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Link to the reaction: https://od.lk/s/ODZfNDYwMTA1ODlf/Vikings%206X16%20full.mp4

Ivar and Hvitserk return home and both seem lost when it comes to their future...Fortunately, Ivar gets some help from the Seer and realizes that the vikings have all lost their way and going back to England to raid might be the best remedy....looks like Alfred's about to get a visit D:



Chantelle Miles

My boy Ivar did what his father told him to with the angry crowd, he acted like a cripple so people would pity him and underestimate him. And of course it worked although me and Ivar both hated him demeaning himself like that. All sons were lost this episode yes, love how Ivar said and felt exactly what Ubbe is experiencing being lost at sea with no meaning to his voyage. And no to be fair Ivar was a teenager when he was king and hes spent years traveling and in kiev im sure, he wasnt king of kattegat months ago. I disagree about Ivar not being curious, he is, its just not a priority for him, fame is because of who he is and being a cripple. Ivar has been curious with bishop headmund, listening to all the christian stories and about virgin mary. Ivar also has showed his curious, adventurous side along the silk road and in Kiev because apart from the christianity, i belive he was into the flying and new clothes and furry hats etc.


What I mean about him not being curious is mostly that Ivar doesn't feel that drive to explore new countries for the sake of discovering like Bjorn and Ragnar did n.n he is curious here and there, but I feel like his drive is mostly fame/for him to be known as a force to be reckoned with (which would make sense considering his background)

Chantelle Miles

Ok yes i see what u mean now, i agree, that curious side of Ragnar is more Ubbes thing id say, Ubbe is also the one more accepting of other cultures too like Ragnar.