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Hey guys!

So like I said before, after being told again that opendrive keeps buffering while loading (which makes viewing videos difficult) we've tried other websites that seem to work better. Unfortunately, those websites have strict copyright laws and have told me that sharing those videos won't be possible because of the episodes/movies we share.

So now the 2 options. We either go back to opendrive, which gives us no copyright issues, but that means the videos will buffer here and there and take a bit longer to load, or we switch to a copyright safe version of our videos (like other reactors do) which means we no longer will show the episodes/movies, but rather a runtime of the content so you'll have to follow along with your own copy of the episode.

I've been searching for alternatives, but the ones that work fine all have a space limit, which means we keep adding full drives to our list and it gets pricey over time, or issues with copyrights, so I'm asking you guys what you'd prefer n.n

Thanks for your help!


Florian Krause

I would probably go back to opendrive then. not a big fan of the timers

Joseph LeRoy

Ive never had buffering problems with opendrive.

Daniel Lewis

Definitely go back to opendrive and stick with the good quality atleast until we finish our last kingdom journey.


Ahah I hear ya n.n the new format I'm currently trying doesn't seem too bad quality wise and at least on my phone/computer it doesn't buffer at all, so I'm probably gonna go for that solution