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Enter the following into the settings menu, it can only be used from the main menu:




gallery button doesnt work for me at the moment...any updates to this for 10 backers?


how do you use creator mode? the code worked, idk how to enter creator mode though


Hello, So you can still use the code above what you have to do to activate it is go in to your keybindings and check for the "Concole" button and if you don't know what it chooses you can switch it to whatever you feel like. Write in the code there and press enter and it activates it. I did this in the game with my character then when out to the main menu and now I have the access to the Variant Editor and Gallery. (Gallery seems to now be impemented yet since it does not load)


Is there a way to use the nephelym made in the creator in the game? Or is it just to save and share variants?


I've found that if you load the presents in the Creator and change a present to how you want it to look then save over that exactly present (don't rename it) it will spawn in your world just like how you left it.

William Scott

Ok. Upgraded my membership. Threw in the code. How do i actually get creating?

Zachary Hergenroder

creator mode code dont work for me am i missing something

PauWan WoW

Hello where do i find the latest creater mode?


How do you get creator mode to work?

Otou -san

Hey guys, for the code to work: 1) Enter the cheat-code prompt in-game (It's the tilda [ ~ ] button right next to the number 1 on keyboard by default) 2) Type the code 3) Go back to the main menu and you will see the "Variant Editor" option


Nothing happens when i press tilda, also this is going cause trouble for different types of keyboards. Had to use a virtual keyboard to get through, whew.

Brandon Pendergrass

I see, think this clears somethings up and explains why I can only access the creator mode, but not the gallery mode, despite have the $10 backer version activated.

Otou -san

Glad it worked for ya. Can always change the binding for it in settings

Ashok Faust

Is this the code for the most recent build or the previous creator build?


This only works in 0.722+. All features of the creator build have been implemented into the main game and a separate download is obsolete.


What can you do with it?

Derek Patterson

Love the game so far I just joined patreon. When I make a preset in creative mode will that preset show up on wild ones?


This game is awesome, I liked it so much I pledged £10. Keep the good work up.


the code doesn't work for me


Copy and paste into cheats. Only works in main menu before going into game.


Allows you to modify every Nephelym and save as preset. You can also view gallery. Only works in main menu though.


how to access the sex scene gallery?


the code doesnt work. i entered the code in the menu but nothing happens

Mappo Godot

the code also doesn't work for me, build 0.729 alpha entered at main menu settings


does the code not work anymore?

Neelz (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-06 10:04:11 Works flawlessly. Start the Game > Go to Settings > Find the text box labeled "Cheats" at the bottom of the Game Settings page > copy / paste the code (make sure to eliminate leading/trailing spaces) > Click on ENTER right next to the text box > Enjoy Creator Mode (starts automatically)!
2020-01-10 20:45:29 Works flawlessly. Start the Game > Go to Settings > Find the text box labeled "Cheats" at the bottom of the Game Settings page > copy / paste the code (make sure to eliminate leading/trailing spaces) > Click on ENTER right next to the text box > Enjoy Creator Mode (starts automatically)!

Works flawlessly. Start the Game > Go to Settings > Find the text box labeled "Cheats" at the bottom of the Game Settings page > copy / paste the code (make sure to eliminate leading/trailing spaces) > Click on ENTER right next to the text box > Enjoy Creator Mode (starts automatically)!


It doesn't work at the moment


Am I able to edit the wild ones in my game?


Why doesn't this seem to work with any version of the game I download?

Arden Phoenix

Paste the code into the 'cheats' box from settings in the main game menu - doesn't work in game - and it's one of the options in the bar at the top


Does the creator code work with the steam relese? (0.729.1)


I can't get this code to work, I'd like to try it if I'm going to contribute, could I get some help in this matter?

David Leonard

same here - code not working


Does not work

Raymond Seneer

Try loading a game and go back to Main Menu. Worked for me 0.734 after i did that

Frosty Buttons

it's working for me, but im not sure how to actually use creator mode. do you have to do anything to get your customs out into the wild? and most of the details settings dont actually change anything. Nvm i figured it out

Zoltan Dai

Hi, love this but I can't find where my saved builds are? Thanks.


how do i load my presets into my game?

Paul Peterson

Save them, then close the game completely. Open it and they'll start to populate in game


i put this code in and it says Beta access code invalid ....is this an old unneeded code ?


i put this code in and it says Beta access code invalid ....i


In the description for the post it says to add it in the "settings menu". That is inside of the game itself. You enter it like a cheat. Confused me as well. :3


In the description for the post it says to add it in the "settings menu". That is inside of the game itself. You enter it like a cheat. Confused me as well. :3


So in one of my saves, my customs or populating my game. In another, they aren't. Both saves were made in the same update and I'm very confused.

The Path

this code also did not work for me

The Path

oh sorry just read that I put it in cheat menu my bad


I don’t think code works anymore. Is there a new one?


my creator code doesnt work??? says invalid


code doesnt work


In the description for the post it says to add it in the "settings menu". That is inside of the game itself. You enter it like a cheat.


In the description for the post it says to add it in the "settings menu". That is inside of the game itself. You enter it like a cheat.


In the description for the post it says to add it in the "settings menu". That is inside of the game itself. You enter it like a cheat.


In the description for the post it says to add it in the "settings menu". That is inside of the game itself. You enter it like a cheat.


mine works for the NOVember build? i happened to sub 11/1 and not the day before


code isnt working


I entered it like a cheat code and it's still not working


Access a save file first then go back to the main menu. It seems to not work upon initial load sometimes


I entered the code in the main menu, but I'm still not able to access all the animations during mating.


this is editing/gallery purposes only. i.e. you should be ab le to aces but not play, its a smaller icon for galery

Ross Hch (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-06 10:04:09 Enter game, load a save file, return to main menu, enter under settings> cheats. Then it should work
2021-02-06 17:01:06 Enter game, load a save file, return to main menu, enter under settings> cheats. Then it should work

Enter game, load a save file, return to main menu, enter under settings> cheats. Then it should work

Ross Hch

How do you get custom creations to show up in game ?

Stefan Wulph

Is the code a unique one time use and I need a new code each time?


Is there even a creator build anymore? the reason I subbed was to try out this feature so I could try to replace some female body presets?


does this code work for anyone?


Enter the code in settings in the cheat box and it will take you to creator mode.


Worked for me on the 0.755.4 build


Code still works


This code is not working for me. Is there a new one?


could we be able to access our characters spirit avatar and make our own hominal male spirit animals. that would be great. at least we could have one hominal male character in the game and if it's the player's character it makes it more exotic if your character is the only one in the game.