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Hey all! New animation's complete, this time a commission for Lofi over at https://www.furaffinity.net/user/lofireads/

Ordinarily I'd post the teaser images prior to the full video, but some stuff happened this month which threw off my release schedule -- so! both the images and video are getting posted at the same time, lol. In a couple of days I'll have a preview of next week's animation, as well.

Until then, enjoy :D


Fox Fist

Post with 0 views. Fox Fist



Really hot. You should so something where the fox stick their muzzle down the hyenas ass.


You're the second person to make that request. I don't want to make any promises on Hiad's behalf, but that is already the theme planned for my next commission. It remains to be decided whether I will ask for the fox to be paired with another fox due to my personal preference or with the hyena to satisfy public opinion.


How much does he ask for commissions. If it's hyena receiving I might split you half and half


This is 100% my fetish. Well done.


My hesitance with simply ordering both comes from the diminishing returns of seeing the same concept twice. At half the price, the value evens out. If you're willing, I'll commission an animation with the fox pairing first, then we'll split the cost for one with the hyena at a later date -- perhaps when the updated hyena model is complete. When I'm able, I'll consult you in a private message to brainstorm poses and other details to distinguish the two animations. Of course, we shouldn't get too carried away without Hiad's input.


Hell yeah. waiting for update hyena model is a good idea too.


All of that sounds fine to me, lol :) I do have some other projects to finish first, but I would be interested in trying that concept with both characters. As for the new hyena, I'm not sure when he'll be done. He's more or less complete with the modeling and the texturing, and he's got a basic armature. He doesn't have any rigging on the face or his nether regions yet, and I haven't started working on the fur. It could be a while until he's finished, but I've made some good progress with him.