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Hey guys, 

I made this quick video yesterday when I was at the Atlanta airport.  It's a neat little thing I like to look at when I'm flying through Atlanta, but didn't know if it was appropriate to share with the wider audience.  Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8cUU-3nl2g

Let me know what you think and feel free to comment and let me know your thoughts.  Thanks again for supporting the channel!




I think it's a good fit for the 2nd channel! It might even make people look around their airport a bit more to see what might be hiding in plain sight!


I'm a huge MLK fan and love history - I say post the heck out of it :-)


Smarter. Every. Day. Why not the main channel? It's good. So what if it's short and non-science?


I liked it. While not necessarily the normal topic, I think it would be good for the second channel. I think most people that are enough of fans to follow the second channel, also understand why you are sharing it.


Hi Destin. I thing it will be great for for other channel. I personally look around in places like malls in Poland and find similar things, like posters of movies that were important in communism for free people mind in country surrounded by cages of parties and other people that tried to make other suffer. Great video, best of luck to you, Jakub


Hey! I walked past that exhibit about a month ago on my way to Guatemala. Really cool that they just have that in the airport.


I agree that’s it’s good stuff. Nothing wrong with pointing out the beauty in everyday objects. Doesn’t have to be a fancy long drawn out soliloquy.


I think it's great. And I hope that photo was staged, since it wouldn't be a super idea to bat towards the house and window! :-)


I love this kind of unscripted content. Minimal editing and really just showing us the interesting things you can find if you take a minute to slow down and look.


Liked it, don't see any reason not to share. I will admit I felt a little silly trying to figure out what engineering/science related thing you where going to say about the baseball bat as you lingered on it, but nope, just a bat...


Totally didn't notice the window in the background. Lol. Need to work on III's stance as well.


I think by asking a group of people that financially support your channel you are self selecting people that will want to see just about any content you post. The response will be overwhelming "yes, post it"


Yes! Your 2nd channel is more from your heart and little things that interest you or catch your eye.


Yes, inspiring, genuine and timely. We have an MLK memorial in San Francisco and you brought back some powerful memories. Thanks!


Love it.


honestly you could share it on the main channel. why not? it's still somewhat educational.


Knowing you, I am sure there is a more creative and stimulating way to educate us than this video.


I like the fact that it is shot with a ‘stop and smell the roses’ feel. Just walking by you can easily miss it. Thanks for sharing. I think it would make a great addition to the 2nd channel.


This is the perfect kind of content for the second channel. Teaches you something but isn't super crazy time consuming to make like your main videos.


I've traveled a bit revently and noticed that a lot of airports have these miniature museum exhibits and no one seems to stop at them. I'd love to see more people acknowledge these.


I think it could go into first channel too (for a wider audience), but since you don't have that option, I am choosing the second channel option ...


I like it - post it! - but you mentioned President Nixon when the photo was of President Johnson. Might want to dub over that little bit.


I'm surprised that there wàs a elevator button myself. Wonder if that will be a realistic comment in the future. I guess where I was working you pressed a screen before hand and it would tell you the elevator number/letter to go to. They put it a bit further away from the elevator so by the time you arrived it was already there. They found it reduced dwell times quite a bit since they could optimise elevator scheduling quite a bit. Also helped with energy consumption since they would wait for certain number of people.


Nice video but I feel it's off brand


Loved the connection with the bat. It's a more personal artifact that makes you feel things differently than just pictures or text. Awesome exhibit worth sharing.


Conflicted. Post please; great message & reminder of fact he was “just another guy” & his humanity. Conflicted in whether to say “main” or “2nd.” Great message for quite a wide audience. Will spur all the trolling & shouting. LOVED the Amos 5.24 tag. Magnificent tip-o-the-hat.

Jordan Ulmer

Hey Destin ! I agree with Katerina and Richard ! I love all your content, but this one is off brand :)


Release it for sure! It’s a great point to show that someone who changed the world is really no different than the rest of us. He wasn’t born different. He made himself different because he had the determination to make the world a better place. There are a lot of great exhibits in the ATL airport and most are over looked.


I really liked the video, it’s great to be exposed to your raw reflections like that and it’s great that we can take the time to look at it without having to go to the airport!!


Absolutely you should post it. Either on the second channel or the main channel in my opinion. Being Smarter Every Day isn't just maths and science and how to build a better rocket-powered circular saw =) Smart covers ALL subjects. And reminding us all that every day we all walk past displays and memorials dedicated to some truly incredible people that took great strides advancing humanity is well worth posting. I think most of us don't take the time in our busy, crazy, too much to do in 24-hours lives to notice things that don't fall into our personal paradigms. I'm certainly guilty of it. But then again, I'm still working nigh to midnight =)

Mark Griffith

Why wouldn't you post it! Completely appropriate!

Austin Burnham

I like that this has a different feel with a history aspect. Maybe Matt has been rubbing off on you. I usually just think of him as a historical so I appreciate the reminder that he was a person and a father too. Also, I liked your beard. I’m sad to see it gone.


Yes, totally share it! My wife and I live in the Atlanta area and sometimes when I fly out somewhere, I lament the interruption to my normal walking/exercise schedule, so I walk to my concourse instead of taking the people mover/shuttle thing. Something I stumbled on to a few years ago and that you may also enjoy is the rainforest art installation in the underground passenger walkway and between Concourses A and B.


Your bringing this video to us reminds me of Roman Mars' (of 99% Invisible fame) exhortation to "always read the plaque". :)


Wholesome and something that others appear not to notice? Very much smarter every day!

Daniel Ryan

I say post it. This is what second channels are for. You found a thing you want to share with an audience. It isn't your normal flavor, it's not fully fledged, thought out, or polished, but it's interesting and you want to share it. This would be the place to share a thing without intention of making money or feeding the machine, it's for sharing a small but interesting part of your life.


The way I see the channel is that Destin takes things that the general populous either doesn't know or doesn't often think about and points them out even if it is just to make us aware of their existence. Given that, this video, while different, still fits the bill. As a side note, I enjoyed the video. It is always interesting seeing tidbits of history in unexpected places.

Dragi Raos

To be smarter every day one must not restrict oneself to science. This little video would not be out of place on your main channel, bur second is OK too if you think that's better.

Robin A

I would love to see the video on the main channel if more backround information was added. Thank you for sharing the video!

João Gouveia

Absolutely! This is great Destin, thanks for sharing.


Depends on how important polish is to you. I think that the actual content and quality of this video is fantastic and interesting and shows more about you which I love but in my eyes the main reason to not post it if you prefer having a higher polished look to even your second channel videos. That being said I am reasonably certain the majority of people looking on your second channel are like most of us on Patreon that support you as a person and are interested in your thoughts, discoveries and opinions regardless of the finer details and polish... A long-winded way of saying I thought it was cool, adds value, and others would be happy to see it.


I’m afraid you may get burned by the YT audience for getting your presidents wrong if you publish this specific vid. But in general, short bits like this are perfect for your second channel! I think the thought behind it is admirable. (see what I did there?)


I live in Atlanta and fly weekly for work. So I have an opportunity to check out all the airport art and exhibits. I agree, this is one that is sadly neglected. For me, seeing the day to day objects from someone's life anchors them in my mind as a fellow human being in a way that reading about them cannot. So I say post it!


I echo comments here and on the video. With a little re-editing and/or a lead in segment about how important our history is and how easy it is to pass it by, this could be a main channel video.


The whole point of a second channel is to release low effort random stuff that catches your interest. Release it. =]


do it! :)


I think the audience that enjoys your other intellectual videos would generally appreciate this one as well. Science-related or not, it's still intriguing and informative delivered with your personal twist.


Roman Mars of 99% Invisible puts it best: "Always read the plaque!" It is so easy to run past things in your day-to-day and not give a damn, you never know what you might be missing. If this only nudges a handful of people to let their curiosity take the wheel once in a while I feel it's worth releasing.


I voted yes for your second channel, because there wasn't an option for your primary channel. Like many have said here and on the video itself, I think this is worthy of your primary channel, where more people may see it. I know that you have to take a lot into account with the algorithm, number of potential views, clicks, a potential off brand video, and all that, but this was really good, and I think as many people as possible should see it.


It's sharing your world and the way you think. Share it man


perfect for the second channel. shows your fascination for thing that seem insignificant at first glance but are very much significant. i say go for it!