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Hey everyone. This is just a notice to inform everyone that Lilliana no longer works as my assistant, and if things are a little slower than usual that is why. This shouldn't hold my work back for too long though, since the upcoming changes to my Patreon page starting January 2024 will free up my time significantly. So I'll be able to handle my page solo from there.

Unfortunately this event has taken up a good chunk of time which I would have otherwise spent rounding up the monthly illustration. It is nearly done, though. I've finished all the flats, so I would only need to add some shading, dialouge and other special effects. I'll share the WIP later tonight with an estimated date of arrival.

Thank you again for your patience and kindness with me through these turbulant few months. I'm looking forward to the new year when things will start to ease up ♥

Much Love,


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