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Creator Build

In a few days I will be releasing the first creator build for $10+ patrons. This is designed as a massive upgrade for the originally planned gallery. Rather than some hacky mode that infests the real game, it is a completely separate build that gives you the exact same tools I use for building Nephelym variants. And I mean exactly the same tools, no more pressing numpad 8 here boys. 

But wait, there's more. Leveraging the preset system I added in the last build, you can save your creations and submit them via a new Discord channel: #preset-submissions. Be warned I have very high standards, but if I like them I will add them to the game itself and they will have a chance of showing up randomly.

There is no set release schedule for the creator build. It will be updated when it needs to be; however that has the benefit of giving you any new tools I add for myself.

While the first release will let you customize any variant, future releases will have the long awaited gallery portion. I require the changes I will be making to sex scenes before that happens, which brings me to my current development plans.

Development Plans

Sex scenes, yes the notorious corner stone of every h-game, and the only reason anyone is reading this. I realize they have deteriorated, so I am dedicating this cycle to redesigning and improving sex scenes. Right now, making a new sex scene is a daunting task, so I only ever made two and they aren't amazing. The new format will be simpler and shorter, but much higher quality and easier for me to make (so there will be more).

Then there is the issue of physics. If you followed previous release notes, you know I had to throw in the towel with trying to get the engine's physics working with my character system. I want to start writing my own physics system using the Bullet API this cycle, but that is a complex task that will take many builds to complete. That's no good, so I want to add sex scenes concurrently.

In short, the next early build will have an improved sex scene system. At that point I can add the gallery to the creator build, then each build after that will introduce new sex scenes or size pairs. All while I slowly write the physics system on a different branch.






Good Luck ! i want buy but actually i can't i'm sorry


I...kind of want to upgrade for that Creator Build access, haha!


Most important question of all regarding sex stuff... Will we eventually have cum effects? Fluids? Even fluid physics? Always only get a big hunky dragon now who kinda looks like my Dereth (Please let us disable the balls on lizards... they don't have testicles outside..) and for now only can imagine how he drenches everything.


Adding fluid effects is part of the overhaul. It appears dragons got balls by mistake in the last build, they didn't have them before.


will each type of creature be able to breed with every other type eventually? and have their own scenes?


If sex animations are daunting, then these should be customizable/buildable/submissible in/from creator build, and then take advantage of external talents. You could still act as the filter for what goes in the game, but it will improve game dev time, particularly for a sandbox environment such as this. Either way, very excited for the creator build.


The animations themselves are not daunting. Creating the necessary data and getting them to look good on characters that can change shape is. Building scenes for my system is much more than animating.


Very, very cool. Can't wait to see what the community pumps out.


it will be great if somebody can help new players : i'm lost too. just for the beginning. Because i don't know what i really need to buy at the start of the game (wich milk or semen and how to tame nephelym)


If you go to (breedersofthenephelym.miraheze.org/wiki/Items (I hope I don't get in trouble for posting a somewhat link)) it will tell you what you want to know.


Thanks a lot, i don't think it's a problem to post that kind of link (i put it in py fav asap)

Drages Animations

I think every sex position should have a purpose.. as game wise.


Lol, yup, instantly went up to a $1`0 a month patron now lol. I had been thinking about it, but that sounds super fucking awesome I am not even waiting till it comes out here take my money! :D


Keep us updated :)