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Heya bunbuns!

I'm re-uploading this poll since a Patron pointed out some great points, one of them being I should be more informative with the pros and cons of each option. As it is right now, monthly polls start 1st of each month & ends the 15th. I use the winning option to draw the monthly illustration from, finishing it within the end of the same month.

However, lately I've felt it's not the most efficient way for my workflow. Before I decide on any changes, I want to consult with your opinions on the matter. What are your preferences on how the Monthly Poll should run, and consequently, how should the Monthly illustration be executed? I listed all the pros & cons I could think of, but they're all angled from my POV. So If you see any that I haven't included, comment them and I can add them to the list!

1 (the current one) - Monthly poll runs from 1st-15th.

  • + Patrons who paid for voting power will have access to the monthly illustration in the same month.
  • + Patrons know the results of the poll.
  • - Patrons who join after the 15th cannot vote on the poll.
  • - There's only 2 weeks to finish the Monthly illustration. Which can causes delays and/or sacrifices to the quality of the art so I can get it out within the deadline.
  • - Any art pieces that were in the works before the Poll concluded (15th) must be pushed aside until the monthly illustration is completed. This often leads to procrastinating or avoiding publishing updates on any WIPs I have altogether until I am CERTAIN I can finish them within the month. (this is why the DropBox is often empty until the latter half of the month, as I'm working in silence & reluctant to share anything until it's near completion). This is because due to how my Patreon works, if I've already shared WIPs of a project & can't complete it, I'd break Patrons expectations. And then I'd have to tell them that they have to stay pledged another month to actually see it finished. It'd feel like cheating Patrons out of their money.
  • - There's also the opposite situation; where I fail to calculate how long a piece actually takes to complete & it's still in the works after the Poll concludes (15th). I then have to sacrifice time I should've spent working on the mo. illustration, instead working on said piece. In the end leaving me with a shorter timeframe to finish the mo. illustration.

2 - Monthly poll runs from start to the end of month. Monthly illustration is finished in the next month.

  • + I get 4 weeks to complete a monthly illustration instead of 2, which means less sacrifice in quality.
  • + Patrons, regardless of when they join during the month, will be able to vote in the poll.
  • + Patrons, and those interested in pledging, will have more consistent expectations for what rewards are output on a monthly basis.
  • + I can tackle my owed work first. This makes it much easier to calculate other kinds of rewards I can include in the same month, depending on the how much time is left after the mo. illustration is finished.
  • - If a Patron pledges in e.g. January, votes on a poll, and then the art is completed the following month (February) they would not be able to access the art for which they voted for.

Let me know what you think! If you have any feedback, please leave it in the comments. I'm always open to it, and it helps me create the best space for both you and me ^^

Much love,



Imo whatever you think is easier workflow wise and flexibility wise


Voting 1st to the 15th, then the art could be released the 15th of the next month? Does that work or am I just explaining option 2? 🤔