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As promised, here's the early Eevee render of my upcoming animation! This is basically the finished product, but on the final Cycles render there's a few kinks I want to iron out -- basically just the animation needs a couple more passes on smoothing out the motion. But everything else is essentially complete.

One thing about this preview render is that it doesn't include the second angle that I had wanted to do. The reason for that is mainly because the second angle is a close-up, and in Eevee there's this kind of awful problem where it acts like certain parts of the model are flat-shaded. In the close-up, this problem is extremely visible.

Now that I'm thinking more about it, it might have something to do with some of the displacement map on the model. But it's kind of too late to fix it now, lol.

Anyway, it looks perfectly fine in Cycles, so the final render will include both angles. I'm also going to have a third angle released for backers of the appropriate tier, though in the future it may be one angle for public animations (at least for shorter loops like this) and extra angles for backers. I still haven't been able to figure out what the best way of approaching exclusive angles would be, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. ^^

As usual, enjoy :D


Hyena Roast

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