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Hey guys, thanks so much for your support over the years via Patreon. I haven't shared anything online about the astronaut selection process (so please don't make any comments in the wild etc) but I thought I'd let you know that I received my rejection email this week. I met several people that made it through to the next level and I can say with assurance that they are amazing people that deserve it far more than me. I'm glad that America has such amazing people to select from. Again, please don't say anything ANYWHERE about this. This is SED Patron-only information. Again, I can't thank you enough for enabling me to make educational videos. You really make it happen, and I get a lot of joy from it. Thank You.




I'm sorry to hear that, Destin!

Austin Burnham

That's sad. I really thought you had a good chance. I still think you're one of the coolest guys out there. Good luck on all your future endeavors!


I was on the board of an engineering organization with Jose Hernandez when he was trying to get accepted. He was rejected three or so times before he finally made it. Persistence pays off... you can get there!


Ouch, sucks to get that letter but don't let this get you down at all - these amazing people who made it in are your peer group. You stand in the company of giants because you're a giant too.


Sorry to hear that Destin, but I know the feeling. I used to play the trumpet in a big band and made it to the UK national finals. We ended up getting silver and lost to a group who played so well, they could easily have been Glenn Miller's band. We were happy to get silver to their gold. Use the experience to improve yourself and go for gold again and know that we're all behind you.


Really sorry to hear that. Take care, Destin!


BUMMER. Well, their loss, I think.


I'm sorry you didn't get selected. You would be a fantastic astronaut. I think, though, that you can do much more good for the world not in the astronaut corps. You are much more free to pick awesome stuff to do than you'd be as an astronaut. It's a very confining job, and you spend your whole life training.


Sorry to hear. This has to be quite a deflating thing for a hard working, determined individual like yourself, Destin. Thank you for your contribution to society. I still consider you an honorable dude.

Strawberry Puptart

You're pretty damn awesome, you can still keep trying.


That's how I feel. These people were simply amazing. I'm honored that I even got to meet them.


Sorry to hear that Destin. I was looking forward to some episodes of SED from the ISS.


From what I've seen .... You seem to resolve everything that you focus your attention on. I'm sure this challenge won't be any different. I am looking forward to episodes of SED from the ISS, the moon, mars. I watched Gemini and Apollo missions as a kid.


With the option confirmed off the table, I'm excited to see where your journey takes you.


Will you try again? I think you might still be the Right Stuff, maybe just not the "Right Now" Stuff!


I am sorry you didn't get in this time.


That's stinks man, you would have been great! Hopefully this gives you good reason to go all in on something else though :) can't wait to see what it is !

David Fuller

I'm sorry for this event. I am hoping that you discover another way to make it happen.


You didn't give up on learning the backwards bicycle and won't give up on this. All the support Destin!


Hey Destin, I know one way or the other you will be broadcasting from space easily in the next 5 to 10 years. With all the private industry and the great amount of learning you bring to everyone it is bound to happen. The fact that you made it as far as you did already proves how great you are.


I know how much you want this, especially knowing your family history. But do not be discouraged. The Lord has a plan for your life. Keep serving Him and keep searching for His will in all of this. That way, whatever you do and wherever you do it, He will be glorified. Keep sciencing and never loose your curious attitude!


So sorry to hear about that, Destin. It's NASA's loss. You will be an astronaut one day, just not as soon as you hoped.


The reason you were rejected is that you make videos like no other and are too valuable to take off of that spot. Someday you'll go to space. And make videos of it the whole way.


Man, that sucks. Let yourself be sad for a bit. Get lots of love from friends & family. You're positive spirit will still take you on amazing adventures. Even if they're earthbound.


I hope one day you'll be orbiting the Earth, or maybe traveling far away exploring in the name of Mankind.

David Fuller

My 2nd comment: I do not know what you have thus far invested in this. I am selfish in saying that I hope you continue your efforts. Its my opinion that you are a good model for what I expect America's astronauts to be like.


Much love and respect, Destin. That probably sucks for you personally, but I guess that just means that you'll be here for us earthbound folk for a bit longer :).


Destin, I know that must have been some bad news for you to receive. You actually came to my mind the other day and I was wondering what the status of your application was. I am disappointed to hear you didn't make the cut this time. Someday you will make an incredible astronaut, but I guess the timing wasn't right quite yet. Don't give up!!


My family visited Kennedy Space center last week. Thought about you the whole time. Sorry you were cut from the selection process. I was really impacted last week by how many really smart people on the ground it takes to launch a rocket into space. Thanks for how you teach us!


You are one of the most capable, competent, intelligent, ethical, and dedicated people I am aware of in the field of popular science education. The mind boggles at the idea that there were others more qualified than yourself.


Destin, this news must be very disappointing for you! You've worked hard, completed all the requirements, and hoped for the best and then this happens. However, I am impressed that you would share this with your Patron supporters and I am honored to be one of them. One thing is clear; you have a high capability in many things! Just one of them is having fun while you get smarter and then sharing it with folks like me.​ 2 Thes. 2:16-17


I haven't gotten a letter, but I'm in the same bucket. For what it's worth, I'd be honored and excited to have you represent me and our country.


Dennis Tito--a civilian--was I believe the first commercial 'astronaut', having paid the Russians (CCCP back then) a fortune to hitch a ride. We did business together and while attending a conference, he found a sailboat and a bunch of us went for a sail. Let's just say that we others were glad to get out of that boat after an hour or so . . .


So, I have no doubt that you have the "Right Stuff" regardless of the selection process, plus you have demonstrated the skill to inspire and educate countless others, some of whom just might make the trip to space. In any event and based on what I seen on "Smarter Every Day", I'd rather be on a boat with you than the one aforementioned 'astronaut' in my list of acquaintances.


Destin, regardless of what NASA says, you'll be an influential space advocate for thousands of your followers. With your passion for learning, and the relentlessness with which you pursue your dreams, I'm sure you'll achieve great things. There is always next time. I put in a good word for you with Col Hague. Thanks for inspiring us with your positive attitude.


I feel bad for you :( but chin up, sir! There's plenty more for an excellent videonaut like you to discover right here on earth!


I just became a patron and saw this announcement, and so I found out that you were in that process and rejected from it all at the same time. I think they messed up, but, I love that you tried. Thanks!


Bear in mind you made it farther then the rest of us. I'm sure it was an incredible experience, but your path lies down a different road.