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I wanted to give you guys a personal update on my life and what’s going on in the Sandlin household. You bring a certain stability to my life through your support that I wouldn’t have otherwise, so I wanted to let you know what’s up lately. Not in the normal YouTuber "this is what's up on my channel" kind of ways, but in the real person to person kind of way.  There are seasons in life when you need to buckle down and focus on family.  It kind of reminds me of one of those scenes in primitive sword and shield battle movies when a tactical retreat is called by the field commander.  "To the keep!" is usually yelled out and the troops fall back a bit to a more defensible position.   I’m in one of those seasons right now.. 

My wife had surgery recently and recovery seems to be going nicely. It was a significant event, and the doctor says it will take about 10 weeks before she starts to feel normal again. We’re about 4 weeks into that now. My boss at work was SUPER cool about the whole ordeal. I couldn’t have asked for a more considerate and supportive management structure. I really enjoy my job, but I must admit that having several weeks at home with my children makes me feel like I’ve been reintroduced to them. At the beginning of my wife’s recovery the 2 year old only wanted to be consoled by Tara. At this point in the game I feel like my kisses could cure injuries up to, and possibly exceeding an amputation. My daughter will bump her knee or something and come over to me and ask me to kiss it. Once the kiss procedure is complete she’ll say “Kank-yoo Daddy” and go on about her business. My other children aren’t incredibly affectionate, so this is a pretty gigantic deal for me. I’ve done many things in my life, but for some reason the ability to heal a boo-boo with a kiss is super high on the list of things I’m proud of.

The podcast with Matt from Wyoming is going well. We didn’t really know what to expect when we first started. Our main goal is pretty simple. We want to demonstrate that it’s possible for people to disagree and still be friends. We also want to provide a solid example of authentic fathers/husbands. It’s going very well at this point. We’re averaging around 100,000 downloads on each episode, with one peaking up to almost 150,000. We never expected that kind of result, so thank you if you decided to listen. Smarter Every Day has always been a lone-wolf type endeavor, so it’s fun and refreshing to be working on something that involves a direct partnership with a second brain.  From cross referencing the patron list I can see that many of you have chosen to help out.  You're awesome.

I’m excited about a particular video coming up on the channel. For about a year now one of the Patreon goals has been for a “contraption fabricator”. This video involves a device that I’ve been working on for about 2 years. It’s visually pleasing, so I think you’ll enjoy it. Don Pettit dropped by when he was in town a couple of weeks ago and he though it was awesome, so I hope you have the same reaction. I’m not making this video with any intention of creating a viral video… it’s just something I really like and want to make. For me, these are the best videos. I’ve been working with a man for several months now to perfect the operation and we’ve almost completed it. He recently gave me a very reasonable bill that was quite large. I was able to pay him straight up with funding that you’ve provided without worrying about dipping into family money. It felt really cool to do that.

This is the paragraph where I say sappy things about how thankful I am for what you do for me. I’m not trying to fluff you up or anything, so if this sort of thing makes you feel weird just skip the next few sentences. I recently gave a talk at a local convention at the request of the Huntsville Alabama travel bureau. It was called the “Travel Blog Exchange”. I talked about my thoughts on how to make YouTube videos and how authenticity is important… quality over quantity etc. I spoke at length on Patreon and how for many travel bloggers it might be worth looking into. I explained that it’s great for people who make good stuff even on a small level because people would want to partner with them and help them make more content. After the talk some fancy people from some kind of New York marketing agency approached me and asked if my talk was secretly some type of marketing thing for Patreon. They looked a little confused when I said “no, I really do like Patreon that much. Patrons of Smarter Every Day have changed my life and how I think about financing the content that I make.” You have. You provide stability to my crazy life in a way that I didn’t think was possible. Thank you.

I’m actually typing this from bedside in the children’s ER. Due to a stomach virus my son started to lose the body hydration differential equation game and eventually got to the point where he was lethargic. When you can’t keep a little one hydrated you’re left with few options, so we came up to the ER and got an IV to get some fluids in the big man. It’s hard to fathom a world without such a simple medical procedure as an IV. We’re only 150 years down the road from that by the way. Doc says we’re going to be just fine.

I hope this wasn’t too strange. I wanted to give you guys an update without it sounding like a form letter. In short, I’ve retreated to the keep and I’m doubling down on family stuff for the time being. I’m still working on videos, but I’m doing my best to keep my priorities straight and get the family healthy. Thank you.

I’m grateful,





Thanks for being awesome (my husband and I just watched your curling rock video over our morning coffee and are now smarter - smile- we are in 53 and 60 yrs old) . . . in response no reply needed . . . kiss your wife and each of your children <3

Logan West

Thanks for the cool update Destin. We'll be happy to pray for your family and no worries about trying to get videos out. We'll enjoy them when you have the time :)


Destin Sandlin: "Lord of the Flies & Protector of the Keep" Get your family well! We'll be here to support you through Patreon and prayers.


Thanks for sharing your life with us Destin. I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers. James 5:16

Greg Strike

Wow man, lots of stuff going on! How cool is that you get to be there for the whole family through everything?! EDIT: Apparently ENTER will submit... SHIFT-ENTER allows for multi-line... My daughter went through some dehydration stuff a couple months back, a trip to the ER, an IV and a couple hours later she was doing much better. The scary part for us was when you could smell an acetone-type smell on her breath as she wasn't eating either... My family's praying for you guys... Hoping for a quick recovery for everyone.


Stay strong Super-Dad! You are awesome and bring such joy to my life, as well as my son's. We'll be thinking of you and your son and sending my best energy to y'all.


Thanks for the update, Destin! I went through my Patreon list a little while ago and culled it to just small-time creators, no real big names... but I've kept you on there because you're so genuine and bring a smile to my face. Do what you need to and we'll be here ready when you're able to advance from the keep again.


Sometimes i forget that you're not only a YouTuber. You work Full-time as well as being a husband and a Father. The amount of effort and Love you put into all aspects of your life is truly inspiring and If I was to ever call someone my 'Role model' it would have to be you Destin!


Major respect, sir. I hope your family gets well soon!


Glad to know you have your priorities straight. Keep the main thing the main thing.


You are fighting the good fight! Destin, I wish you and your family all the best. Stay hydrated and keep laughing.


Thank you, Destin! It's always refreshing to see someone break the "fourth wall" that can come with YouTube celebrity status and express the normal, day-to-day, "I'm a human being just like you" kind of stuff. You do this often, and it is so appreciated. Will be praying for you guys during this season. God bless!


You're a man worth funding, Destin.


Good to hear from you! Wishing your dear ones a fast and full recovery! Lots of love, Destin!


Prayers that your wife and son have speedy and thorough recoveries. I really admire what you do and the authenticity with which you share your life.


It's so comforting knowing that you and I share the same values, Destin. From our faith, to family, to being able to disagree with a friend and maintain a healthy relationship with them. You are a conduit that allows us to convert our spare change into effective and infectious enthusiasm for honest intellectualism without sacrificing core values, all the while indirectly showing the world what being a modern Christian can (and should) look like.


Thank you for sharing a glimpse into your life. I came to your channel for the awesome content (Helicopters! Shooting AK's underwater! Prince Rupert's drops!) but I've remained a loyal supporter because of the values you show. Posts like this make me feel good about helping support your awesome content. Ultimately, I am greedy for more videos, but that is a long-term greed. Thus, in the short term, I want you to take care of the important stuff. :)


I completely agree. I came for the cool science and his incredible energy and genuine joy and excitement about everything he does. I stayed and became a Patron for his values, as another user said better than I would have " indirectly showing the world what being a modern Christian can (and should) look like." Take it easy, Destin. To the Keep!


Keep up the good work, mate!


Much love and prayers for you and your family, sir! Always appreciate your insight and candor.


This is gonna sound dumb to those who haven't experienced what I am talking about but I had a dream with you in it like 3 or 4 days ago. We dream all the time right.. but it felt different in the sense that it was one of those dreams which had more weight to it, though the content of the actual dream remains a blur. There have been only a few times in the past where those have had a special, spiritual if you will, meaning to it. Times where God had to get my attention in a more overt way (usually because I was too caught up in my own world to give him time to speak to me) I kind of shrugged it off and forgot about it until this post when I realized I was supposed to be praying for you. Needless to say, I wasn't but especially now, will definitely be! We all need that from each other but you are on the frontlines is a unique way... you are making a real life impact on real life people and that's not going unnoticed by the one who hates you the most.. keep it up and remember... you're getting smarter, and wiser everyday! (I want to share Psalm 14:27 specifically for you and your family)

Jordan Ulmer

#FamilyMattersMost thanks for setting an example :)


Your family is half the reason we watch your videos. it's so refreshing to see someone "do it right". Take all the time you need, and defend the keep!


Keep up the good work Destin!

Chris Hinkle

I'm happy to be able to support you. You're a good man, Destin.


Good luck with the health issues (wife and kid). Started to be a Patreon supporter only a few days ago but I've been a subscriber on youtube for quite some time.


Your authenticity, combined with the awesome content is exactly why I'm happy to support (albeit, not much). Keep up the great work and thanks for all that you do to make the world a smarter (and better) place! P.S. Can't wait for the "Ready Player 1" convo on NDQ... I bought and read it in a single day (through Audible at 2.5x speed) - figuratively, couldn't put it down! 😏


Focus on what is most important. In times like these families need to internalize and focus on each other. We stand behind you in support regardless of the situation. Prayers for you and your family.


Amazing post. Really glad to know you are happy. Your authentic personality and lifestyle is truly what makes you different from many other content creators. Have a nice day :D


<3 much love. We fund you exactly for this reason. It would be a shame if family business were something you couldn't take a break for.


Nailed it dead on about authenticity being important! Keep up the excellent humaning sir.


Thanks for sharing your story, Destin! Hope everyone in the family heals fast.


While YouTube and the internet is full of plastic, showy creators who just use excessive, worthless stunts to get those clicks, your work on SED and your podcast with Matt stands out as a shining example of constructive, authentic, and downright entertaining content that the internet is in dire need of. Your example of tolerance and friendliness to those who believe differently than you has caused me to assess how I interact with others as well. Keep it up, Destin! I'll keep your family in prayer.


You really are one of the best folks on YouTube, a great example of someone who enjoys their life with their family, and a country boy engineer with whom I can identify. Hope all of your ailing family pulls out of the dive over the next few weeks. Love NDQs... It reminds me of my best friend - with whom I almost always disagree on the approach - and the ways we come at major life/society problems differently. But those differences really do make problem solving a richer experience. Wait.. would you look at that beautiful bear silhouetted by the sunset! :) Best of luck to you Destin and keep up the great work! Oh... and HailState!


thank you for sharing~


Destin, I appreciate your candor and transparency. Life is exciting, even with surgeries and trips to the ER (been there-done that). How we respond to the "zings of life" is the key! Life is exciting when things go our way but it gets rich and meaningful when things don't! I really mean that! This is where our attitude and outlook on life makes the difference. It's just like the backward bike, buddy. We can choose to give up trying to ride it or just work through it in a positive mindset and wonderful things happen. I see that happening in your life. Thanks for being real in public eye and being a great example of striving for excellence in all you do. Blessings brother!


Hang in there Destin, praying for your fam.


Thank you very much for signing up man. Heads up, posts like this are few and far between so don't expect a huge emotional investment. I wanted to update everyone since things are a bit strange at the moment.


Quality = truth = authenticity = godly = quality. It's very simple, and extremely rare. You are that. Just keep going.


We're grateful for you, too, Destin.


Family First. You make sure you look after your own above all else Destin :) Just keep doing what you're doing. You're awesome, truly.


Hi Destin, thanks for the update and we're praying for you and your family! With regards to No Dumb Questions, would love to contribute to that patreon but cannot afford what is quite a high entry point, living in South Africa...


Hey Destin, Thank you. Thank you for who you are, for your authenticity, transparency and curiosity. You're an inspiration to me. Your message deeply touched me. I've been binging on SED2 this past week and I've been enjoying myself a lot, because it feels like you share with us the true you. Thank you for that. Yesterday I finished Ready Player One and am looking forward to the next Podcast; it will come when it will come and that's dandy with me. Priority #1: the fam! That makes a lot of sense to me :) I send love and energy to you and your family, particularly your son and wife for their recovery. Thank you for the beauty you bring to this world.

Nathanael Mayo

Destin, You. Are. Awesome. What you have done to become "smarter everyday" has greatly inspired me. Just know that you have inspired a high schooler to realize there is more to life than getting 50 likes on a new post on social media or getting that "right" girl. I definitely don't think that's all life is about, but I have definitely distracted myself with it. Also, I will be praying for you and your amazing family and pray that God sustains you all through whatever valley and trial you all go through; because He will! God bless you brother. Ecclesiastes 3:11


*firstbump* Keep being awesome!


Thanks for being honest with us. We appreciate your priorities and we are glad to be supporting these endeavors. Your family has blessed our family.


Destin, I'm praying that your wife and son get better soon! My son got me hooked on Smarter Every Day, and I, as an avid podcast listener, got hooked on No Dumb Questions. At first I thought that you and Matt rambled a bit too much, but as the episodes went on you started discussing more and more interesting things! Its fun to get to know you both better through the podcast. Keep up the great work. Love the Narnia and Bible references at the end of each of the SMD videos. Blessings on you, Doug


Love the podcast... looking forward to many more episodes


Best wishes from Ireland. Why _wouldn't_ we want to be Patreons for great creators and educators - hundreds of years ago, only kings and popes could do that - now anyone can at the cost of a fancy coffee/beer/etc.


Hope your little man and the Mrs make a full and speedy recovery. Keep up the fine work, and we will look forward to getting smarter every day.


I'm glad to hear things are going well, despite some of the negative events you've been dealing with. I'm really excited to see the things you've been working on, too! Take care, to you and yours.


Hello Destin! Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your personal life. It can be hard to trust that people will be understanding and considerate of these bits of your private persona, and I greatly appreciate that you were willing to share. I'm glad that Tara is healing well, that you've gained the healing-kiss power, and that your work at Smarter Every Day is growing to include some of your personal devices! I'm glad that as a Patron at Patreon, my family is able to help you to do what we love. Every Sunday night we open up YouTube and browse our favorite educational channels as we fold our laundry. Your channel is one of the first ones that my kiddos ask for (aged 13 to 3)! Thank YOU for being a part of OUR life. I hope that your son is better quickly and that your family has support during this period of your life. Keep on keeping on, family first, and we'll see you when we see you!


You are Such a GREAT DAD Destin! Hoping Your Wife & Son are feeling Better & have Fully Recovered since or in The Process! Sending Prayers Praise & Thoughts of SUCCESS! Im Glad I can Help even if its just Alittle with Something! Smarter Everyday is Grand & When You are able! MAKE SMARTER EVERY DAY GREAT AGAIN teehee! Couldnt Help it Had to Add That in There! Okay Sign to You & your Beautiful Family!


Hey Destin. I'm ridiculously late to the party here, but I asked myself tonight "Why hasn't Destin released a video for a while? I hope he’s ok!“ and went searching and stumbled upon this post of yours. I’ve been a Patreon support of yours for a while now and I just wanted to take a little time out of my schedule to just say I appreciate that you’re a loving Dad and husband first, and mate, don’t for a second think us Patreon supports are here for quantity over quality. I’m here to support you, for being you, and you’re at a time in your life where you need to dig in and focus. I appreciate that, love that, and fully support that. So mate, you have the full support of this Australian family! Cheers mate! Michael Pasqualone & Jessica Burrows, Canberra, Australia