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One more testing build is necessary before the next public release. Many problems were identified and fixed in this build, let's start with the good news.

Adjustable Dicks

Under the hood, the dicks have been reworked to allow for the upcoming feral variants. On the surface, you can now have limited control over the shape of your character's dick--assuming they have such a device.

Complete Physics Rework

All physics are now a proper simulation with rigid bodies and collision. You can collide with other characters and make their fun bits jiggle. As with everything else, it's a work in progress, so the physics might occasionally spaz out. Unfortunately, physics is one of the engine's weak points at the moment.

UI/Camera Additions

The UI now scales with weird ass aspect ratios (you know who you are). Also, the camera can now pan with right mouse. I've exposed the camera speed controls as well in the settings window.

EXE Moved

The useless (and potentially EULA-breaking) exe "Radiant.exe" will no longer be shipped. Instead, run the game directly by going to "Radiant\Binaries\Win64\Radiant-Win64-Shipping.exe". I suggest making a shortcut somewhere and replacing the game in the same location when new builds are released.

And now for the bad news!

Save Wipe

Too many problems were created by my previous build, so any saves created before this build will no longer work. This I never want to do, but understand that with how early in development the game is, it's bound to happen.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed: Crashes related to trading and breeding.
  • Fixed: UI does not scale to anything not 16:9.
  • Fixed: Duplicate Butt entry in character editor.
  • Fixed: Can "buy" barn without it being added.
  • Added: UI will now auto select the first entry in a list.

Current Development

  • Feral Foxen. 
  • Missionary sex position. 
  • Camilla + better early game.
  • More color schemes. 
  • Other feral variants.
  • Randomized body shapes/faces. 
  • More NPCs. 
  • Bug fixes and stability. 


Mirror 1 : Mirror 2




ah god bless!!


Also don't know if it has already been mentioned or fixed but when you're in capture mode and press I it brings up your inventory and your camera faces your character and gets stuck in that position unless you close out of the game. Awesome game though love everything!


shoot and I just got two of every race last build lol


Well, so about half of the sliders in character creation is no longer working


Did you mean v0.663?


i wish, DH would implement saving UI-positions into the saves. bit nerving, that i have to rearrange all, when i start after crashing. and also, why does the dick of the receiver no longer move, when breeding???


I want to see Camila :'(


I don't know if this is a brand-new thing (haven't tried a build since the engine transition) but I LOVE that we have graphics presets now - I can actually play the game at a usable framerate again :D


Getting a lot of fatal errors and crashes.


I crash every time it's m breeder f bovaur.


i like dicks!


Crash when trading with Cassie.


Your game used to be better... now it is a slideshow that doesn't adhere to your choices... I unticked futa stuff and still it comes, controlls are worse than ever and there still isn't any sound what so ever. You lost me as a supporter after 6 months of waiting for somthing... worth waiting for... that did never show


Seeing as we have to start over is there at least a way of adding money into the game so I don't have to grind again?


I love this game. Can someone please advise? Game crashes when I try to breed MC and F Fox. I put the latest update separate from old game folder. I haven't bred a M Fox with F Fox, I will try that and see what happens. Any help would be much appreciated. I recommend anyone that likes this genre, to support. Thanks


Use 'Cheat Engine', that's what I did. I am more interested/concerned about the physics of the game than I am the economic system, so I give myself 999999 money and buy everything so I can test out the actual gameplay.


I've noticed something fairly odd. When playing as a male and entering into a breeding scene that's implemented the MC's nipples sag like sad milk duds.


I have about 1 hour creating the character and it was locked by changing the colors of the skin, I was staying beautiful and I lost everything x_x


I get a CTD if attempting to be giver in a sexact with both futa and male :'(


It'd be really nice if there was some way of modifying character appearance after character creation...


What causes the crash for me is if I have the male selected automatically in the left-hand category but they're not actually physically presented in the overview of the pair that will breed. I know that causes a ctd 100% of the time for me.


I'm may be a bit behind the curve on tech , for the testing builds , do they work as a patch and need to be downloaded and then ran through a previous version of the game ? Or should they be able to run independently ? Thanks.

Criss Cyanide

Delete your old saves and old versions and download the new one, I only suggest this because I was still getting most of the old bugs/crashes before I deleted my old saves. :P


Well , the problem I'm having , as I usually delete the old files with every new version , is that the test build seems to lack what I would normally click to start the program. But thanks anyway.


I think I'll just wait till all or most of the species are available in feral.

Criss Cyanide

Instead, run the game directly by going to "Radiant\Binaries\Win64\Radiant-Win64-Shipping.exe". Not being an arse but the location of the EXE was mentioned in this post.


If the giver does not graphically load before hitting start it will crash the game. As long as you click a different giver and then go back to make sure the figure loads you are ok.


Okay. I am new here... but I have tried everything to get started. Tried Foxen and Vulwarg. No matter what I do I can not capture my first one


This is how I did it: Buy Foxen House,then collar, 4 Foxen Milk and 4 of Foxen seaman or what ever it called. Now go to where the Foxen are use the fluids on them and then the collar. The red line has to be more than half full, But you have to be fast. Good Luck.


Use the vulwarg sperm or milk and you only need 2


This is great paid $2 can't run. Why did you have to change the .EXE it was working good, now I can't run it. Tried just about everything, this sucks.


Now to check some other games was in hopes. Previous games were great really wanted to see how awesome the progress is coming along. Unless the .EXE gets fixed I'm unable to.


I know this is a week late but. If your still having issues, try WINRAR its free.