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Have you ever had an opportunity present itself in a way that was hard to believe?  This was kind of like that.  About a year ago I was asked if I wanted to do a quick video with the Navy.  They said they'd hire a film crew and go out to a specific ship and film some stuff, but it felt a little too planned out and organized if that makes sense.  I told them I didn't want to work with a crew... so I passed on the opportunity and said that my dream with the Navy would be to visit a Nuclear Submarine.  A year or so later I was talking to a completely different person and they mentioned ICEX.  I floated (pun intended) the idea of visiting and after a bit of an approval process, they agreed.  I was blown away by the professionalism by literally every sailor I met.  Other than "you cannot film inside the reactor room of the submarine" I was given freedom to ask whatever question I wanted of literally any person.  It was amazing.  I probably took 3 hours of SUPER interesting video on board and I'm trying to figure out how to release it.  My options are a single big video about life on a submarine... but honestly I'm leaning towards breaking it up into "How to cook on a submarine", "Interviewing the Captain of a Nuclear Submarine" , "How to break through ice in a submarine" etc.  Do you have any thoughts on that?

I also want to point out that this trip was very costly.  Because of NAVY regulations etc, I paid for every part of the trip (with the exception of the flight to Ice Camp... they treated me as self loading ballast, lol).  I want you to know that it's your support on Patreon that makes this possible.  Since I live in Alabama I did not have cold weather gear that met the cold weather gear requirements, so THANK YOU for helping me get a nice used jacket off ebay!  

I'm grateful for your support, and want to continue to earn your trust by creating high quality content which I hope you find to be intelligent and respectful.  

Warm Regards,



How I Boarded a US NAVY NUCLEAR SUBMARINE in the Arctic (ICEX 2020) - Smarter Every Day 237

Get 1st Audiobook + access to monthly selection of Audible Originals for free when you try Audible for 30 days https://www.audible.com/smarter or TXT smarter to 500500 Upcoming videos will explore what life on a submarine is like. Click here if you want to sub 😏: http://bit.ly/Subscribe2SED ⇊ Click below for more links! ⇊ Note: The US Navy put no restrictions on me about what I should say or how I should present what I learned on this trip. Other than making sure my footage was cleared for Operational Security, I am free to say whatever I want about this experience. Even though things are getting a bit difficult, The US Navy continues to provide stability and security. If you are interested to find out how you can join the Navy you can visit the website here: https://www.navy.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GET SMARTER SECTION There are tons of interesting career opportunities out there that I never knew about: The Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska Fairbanks offers incredible opportunities to research Arctic regions. They OWN A ROCKET RANGE. They do things like predict Aurora and monitor seismic and volcanic activity. I wish I knew about this when I was younger. https://www.gi.alaska.edu/ Check out the University of Alaska Fairbanks. https://uaf.edu/uaf/ The US Navy has several options such as engineer, pilot, submariner, logistics, accountant, medical doctor, and even Public Affairs specialist. I continue to be impressed by people that I meed who spent time in the Navy. I worked with various people during the course of filming this video and they were all top notch. https://www.navy.com/ I asked Sofia to write a little blurb about her job experience: Sofia Montalvo is an Ice Analyst at the US National Ice Center (USNIC). She studied meteorology at the University of Miami and atmospheric science at North Carolina State University, but did not know that mapping and forecasting sea ice for safety and navigation was a thing she could do. She loves her job for the mission it upholds: The USNIC Operations Department Analysts use remote sensing and model data to produce hemispheric, regional, and tailored ice and snow analyses. The Operations department is committed to the safety of navigation, protection of life and property, and government scientific research. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GET STUFF SECTION: (If I did this right these should be working Amazon affiliate links to purchase the stuff I like to use. When people purchase from these links it will support Smarter Every Day.) ❓Mystery Item (just for fun): https://amzn.to/30zlc78 Alaska Gear: Ski Goggles: https://amzn.to/30xELg0 Level 1 Thermal : https://amzn.to/2UPTDmn Level 2 Pullover: https://amzn.to/3fiEotV Level 2 Bottoms: https://amzn.to/3dYd83u Level 7 Pants: https://amzn.to/30w6n4X Balaclava: https://amzn.to/2Ykln3i Boots: https://amzn.to/3hgwYsN Socks: https://amzn.to/3ffQRP0 Parka: https://amzn.to/3cUXFQv (got mine used off Ebay) Gloves: Shell & Liner made by "The Heat Company" (no amazon links) Also, if you’re interested in a Smarter Every Day shirt etc. they’re really soft and you can get there here: https://www.smartereveryday.com/store ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tweet Ideas to me at: http://twitter.com/smartereveryday Smarter Every Day on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SmarterEveryDay Smarter Every Day on Patreon http://www.patreon.com/smartereveryday Smarter Every Day On Instagram http://www.instagram.com/smartereveryday Smarter Every Day SubReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/smartereveryday Ambiance, audio and musicy things by: Gordon McGladdery https://www.ashellinthepit.com/ http://ashellinthepit.bandcamp.com/ If you feel like this video was worth your time and added value to your life, please SHARE THE VIDEO! If you REALLY liked it, feel free to pitch a few dollars Smarter Every Day by becoming a Patron. http://www.patreon.com/smartereveryday Warm Regards, Destin



I would love to see a mini series with a number of different videos.


I've been looking forward to this one since you discussed it on NDQ!


Break it into topic wise small videos. Easier to digest. Make it a series of sorts. Just my 2 cents.


I am fan of shorter videos. It's hard to sit down to dedicate 45+ mins to a video. #millenialattentionspan


Shorter series of videos is my vote. Can't wait!


I taught high school science in Barrow, AK. I believe it is now called Utqiaġvik. Did you happen to travel through that town? It’s the furthest north village in the USA.


Self-loading ballast is the best ballast.


Shorter videos (10-15 min) work best, both for youngsters with short attention spans and adults with time limitations.


I would love to see a series of short videos. I have little kids so it's hard to find time to myself to watch long videos but I can always find time to watch the shorter ones.


What an opportunity! I would prefer to have you share more of it as a series of videos, but will eagerly await and watch whatever your end product is.


I am thinking back to some of your earlier work like how helicopters work, which were in several sections. I think several installments would better educate the audience. (I think a more direct answer is I have no problems supporting multiple videos on this topic, both in cost and that means other videos are delayed. This seems like a cool topic).


Shorter videos, for sure. Maybe even <5 minutes so kids can stay engaged.


I actually like the longer format videos. Here's why: You can understand the science better in one video than multiple since the content when laid out logically. Destin only puts out a video ever so often (not every week/.day so watching him longer makes it feel more engaging.


I'm going with shorter installments. Longer form with a coherent narrative could take a long time to produce from the raw footage. Now that you've got our attention, feed us little bits as often as you can without compromising your excellent quality and always leave us wanting more. Just my 2¢ worth. However you decide to do it I'm honored to be one of your patrons.

Jerame Edwards

I personally like longer videos, but a lot of my friends pass on long videos when I share them. Shorter series will still get watched by long format fans, but not the other way around. One family groans on every SED video I try to cast claiming, “I don’t want to watch an hour long video”. This is due to the rocket tour video being the first SED video I shared.


I like shorter videos better, since I don't always have the time to watch a long video. Awesome to hear about this!


This is so cool!


What a cool (pun intended) opportunity! Shorter videos please. Thanks and stay well.


I really really enjoy your content. Especially when it's such a long good made Video. But the problem is, when u got 2kids running around its nearly impossible to watch it completely by once.


What a fun opportunity! I love the shorter video idea though I always get excited for longer videos too because of their depth.


Destin—welcome aboard, Shipmate! Shorter videos sound great. Shoot, I'd have sent you one of my coats for free. Of course, it would have been a little small. Thanks for investing in all of us and making this happen... God bless you, buddy!


I was also thinking maybe after you've released the shorter videos you can follow up with the longer content.


Awesome!! AWEsome!! AWESOME Video!!1 Can't wait for part two. 😃


I'd make some smart reference to Hunt for Red October. The cook was the sabatuer, "you might not want to shoot at anything in here.", he always turns left at the bottom half of the hour. Are a few things that I recall. Oo how about how to play cribbage. Or, worlds best cribbage players. Episode one of the most uncomfortable toilets. What is" hot bunking? " looking forward to the video!


My vote is for a series of videos instead of one long video. I look forward to seeing it or them no matter which you choose.


I'd go for the multiple videos too. So many youtubers are starting to do 20 or 30 minutes videos and time wise I just don't have the time to watch everyone's videos.


great video! loved the science focus.


This 30 minute video was the perfect length imho. You had me glued to the screen and I did not let myself get distracted even for a second. I'd be thrilled to watch more long-form videos. Whatever you decide, I just want to say thanks a million for sharing this awesome and inspiring experience with us!


Longer or shorter videos, that is the question. Personally I prefer longer videos(like this one or even longer), because with experience from your and other channels I have feeling that in shorter videos there is not enough time to explain the topic in detail. In 10 min video first few minutes is the begging then you barely scratch the topic a the you have to end because of 10min mark. From you're description I guess you have a metric ton of footage, which I believe will need some explanation. But, on the other hand I understand that I'm not representative research sample. 😊


I quite enjoy the longer format videos

Richard Cole

I prefer the longer 30-45 minute videos as it gives you time to get into the detail. Maybe do a compromise and create natural break points around every 15 mins, like back at home commentary - so that people with time constraints can split one video into shorter 15 minute sessions?


I think it would be great broken up. Your space series from a few years ago was very good and I felt those were a nice length and so combined together to be a nice afternoon of watching. Love your content, God bless. -SaM


can't wait for video from inside sub.

Chris Humphrey

I really think you should do a Dive Deep series. I think one video wouldn't be enough, because you would have to cut some parts out. But if you do it over a series, you can add everything (that the Navy will let you!) and we could get Smarter Every Day!


Break it up into multiple videos! My father was on subs for 20 years; they are fascinating!


I think a series of videos 30-40 minutes long would be about right.

Poker Chen

Split it into a series of videos, each about 20 min? I think it will be good to spend some time introducing each content with something closer to our daily experience


Definitely split it up! So cool to get to see the support go towards something so amazing...keep up the great work Destin!

Poker Chen

Actually, I would definitely watch a video on that ice halo!

Robert Sanges

Grinning ear to ear while watching this!

Vitor Bittencourt de Oliveira

That's amazing, man! About the extra content. There's another channel I follow called NoClip that does documentaries on video game development and they break down the bigger ones pretty much in the same way you suggested above with smaller focused chunks. It's a good format.


Wow, Destin! I made my first comment before I finished watching the video... but from what you presented here, this has to be a series! If you put everything you learned on this trip into one video, it would be HOURS long!


Well... Given the attention span of the average human, the ADD human, the human child and adolescent... the numbers say it would be best viewed in chunks. So separating into 'episodes' would be best. I look forward to watching that series.


Yes? I mean, do anything you think is best, but I'd watch both


Divide into episodes of 15 minutes. My brother in law did 3 years as one of the degreed engineers running the sub’s nuclear power plant. And guess where the Navy provides nuclear reactor training ??? Idaho Falls, Idaho. Go figure.


Any chance we could see a time lapse of the sun circling overhead? I think I’d prefer shorter videos by theme. It would also be cool if you could go back in late December and record the aurora borealis and show comparison side by side time lapse shots. 😎


I'd definitely prefer breaking it up into shorter segments. Looking forward to that cooking part :)


Can't wait to see the inside of the sub. I was lucky enough to tour the Kentucky at commissioning absolutely phenomenal.


Thanks Destin! This is really cool!


I would prefer a couple of short ish videos. If you make it a long video and cut it in chapters, then put it all in a playlist. I think it could support both opinions


Super cool! Thanks!

Kevin McDonough

I vote for multiple shorts! I like long-form videos, but friends/family won't watch anything I share over 15-20min. This way I could send people only the parts they'd be most interested in.


i would love to see it breaking up in multiple video, maybe a recap one for "braoder audiece", but please nerdsnipe me away!


I agree with doing in it segments! Would probably do 2-4 15-20 min ones followed with a here's everything else 30-45 minute video.


Dude I can't wait to see what inside the sub looks like. I think several smaller videos would give the opportunity to show more of each part so my vote is for that. Thanks again for sharing your experiences with us, keep going man you ROCK!


Awesome video Destin! What a unique experience, and thanks for sharing it with us!

Clifton Ballad

Sadly for me, the part I would want to see the most would be the reactor room... I %1000 understand Why, but I still wish I could see it. *sigh* National security can be really annoying for nerds... Otherwise I'm good with what ever format you decide to put it out in. Smaller is nicer for searching out bits (the cooks vid for chefs, break through ice for mechanical engineer's and welders...) to pass onto others, and would be my only vote for the shorter segments. Shorter segments would suck unless you released them in rapid fire, such that I dont feel like Im waiting 3 weeks + for the whole story when I know I could have had it in 30 min... Just trying to give you perspective, I really am good with whichever way you choose to tell this story.


This was a super interesting video. I had no idea that anything like that was going on. It was really refreshing to see something completely new to me. Thanks! I definitely got smarter after watching yesterday. :) I can't wait to see the next installments.


I'd like shorter segments. It's easier for me to mentally digest information in little chunks of narrative.


I agree, a couple of shorter videos with different focusses would be nice.

Steve Jones

This video is amazing.. I think it is really positive to show all the very cool jobs that you can have in the military, and that not every military job is front-line fighting I was never in the military, but if something like this had been around when I was making early life choices, it certainly would have changed my perspective and made me consider it. From dropping cats, to building NAS storage servers, to nuclear subs, your videos are all compelling and you can't help but to learn something from each one.


Hey Destin! I'm a submarine officer myself. Honestly I'd really prefer short videos too. I can't thank you enough for making these videos- I can finally show my family what I do! We're never really sure what's classified and what isn't, so resources like this that have been vetted by Big Navy are super useful. You're making a lot of submariners very happy- not just for coverage of what we do, but so we can share with our families.


Finally got a chance to see this, Destin, on Father's Day. Can't wait to see the rest. We get so much more access to these things these days. I'm glad that they will go ahead and edit out what can't be shown instead of just not allowing any photography. It reminded me of my father talking about Operation Exotic Dancer. He couldn't say much except that he had to check his boots for scorpions in the morning, and he brought me back a pocket knife from Puerto Rico.


Glory to God. Go Navy


Can't wait for the rest of these videos, I think breaking it up into a series would be fine, im an Army missile defense guy and I have a stepbrother who's a torpedoman. We're trading notes all the time about similarities in our jobs, I'm excited to see what I can of this side of his life.


As a retired submariner (retired in 1985), I appreciate the chance to see how much has changed on the new boats. As for the format, use your best judgement....it's never failed you yet!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 08:31:31 I hate it that you (& most everyone else) can’t show the engine room😞 We really need more volunteers, in the nuclear community, but it’s hard to do when everything’s a secret
2020-09-06 18:00:37 I hate it that you (& most everyone else) can’t show the engine room😞 We really need more volunteers, in the nuclear community, but it’s hard to do when everything’s a secret

I hate it that you (& most everyone else) can’t show the engine room😞 We really need more volunteers, in the nuclear community, but it’s hard to do when everything’s a secret


I'm in the Army Reserves. The coolest machines I've got to ride in is a HET and a C-17.


I'm nearly convinced that we classify NNPI more out of habit than actual necessity. NR has massive organizational inertia, after all. There are much, MUCH more classified things forward of the WT door, but we simply cover up the gauges, close the laptops, and/or sanitize pictures and videos during the review process.