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You read the title right! I have a new assistant. Who is it? The doe in the art above!! 

"What do they assist with?" General up-keep and maintenance of my Patreon amongst other things. I hired her in the beginning of March. You might have noticed (if you've been around for a while) that I've been quicker & more responsive this month. I.e; with sending out Patreon packs, quicker release of past rewards on Gumroad, answering DM's, activity in the post-advertisement channel on discord, etc. And it's all with the help of my new hire!

"Why did I need an assistant?" Well... This has been in my cards for a while now. Too often I've found myself short on time, consequently resulting in delaying Patreon-rewards. repeatedly. As my Patreon continues to grow, so does the maintenance. A lot work is required to keep things running behind the scenes, and it eats up my time & energy. Time and energy which could otherwise be spent creating art and connecting more with you guys. Hiring an assistant became a necessity for me to keep everything operating smoothly. I cannot state how much of a difference it's already made to have someone assist me in this way. Not to mention how quickly she learned the ropes as well! She'll elaborate more on the work she does in the introduction below, written by herself. I'm OBVIOUSLY still checking in every day, so if you need to contact me you always can.
NOW without further ado- let's hear it from the doe herself!

- Introductions!

Hello, Everyone!

My name is Lilliana, and as of around the last two weeks or so, I have been Ima's new assistant! It is wonderful to make everyone's acquaintance, and I am very thankful to Ima for giving me this opportunity. Most will recognize me as one of the mods in Ima's discord server. Yes, I am that very same doe. Crazy how things turn out, isn't it?

- My Purpose.

My role as Ima's assistant is to help manage her Patreon page and various business avenues, so that she can have more time to work on art without having to stress over tasks that would take up large portions of time. Some of you might have already encountered me, since I have been working for a few weeks now as I've been going through Ima's training program (I tried to be sneaky about it ;>). For those of you that are worried, I promise I am not here to replace Ima when she messages you; nor when she asks for feedback on patreon polls, suggestions, and the wonderful previews and pieces she posts here. My main goal as an assistant is to provide a smoother transition between each months' content, and help people obtain and enjoy the content they pay for via the Patreon-Pack system we have set up here.

I look forward to working with all of you, and I hope we all can get along!





Hi Lilliana! Pleasure to meet you!


Wooot! Very cute doe. Is it possible we might see Lililiana added to future polls for the Patreon?


I doubt so, at least not in any sexual context. Lilliana is her own person and I don't own their character!