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Hello again, everyone! :D I've got a little update today. 

First off, I've released a couple new preview images of my upcoming animation, which is getting ever nearer to completion. 

Secondly, it's been almost a month since my Patreon's gone up! I'd like to thank everyone who's subscribed to me in that time, as your support really does mean a lot to me. 

I'd also like to get some feedback from you folks regarding the Patreon so far.

Mainly, I'd like to know how you feel about your subscription. The stuff I put out is difficult to produce, and right now I'm trying to price things in a way that I think is fair. 

However, I wanted to ask everyone who's here: what are your thoughts with the current system? Are you satisfied with the rewards you've gotten so far? Do you feel as if you're getting enough content, or not enough? What were your thoughts about the rewards when you subscribed?

I know that it might be too soon to tell, but since we're closing in on one month, I want to try and get a clear picture of what you all think so I can continue to improve this page. Any kind of feedback helps.

Thanks again! :3



I an happy with mmthe rewards. Have you considered putting up a poll for your patrons to see what their interests are? I always love that interaction with the content creators.


Yea polls are a great reward, I agree with Rayne. Frankly I'm not subscribed for the rewards though, Just hope my contribution will make your hard work more worth it.


Thank you :D That's a really good idea. So basically polls asking what patrons would like the next animation(s) to be and such?


Polls asking really anything concerning what people think about your creative work. So just whatever information you want to know from your followers.


Yeah polls are a good idea ^^ I'll be sure to implement them. And aw, thanks so much :D that means a lot to hear that