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The game will be released for free on Steam Early Access on October 18th.

Steam Store Page 

How the Release Cycle will Change

  • Update rate will remain the same, might even be faster.
  • Patron tiers still gain access to exclusive builds via Steam beta branches.
  • A new Experimental branch will be released for the $20 tier, more on this later.
  • MEGA and Google links will still be provided.
  • Early, Testing, and Public branches will be in sync when one overrides the other.
  • Updates will be automatic.
  • The game will remain uncensored, it is adult only on Steam.

Without question, this will greatly streamline the release process. Until October 18th, the cycle will not change, but there will be more to say as it draws near.

If anyone could help spread the world and drive traffic to the Steam page, that would be very helpful.

EDIT: I have heard your feedback and will still provide downloads outside of Steam.



Congratulations! 😲🤩😘


(Clap) (Clap)


Wow. Was watching the game since day 0 I think, didn't know you're planing to release it on Steam, that's a big progress. My only dislike for the game - little support for male characters and m/m content. When you chose MC to be male, he looks weird. Clearly same animations that were designed for females are re-used there and they don't look realistic. Neither his private parts.


Gz. Just a question tho, how are the patreon supports going to get their tiers access thro steam?


"MEGA and Google links will no longer be provided, Steam will be required." Er.... this seems a bit much. Steam is rather privacy invasive, and some people refuse to use it. For those that do, this means purchase of the game, even with it being free, will be shown to everyone on the person's friend list, since steam doesn't have ways to hide things you do on a selective basis, but all or nothing.


I rather keep porn and adult content off my steam account :/ but i guess I am screwed and have to deal with it, or move on. Good luck though...


Yeah, I'm not loading this through steam. Even if I use a separate account, it will still show up in my main steam library and there's nothing I can do about that. One of the things I liked about this game was that I could manage the files how I saw fit, rather than being locked into the steam library setup.


A dedicated private account for porn is a good way, with no friends. If the demand for archived builds is high I will reconsider, though it does defeat the purpose in many respects.


I think people are afraid of having their secret pleasure of playing naughty games found out by their steam friends. It's a genuine concern... I'm not sure how to address it other than to keep the standalone version going in parallel.


Yeah, steam is going to censor that quick So you would have to make patches for the naughty sexual stuff. I agree with Braidborn you will lose a lot of patreons but I understand your side of the deal as a developer. I just say listen to your fan's who enjoy our game I just follow lewd game devs because I enjoy their content.

Chris Caretti

AND on the day of my 26th birthday, too! This is probably going to be my favorite bday present of all!


well i try not to be rude, but botn without "sexy bits" is rather boring and lackluster, besides the breeding and catching there is no content (yet) dont you fear some kind of backlash from steam reviews ?


Store looks great, though I'm happy with getting it here <3 Keep up the great work.


if you are going to put this on steam, it is a necessity that has achievements


Me question is. Would the game after Steam then censored or as it is uncensored? Because I like it as ist is. Or will then there cheats/code to make it uncensored und it must be censored on Steam!?


Its not just "afraid" its "gets me fired for sure" in a lot of cases...


Depends, steam has rather unclear rules about that. Ive seen games having to get censored aswell a uncensored ones...


Ok. Mhmmm. Hope if it must be censored. That there will be a way to uncensored it.

Alexander L

Cool. I might pick it up on my secondary account. Or might just keep downloading from here, either way, hope it gets you even more fans.


This makes everything better with updates and other things when it comes to steam, but before it should come in there should be added some tune or songs that you can then turn on or off via the option menu or softer and louder. And also other sounds like birds and the sounds that make the animals and ... ^ ^


Really glad to hear you changed your mind and are keeping the option to download it separately from Steam.


I think this is a huge milestone for the project. Keep up the good work! I'll definitely be playing this on Steam.


Im thankful we'll still be able to keep the game outside of steam so my family wont find out about my more "unusual" tastes


Ok. And is there a plan for a uncensored version like it is now? As you have written in the last bold sentece.


I wish Steam would let us "Hide" certain games from prying eyes D;


"A new Experimental branch will be released for the $20 tier, more on this later." OHHHHH WELL let's see whats up. it's not like we all have money to fry. It better be worth it.


unless you got kids or living with your parent's yeah that would be a good option to hide certain games ^w^

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-24 10:48:25 It does though ...Right Click game in Library -> Set Categories - >(checkbox) "Hide this game in my library" It will thereafter show up in a hidden category. To see it click the filter in the search box (the one that lets you only show Installed titles), at the very bottom you should see the "Hidden" category.
2019-09-29 03:58:56 It does though ...Right Click game in Library -> Set Categories - >(checkbox) "Hide this game in my library" It will thereafter show up in a hidden category. To see it click the filter in the search box (the one that lets you only show Installed titles), at the very bottom you should see the "Hidden" category.

It does though ...Right Click game in Library -> Set Categories - >(checkbox) "Hide this game in my library" It will thereafter show up in a hidden category. To see it click the filter in the search box (the one that lets you only show Installed titles), at the very bottom you should see the "Hidden" category.


that feature works only on your end such games will still be listed on your profile


When DH said no censorship will be required, I think it means that the game will be exactly as it has always been. Steam won't be forcing any censorship.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 03:48:51 You can go to Profile -> Edit Profile -> My Privacy Settings -> Game details and set it to private and done, but a downside to it is that none of your games you ever played will be shown.
2019-09-29 20:37:10 You can go to Profile -> Edit Profile -> My Privacy Settings -> Game details and set it to private and done, but a downside to it is that none of your games you ever played will be shown.

You can go to Profile -> Edit Profile -> My Privacy Settings -> Game details and set it to private and done, but a downside to it is that none of your games you ever played will be shown.


Why? If your friends and family are gonna be judgemental, fuck em. Be the perv you wanna be and let the people who can deal with it without being assholes stay. That's what I do. I like my porn and my hentai games and movies and everyone who knows me knows it. Every single person has kinks they try to hide from others. I say let your fetishes be known and if people don't like it, tell them to stick to their own lists and stop being nosey lol

harley bob

this is why my family isnt on my steam and as for friends they know im fucked up already XD