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  • FoxyThreading.mp4



EDIT: Now available to A Little Bit More!

Hello there! Lol. It's been a few weeks since my last post here. I apologise for the lack of updates and content; there's been some IRL stuff that's come up unexpectedly which has caused some setbacks to this animation. In addition to that, I got a little ambitious and carried away as I sometimes do, rofl, and as a result this animation ended up longer than originally intended!

The biggest reason for the lack of updates, however, is because I did get carried away, and gave myself more to do than I anticipated. So, rather than the usual thing of putting out preview images ahead of time, or any snippets of animation, I just put my nose to the grindstone and for the past couple of weeks I've been 100% focusing on getting this animation completed in my free time.

I think in the future I'm going to try and pull the reins a bit and try and properly plan stuff out before I start animating, so I don't end up with something I don't know how to manage and end up spending forever on like I did here. Though, I am really happy with this animation, lol. ^^

Also now that I have more experience with actions and the NLA editor, most of the issues that cropped up during this video's creation thankfully weren't related to animation process itself. Rather, the troubles came from things like the hair and fluid sims. It was a bit unfortunate that I had trouble with the latter, as I wanted there to be more climax, and to also have the fox finish as well. But at low resolutions the simulation "sizzles" and looks like garbage. At higher levels the simulations STILL sizzles, but it takes like 12 hours to bake. Which, considering I wanted to get this animation done in a reasonable amount of time, wasn't an option, lol.

So ultimately I picked a lower resolution, lowered the splashing, had a very small amount of viscocity so the fluid didn't bounce around everywhere, and called it a day.

Also this is one of the very rare instances where I haven't noticed something horribly broken in the final render and have had to spend days upon days re-rendering sections of it. Most of that it because I made extra sure to scrub through the animation several times, writing down entire lists of problems to fix, the frames they occurred on, then going in and fixing those issues one at a time, then going back to the beginning and starting the process all over again.

Still, I think all the effort was worth it, and I hope you enjoy. ^^ As usual, the exclusive angles should be up in a few days to a week.




I'd been wanting to see the full journey of the tentacle, going a realistic depth before finally emerging. The full removal is a significant bonus, and the use of the fox makes this especially appealing to me as well. You getting carried away has led to an animation to finally top Mud Wrath as my favourite--of yours and in general. I have to thank you for coming back to these niche ideas despite being less popular in the polls. I can see the improvements to your skill. It seems to me that, beginning with In the Woods, you've gotten better at disguising repeated loops and adding more variety to actions and reactions, resulting in a more fluid, natural progression of events.


Favorite animation is certainly quite the accolade! lol. But I really appreciate it. ^^ Certainly makes it worthwhile to know that these animations are enjoyed as much as they are. Yeah, I really wanted to explore a full-insertion for threading, and having it travel a realistic length was something I've been wanting to do for a while. There were some challenges with the concept. Firstly, the original tentacle was fairly short, so I ended up editing it and expanding it about 3x its original length. Secondly, because it was traveling such a long distance, and can't really turn and weave around inside the fox (due to the limited amount of points on the tentacle curve), the entire length was coming out of the back of the fox as it'd push in. To remedy that, during the animation process I repeatedly reset the depth of the tentacle and tried to match its reset position with the last, while keeping the animation continuing throughout. It was important to me that all of the push in/pull out happened in more or less in a single shot, and I think it ended up working really well; when playing it back, I can't even tell that the position is resetting, even though I know that it resets like 3-4 times. Also, for the parts where clipping through the model couldn't be avoided, I had an invisible cube acting as a boolean to just hide the bits of the tentacle that were poking out.