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Link to the reaction: https://od.lk/s/ODZfNDU2MDc5NjZf/The%20Boys%202X03%20full.mp4

O.O Stormfront. Is. The. WORST!!!! Omg! XD I can't believe we didn't see this coming at all ahah! And now, Homelander has competition, Kimiko's brother is no more and The Deep is mourning the death of a whale D:



Chantelle Miles

Homelander went the wrong way about it but was again trying to help his son and not lie to him like his mom does. He knows Ryan will be fone phsically but doesnt get this will hurt him mentally and there relationship until its too late. Its like when a parent promises not to let go of the bike when the childs learning for first time. Homelander gets upset about Ryan rejecting him then notice he runs back to the seven for comfort and to feel like he has a family. Its so sad but enjoyable to watch this character. I still believe both son and father could help one another. And no Homelander powers are driven by his emotions too but his emotions arent like normal people because of how he was raised to be and being raised without parents. Yes Stormfront is full on racist clearly and knew she was from start because of her nazi name Stormfront and how she admire homelander and his bright blue eyes and said how she thinks hes the best of them, she really meant that. Stormfront is way worse than Homelander because Homelander has a messed up childhood and is a lonely messed up kid deep down, she is just of Ignorance and hate. Homelander isnt racist, he just sees all humans as less than to heroes, regardless of race but does love America.