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1.3.2a minor patch changelog:

  • Fixed an issue where the title screen displayed "HD" instead of "4K"!

Hi all Patrons! Today marks the Patreon release of yet another update to Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D 4K. It includes over 60 new textures, covering both UI, environment and more. It also includes the super smooth 60 FPS patch! Please see the rest of the added features below;

This update is medium sized and adds a ton of new 4K textures, and it also includes the neat 60 FPS patch to make the gameplay experience buttery smooth. Other improvements include tons of configuration changes, shader changes and other general bug fixes as well as much more!

This was posted in the previous updates' post as well, but as a reminder (or if this is your first time using Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D 4K), Here are the default key bindings for using the bottom screen with your controller;

  • D-Pad Up: Free Cam (First Person View)
  • D-Pad Left: Ocarina
  • D-Pad Right: Item Slot 1
  • D-Pad Down: Item Slot 2
  • Select: Items Menu
  • Left Joystick Button: Gear
  • Right Joystick Button: Map

You may need to set these bindings again on your own controller in case Citra does not recognize it automatically. Simply double click the input button for each respective button and press the corresponding button on your controller and you should be good to go!

This should make the game much more enjoyable, especially if you're playing on a TV where you definitely don't want to be switching around between different controllers mid-action.

4K User Interface is nearly complete!

The user interface's complete remaking from scratch is finally nearing it's completion! The final textures are being finalized as you're reading this, and now practically all of the UI should be in 4K (except for the text, which because of technical limitations in how the game was developed can't be upscaled at the moment, I'm working on it though!). Personally, just this alone should make the texture pack worth using over the old muddy and pixelated user interface. Or maybe you like that! I don't judge ;)

Hyrule Field is getting the care and love it deserves!

So Hyrule Field has been neglected a bit as of late and I think it's time I give it some love after ignoring it for so long. I've reworked the castle town gate walls, emblem and the stairs leading up to Kakariko Village. I've also reworked the tiles and draw bridge leading into castle town itself. I love you Hyrule Field, don't worry! <3

HD Clouds!

The clouds have been annoying me and several others for some time now. Not because they were low resolution, but because they had this eye-sore of a seam stretching across the sky at even intervals. And this wasn't just in one area, every single cloud in the game had this problem. I apologize to everyone who used previous versions and had to endure this ugly sight. Anyways, it should be fixed now! And the clouds are in higher resolution, too. So maybe that makes up for it? ...probably not :P

HD-er Trees!

Yeah... this is something I'm a bit embarassed of. In fact, I believe the old "HD" trees looked arguably even worse than the original trees- and they were an ultra low resolution pixelated mess! I was so ashamed of them in fact, that I even avoided taking any screenshots with trees in them. I realized something had to be done: So I re-did every single tree from scratch, again. This time they look awesome, though! I promise (see the last screenshot above).

HD Grass and vines!

The grass you see everywhere which you can cut with your sword has been remade and now looks more like the one from Majora's Mask 3D 4K. It's thinner because grass isn't EVER that thick in real life or any other game I've played for that matter. And I think it looks nicer, too. Several types of climbable vines have been upgraded as well. There's nothing worse than a 4K wall with ugly 240p vines plastered all over it...

Gerudo Valley is 4K... not quite!

My next area of focus is... Gerudo Valley! And I've started the work already, by retexturing all of the Gerudo Valley within Hyrule Field itself. Next I'll do parts that are actually inside Gerudo Valley. This area is still a W.I.P so let me know what you think of the direction it's going!

HD area text!

This is ironically one of the largest improvements in this update, even though it might not sound very interesting. But it really is! The text that completely takes over your screen when you enter ANY area in the game used to be an ugly upscale, completely ruining the immersion for some users- making them feel like this wasn't up to the quality they expected. Well, worry no more! All of the area texts (all 60 of them, not counted as unique textures) have been remade in 4K and look super crispy (but not burnt, like the old ones). Again, it's the small things that really make this project come together!

Misc. HD sun flares, initiation save game screen etc.

Other minor textures I've reworked are the sun flares that appear when the cameras faces the sun. I've also reworked the absolutely first screen you see when you start the game for the first time, which used to be completely untouched and... really ugly. This will also make it easier to distinguish if the texture pack is working correctly or not, since you'll see it within a second of booting the game!

Glorious 60 FPS!

Re-post from the previous update:

This is arguably an even greater upgrade available in this update than any of the textures. The 60 FPS patch is a first-time feature for Ocarina of Time 3D, and makes the game display in a buttery smooth 60 frames per second instead of the usual 30. This makes the game not just nicer to look at, but also makes it more responsive and reduces input lag. However, this feature is still in beta and has a few workarounds (you need to perform some special actions in certain instances to avoid the game from softlocking, for example. Instructions and more information is provided with the download!) Since the 60 FPS mode isn't quite ready for prime time yet, it's included as an optional special version which you can use if you're feeling adventurous (and don't mind doing a little bit of manual work!) The instructions are, like stated previously, included with the download. Have fun! :]

Selecting your game region (if you're using the PAL/European or Japanese version of the game);

All you need to do now, if you're using the European version of Ocarina of Time 3D, click the "Run this if you're using the PAL (European) version of the game.bat" file inside the texture pack folder. Done! It'll now work great with your version of the game. Easy, right?

How to enable MXAO (ambient occlusion) & DoF (Depth of Field):

This means you can now experience glorious self shadowing around objects, which looks really great with OOT's fantasy art style. Try it out by doing the following:

* Set your game view to "Single" in Citra.

* Set your resolution to 10x in the Graphics Settings in Citra.

* Press the "HOME" button on your keyboard, this will bring up the ReShade UI.

* Check the "MXAO" box in the list of effects.

* Go to the "Advanced" tab in ReShade and check the box next to the depth buffer in the list with the highest value (it should be a very high number while all others are 0). This number will change constantly, but don't worry it's supposed to do that!

* You're done. Have fun!


The Update is available to all you Patrons here, with a public release in two weeks from when this post was published!

There is a 4K version available, if your computer can handle it. It's a large file, over 7GB so beware of that before you download it! The 1080p version is smaller in file size, but doesn't look quite as nice. You can download both and test which one works best for you, if you want! :)

Please feel free to try it out!

(Only available for use with the Citra 3DS emulator, the texture pack does not work on real 3DS consoles).

You can find more information about my HD texture pack here.

Download it here!  

I am only able to make things like this thanks to your support, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping me do what I love!




Amon Moore

A little late for me to worry about that let’s Play but they look great


I work, with a lot of love and detail, as one of the best games of all time deserves.


I can't wait to factory restore my phone and try this new update. Thanks!


Amazing work! It’s so awesome to see this game getting the rework it deserves 😁


I haven't updated in awhile, how do you transfer your save over to the new version?


My oot HD won't let me move while crawling through the tunnel to get the kokiri sword, I'm using the 60fps patch, any fix?


Answered your question in the DMs but I'll post it here as well; This is a known issue, and the only way to bypass it is to temporarily disable the 60 FPS cheat code while going through tunnels. Doing this is simple, while in-game click the top left button in the Citra window called "Emulation" then "Cheats" and disable the code(s) that are active, then go through the part with the tunnel, then re-activate it again. An improved cheat code will be included in the next update to let you simply press D-Pad Down + R to temporarily disable the code while in-game on the fly!


It's super easy! Just copy the "sdmc", "nand", "states" and "sysdata" folders over from the "User" folder in the old texture pack directory to the new one and you're good to go :)


Does this work on Android


Yes! All my texture packs will work on Android as well, and all GameCube/Wii packs will work on iOS as well using DolphiniOS!