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Link to the reaction: https://web.opendrive.com/api/v1/download/file.json/ODZfNDcxNjYwOTNf?inline=1

Aethelflaed has been taken captive by the brothers and even if her situation is bad...it looks like Erik has taken a liking to her (and she's not rejecting him!!!) Considering who her husband is, it's not that surprising, but what is Uthred gonna do, now that she's asking him to help them escape together o.o?



Tyrone Tyrone

Can't blame Odda for thinking about doing something. He sacrificed his son for the good of the kingdom but Alfred won't. Typical royalty hypocrisy.

Tyrone Tyrone

The production of the show is super slow and you will catch up to the current season witch still hasn't come out😖 And there's even a movie planned to rap everything up. It seemed like the makers of the show were surprised and caught off guard and realized after this season they had a successful show on their hands because it took FOREVER for season thee to come out.