a normal facesit. More complex, which would probably result in a ton of clipping though and far too complex at this stage of the game, would be surprise sex where a second Nephelym could sit on your face. This would require you to click faster to avoid climaxing where you have two on you at the same time. *shrugs* Just an idea / wish fulfillment request. :D


every time I get a new game, my old data is no longer available. What should I do? It's very time-consuming to collect orbs every time.


Will cocktypes ever be an inheritable trait? Looking forward to the day you can breed that horsecock onto different species.

Frbrbr Grblgrr

I have personally not seen the penis type be inhereted. Colour yes but not say Foxen with Bovar Penis unless the offspring is Bovar (just species example not talking about Hybrids). Would be interesting if there was varying shapes of breasts and penis' too. Gland shape for instance or breast curvature. I play this game like some kind of farming game so the more differences in various thing to try and get a perfect something is what I enjoy.

Frbrbr Grblgrr

Drag Folder Contents into a Folder and launch the game. Sorry for the late response.


If by any chance, could you revert the naming system when a nephelym is impregnated? I enjoyed being able to just name the child after successfully breeding, especially for large amounts of pregnant nephelyms. It's a bit irritating to have to go to every single barn/shed to rename all the new offspring. Not sure if I'm the only one who feels this way - but I figured I could throw out the suggestion and see what happens. Cheers


if you turn off pregnancy then you can veiw the offspring immediately and rename/release them.


Hi found it for free on steam decided to come and help support. Great work man glad to see the community around the game too. Hopefully this project will keep going places. I'm sure someone or ma,ny people already asked these questions... Are you planning to add more voice actresses ? And are you planning to add a way for us to be able to check the traits on the wild nephilims before we capture them ? *


when you target them to choose to have sex with them you have a drop down at the top of the screen itll show the traits.


im a discord member, ive linked it, when/how do i get into the ideas group? i got pages for ya.


The google link won't work for me, says too many people have downloaded it. Is that just a default message and I'm doing something wrong, or is that legit???


Когда будет следующая сборка, прошло уже 3 недели?


It’s coz too many people are actually trying to download it. a) download it from steam and hide it or b) find a workaround on YouTube, something to do with your own drive, copying shortcuts etc. or c) wait for the daily limit to reset, so you can download it normally. Steam version is the easiest to handle in case of updates and such, but if you share it and it bothers you - needs some privacy editing ^^


New pledge here. How do I get discord access? When I try to join through patreon it doesn't work


Hey Adian, When you run the Patreon Download Version of the game, it will give you the link to the discord (I have the same problem :)

Frbrbr Grblgrr

Переключение с BoN на OBF. Я полагаю, что это займет у него некоторое время, чтобы реализовать свои новые идеи и сделать их достаточно стабильными.


For those who have a problem entering the discord, here's the newest invite. Straight from the creator. discord.gg/6DpR6sb


Is there a reason why it wouldn't let me join the discord no matter what account I try to join on?

Frbrbr Grblgrr

Almost a Month since the last update. I am kind of excited about the next update and what it will feature


А можно хотя бы приблизительную дату выхода обновления или его не стоит ждать вообще?)

Colin Smith

i kinda want to see more reptilian breeds though


Im sure there will be more to come soon! though i agree wholeheartedly, it would be a nice addition i believe. Personally id love to see more Lamias or something similar ^^


I want to see the ability to get pregnant by a certain Neko Builder. Aint gonna lie, I gotta cartoon crush on her. Other wishes, would love to see the ability to Nurish the offspring by consuming semen (fresh). Kinda like you do for the plant. And definitely add the reverse butterfly that you sometimes see in the field. One more, add a ranch pasture to place Neph's in to allow them to do as they please, even with the breeder if she chooses to enter it.


first great game :) i really wish to see if there come a animation for giving birth


Anyone know how long you get muted for, for accidentally breaking a rule in the discord?


Looks like it's permanent. Kinda BS for a first time offense. No better than social media. Guess I will pull my patreon support. Sorry.


Fatal error again and again and again ..., waiting for the next update :'-(

Frbrbr Grblgrr

Did you try totally wiping the game. Delete the game folder, the save folder, go into your local and delete that one too then try a fresh install? %appdata% in search bar, go to AppData, Local, and delete OBF and Radiant.


Автор ждёт пока у всех кончится подписка))))

Frbrbr Grblgrr

Be patient everyone. It's been quite awhile since an update which may seem bad or too long for some but there's usually a good reason it takes awhile. I am excited to see what the next update will be.


Игра замечательная, можно сказать лучшая в жанре, очень жду обновление!


Bad or too long no, a little bit bugging yep, XD, but with the good solution, that's good ^^, btw same here, waiting for the next update.


Is there another download link, those aren't working for me


Из всех подобных игр, эта лучшая .

Frbrbr Grblgrr

Could be a traffic thing. Try the Mega download either early morning or over night while you sleep. Just let it run if you got mediocre internet mine can take quite a few hours to download. The Google one never has worked for me.


It's unlocked in the display options from Nvidia, suppose for AMD too. Just edit the 3dgame settings.


I just hope Derelicthelmsman is alright, especially during these times. Yeah yeah yeah, I know an overhaul takes a lot of work. Be safe.


I am wondering, will DLSS be put into this game?


Полтора месяца.


thanks for your hard work


the fact there hasn't been any new content in a while is fine, but an update would be nice to put worries to rest and reassure patrons that they aren't just throwing money at a wall now


was thinking the same thing yesterday, would really halp to keep us a little more updated on the situation.


if there is, it's not in the news tab. the creator actively talks in the discord though, so that restores a little confidence


Hey, just requesting more male models again. I hope you'll consider putting them in. Thank you for your hard work.


P.S. LOVING the addition of the tentacles!! Nicely done!!


Nice! I'm a recently "patreoner". Hice mi aporte sin antes probarlo jaja (is en spanish). Greets!


Im willing to think that its just something planned thats pretty stout and takes time to develop. Derelict hasnt been one to disappoint when it comes to these things, usually just means that the surprise is that much bigger! ^^ But i do hope that health among other things comes first and Derelict is ok!


great stuff


if you get an unresponsive tittle screen with odd resolution use alt+enter to window the game (reapply full screen as desired; check resolution is set correctly [game UI] in setting/graphics).