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Hey all!

Bit of an unusual post today, lol.

You may have noticed that I posted a short Cycles-rendered loop of my upcoming animation for all patrons. Ordinarily I wouldn't post something like this, but because it's almost been half a month with no word from me, and the animation still isn't finished, I wanted to update you all and show you something rather than nothing.

It's been a bit of a weird month; there's been lots of IRL stuff going on, and time has really been slipping away from me -- so I ended up not working on the animation as much as I would've wanted to. Also, I got a little too ambitious with this one and I threw in a bit more than I usually would.

As a result, the animation is only about 60% complete, and I still haven't put together all the separate "actions" to make it into a single, properly connected animation yet. But I don't think I'll be able to have the usual Eevee preview or the finished animation ready before the end of this month.

Anyway, all of this got me thinking a bit. It's clear to me that I currently struggle with making longer animations, and that it's so much of a time-intensive process that it makes it difficult to properly update you folks when I end up having little to show for my efforts.

So I was wondering if you all would be okay if I started doing shorter animation loops? I was thinking something like 5 second loops, whereas my usual ones are generally 10-30. I could still make longer animations, but they would take... longer, lol.

Personally I feel like that's a good trade off, as it would allow me to produce more content. With shorter animations, then optimally I'd be able to complete 2-3 videos a month instead of what I've been doing: one animation a month (or every two months, when progress is slow).

It's just an idea I've been bouncing around my head, though -- so if you prefer longer animations and you don't mind the wait, just let me know. But I think it'd allow me to be more productive going forward.

Come next month, I should have enough of this animation ready to show you more, and I'll have the usual stuff: Eevee previews, finished animation a week early for patrons, and an exclusive angle. It's just been a really weird month, lol -- but I'm eager to get back on track and resume working on this stuff properly.

Thanks for reading, and as always, thanks for all the support. :)



I definatly prefer the longer animations. I'm okay with the wait. I'm excited for this one.


Although it would be nice to get some single frame renders, not like a preview, just the odd non animation image


Yeah! I was actually thinking of that. It would be a decent way to put out more frequent content and hopefully get more people looking at my page. I do think I should try and make some shorter animations, though they wouldn't have to be terribly short; I just need a balance that allows me to not get bogged down. For the time being though, my focus is on completing this animation and then finishing my new character, which I'm really excited to showcase. I'll probably have something to show of the new model sometime next month.


Honestly I think if you really want to get this one right it's going to take a long time. Maybe post another preview loop then put it on a back burner? It could turn out so well if you give it the time it needs for polish. But you also probably want to do other things. If you do finish it before anything else, consider revisiting it later