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With the first phase of the roaming system in place, it's time to shift development into the 0.7 series. After this next public build, which I estimate will be build 0.668, it will be the end of 0.6 as it has gone on long enough (since July 2016).

What will Change in 0.7 Development

Rather than focusing on new systems, all existing systems will be developed to a minimum of phase 2. Additionally, the focus will be on adding new content within those systems. I figure, the game has reached a point where there are more than enough systems at phase 1 and adding more at this stage would be messy.

This is not to say there will never be another new system, but not until around 0.8. There are not many completely new systems left to write, the vast majority of the remaining work is content and refinement.

Here is a rough plan for what I want to do with 0.7 and the end of 0.6. Understand, this is subject to change and will extend into 2020.

0.667 and 0.668

  • Roaming system fixes/QOL
  • Button as alternative for spacebar during surprise sex
  • Camera fixes/QOL, especially longstanding slow camera
  • Succubus design tweaks, more detail
  • Update character dialogue to reflect roaming system
  • General game stability
  • Upgrade engine versions (apparently some performance increase)
  • Update Creator Build

0.7 Series Long Term

Breeding System

  • Inheritance (traits, colors, body shape) (IMPLEMENTED  0.700)
  • More traits, some with visible change  (IMPLEMENTED  0.700) 
  • Hybrids
  • More size pairs
  • Stats affect breeding (IMPLEMENTED 0.700) 
  • New sex positions earned through gameplay
  • Breeding tasks/quests for NPCs
  • Better fluid effects 

Character System

  • Hair overhaul, better looking with more styles
  • More decor, eye shapes, marks, etc
  • Better idle and motion animations
  • Equipable dicks
  • Obtainable clothing
  • More refined body randomization algorithm
  • Optional cum inflation fetish

Harvest System

  • Alternative harvest methods/scenes
  • Better fluid effects
  • Storage capacity upgrades

Ranch System

  • Fern growth/storyline
  • Barns for new races
  • Breeder house overhaul
  • Barn capacity upgrades
  • Adjust body composition by feeding items

Roaming System

  • Better AI
  • Roamers surprise sex each other
  • Climax resistance tied to willpower stat
  • Seduction animations
  • F/F surprise sex
  • Better fluid effects 

Blessed Nephelym

  • Many more from different races to serve as NPCs
  • Additional scenes
  • More dialogue
  • Surprise sex for blessed ones

New Wild Nephelym Races and Variants

  • Thriae (insects)
  • Neko (cats)  (IMPLEMENTED 0.700)  
  • Sylvan (elves, orcs, fairies, goblins)
  • Slime
  • Risu (rodents)
  • Starfallen (aliens)
  • Formurian (sea creatures)
  • Alraune (plant and fungal creatures)
  • Undead (ghosts)

World and Adventure System

  • More detail and design, especially in sparse areas like Esoteric Glade
  • More sprawling Hedon Township
  • Water effects, swimming, splashing
  • Fall damage, environment damage (lava)
  • New area for Seraphim and other heavenly variants
  • New area under the ocean
  • Simple Quests
  • Day cycle


  • Better usability
  • Cleaner layout




The new Nephelym sounds amazing

Dravus Airwing

I'm wondering if there will be the inclusion of more fetish types in future


Looking forward to the upcoming content and changes


With the inheritance feature and the roaming surprise sex could we potentially watch the roaming creatures “Evolve” as the game goes on? Also dumb question bc I dont keep as updates but can roaming creatures surprise sex and happen to breed with NPCs? (NPSs that are shop keeps etc)


so i scream at slime


I know it isn't something you are focusing on but any idea when sound will be in? The only thing really missing for me, Still like the progress and will continue support but just curious.


if you put nocturnal races? to not load the stage so much


only thing that i dont see here that i want is that sound but looks good.


was going to ask if you'd see them surprise sex each other but you seemed to have answer that already, good show gents.


I don't think pregnancies will happen between roamers, that would get out of hand.


Centaurs would be cool


was going to ask if the titans were gonna get some animations with the smaller races?


great work on the game so far its really starting to come together! also id really love to see our Nephelym walking around the ranch and interacting with each other or some way to display our favortie nephelyms.

Erwin Doppler

Thank you for your work and I'm looking forward to the next updates!


wow, that's a lot of new things to see. i'm really looking forward to each of the new things. they will certainly come bit by bit. but can't wait. but one thing i still have to say: thanks for all the work. it's certainly not always easy. it's already a great game. keep it up. i'll support you in the future, too.


any plans for marriage system with npcs? sorry it's my first time commenting here so I'm not sure if this has been asked before xd also...this is amazing! :o


Very excited to check the new pairs and positions!


we in it for the long haul now bois


I'm looking forward to all this. I'm definitely down for trait and appearance inheritance, as well as hybrids. It's all gonna be really interesting when it's all coming together.


Will there be homosexual content?


No. He said never going to because he's not making something he doesn't like.


Will you be able to play as one of the other races, or is it just human?


All these sound cool, especially your idea with Sylvan. Thanks for your great work! Love this game.


Really looking forward to having the Formurians to f... I mean love.


Can you please make it so the breeder can still breed while pregnant?


Sounds? Like sexy moans, BGM and stuff? The game is already so big and polished, the main difference would be to add something for our ears.


oh no fall damage, how will i get around quickly on those new builds now lol


I dissagree that the game's base systems are finished, at the very least you definitively need a MAP of the island. Heck, you could make the exploration of the island into a mini goal in itself. You could add gates that prevent access to areas until you have a Nephelym that qualifies for whatever is gating the access (ie: a flying Nephelym to pull a trigger too high to reach, or a <huge> Nephelym to build a bridge above a river, or maybe one with a stat over a set limit, such as over 65 to move a rock that blocks the road, ect...). Additionally, it would be nice to have the breeder's (and the Nephelyms) stats be linked to stuff. As far as i can tell, only Fertility is useful (higher chance of getting pregnant), and i think "total stats" influence how much you can sell our daughters/spawns/minions/cattle.. Lastly, you need long therm end game content. Right now, as a players, as soon as ran around everywhere to captured one of each race and fucked them a bit to see the animations I'm basically finished with the game. You need to add something for players to aim for after a couple of hours of gameplay. Maybe something that build upon the rare racial presets ? Maybe some kind of (sex)battle tournament / pokemon thing ... against random made teams of nephelym ? Patreon preset teams could work as extra-hard regional champions.</huge>

Hoff Man

lol honestly stop complainin' John let the man do his work


I said nothing about finished. Most of the current systems are at phase 1, and the goal of the 0.7 series is to build them up further into phase 2-3. Adding content, especially that which will give players something to strive for, is exactly the point of 0.7.


will you be able to be a different race? and you know like be able to fly? or play as one of your captured? not rushing anything just wonder if stuff like this will ever be a thing.


" Adjust body composition by feeding items " How ? Which item ?


any chance in getting a "servie" feature? would be nice to get hand/blowjobs by the breeds =D


with some of the character ones like hair overhaul, a salon might be fun where you can change existing characters up, add/change details like the swirling one or plant one, things like that


I hope this means harvestables cuz my MMO brain keeps wanting to collect all those dang glowing plants I'm over here going "THEY GLOW, THAT MEANS THEY'RE IMPORTANT" when in all actuality it probably doesn't


Digging up an old post, but would love to see roamers surprising each other!


Looking forward to your further accomplishments DH, keep up the great work, and my the goddess bless your work!