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Hey all! I'm back this time with a new screenshot, as well as a near-end-of-month animation report, lol.

I've been working on this one pretty frequently, and I'm getting it to a point where it's more or less complete.

This animation's split into a few different sections, and I've been animating the stages separately, really trying to put in the time to make each part look nice. Right now they're all at a point where I could stop and render the whole animation, but I want to try and add a little extra polish. 

As an experiment, I have been layering them in Blender's NLA editor to see how they all merge together, and I'm happy to say that they flow really smoothly.

So at this point, it's just a matter of finishing up each stage of the animation, layering it in the NLA, and setting it to render.

The time-frame for the finished animation is probably still a week or two away. Even though the animation stages are mostly complete, there's still a few of them and a bit of finishing touches to be done in each. And rendering itself is a pretty long process, lol.

I'm also planning to have a preview animation of this particular stage/angle up in a couple of days, so stay tuned for that, and happy holidays. :D




good~ <3


Oh new tentacle model? nice


It is the same tentacle model :D Just had a kind of wet shader effect on it to test out what it might look like, but I'm thinking I'll disable that for the final render.


I appreciated the cleared mud as an indicator of depth in previous animations. Wetness could achieve the same effect.


Oh i see now. The linkages have always slightly annoyed me but the shader hides them a bit in this screen shot