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Link to the reaction: https://od.lk/s/ODZfNDY2MjEzMzdf/Breaking%20Bad%201X01%20full.mp4

Link 2 to the reaction: https://web.opendrive.com/api/v1/download/file.json/ODZfNDY2MjEzMzdf?inline=1

HEEEY!! I'm so excited to finally be starting this series with my friend!! We started recording these right after I finished my reaction of Breaking Bad with my sister (and it shows...I'm REALLY excited for the first few episodes XD Sorry, I'll tone down in the future) so I've got several episodes in the bank already n.n

My friend has never seen Breaking bad, so it's basically gonna be me reliving this amazing show as I introduce him to the story :D Sorry for the mumbling in the first couple of episodes, we recorded these very late and our other friend was sleeping XD


Breaking Bad 1X01 full.mp4


Tyrone Tyrone

5:29-5:32 I know in Canada you take your shoes off before going into the house which makes sense but to eat popcorn off the floor🥴


I mean, we keep our floors pretty clean xD I know the 5 seconds rule is kinda bullshit, but a popcorn that barely touched the floor isn't the end of the world ;)