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(the early access will follow in a couple days, I'm currently not around my computer, I can't edit anything :/ )

Ok.....some of you guys told us this was an AMAZING episode and....YOU WERE SO RIGHT!!! The acting and the editing and just everything in this was perfect!! It broke our hearts to see Sherlock the way he was, but it was worth the reveal at the end, OMG!!!!


Sherlock 4X02 full.mp4



Am just starting the reaction, but wanted to drop a comment to say YESSSSSSS!!! ;)

Chris B

Don't feel bad about not recognising her. Nobody did when we watched this and we were all brilliantly fooled. One of TVs best twists ever.


I am so happy you reacted to this episode. As you say, it was a great one, for me one of the top 3 episodes of the show. They were so smart with the whole Eurus thing: the first time you see her is in the other episode as the girl on the bus, so you don't think about her in this episode. The second time she is a therapist, but we have already seen John with a therapist, so we didn't pay much attention to her, and also attention is taken off her quite quickly with Mrs Hudson's car chase appearance. And finally she was fake Faith Smith for the current case. But you don’t know what’s real and what’s not as you said so it's incredibly well played, no reactors i have seen realIzed this at all, really! I hadn’t at all XD same reaction as yours: mindblown! When the actress for Eurus auditioned they made her audition for different roles and only later was told they were the same person. Brilliant. All the clues were mixed in with so many emotions, they kept distracting us with feelings haha I really really really recommend when you have time to check out the 7 minute video youtuber Nerdwriter1 made praising and analyzing the editing and film making techniques of some scenes in this episode. I will leave the link here for anyone who is interested, i love his style of video essays! I will try to link the video below. I totally agree with both of you about Mrs Hudson, she is fundamental for the show, and really fun, strong, badass and of course she must be a bit crazy to be able to to deal with Sherlock and Watson, as you said. We love Mrs Hudson!!! Toby Jones' (Culverton Smith the serial killer ) performance was incredible, he was so disturbing, scary and slimy as the evil character, he is so sweet in real life and he is so funny on the Detectorists (i recommend this, British humor!). love him! I loved the scene where we find out about Sherlock's birthday, and also John and Mary's goodbye scene - which was even more sad as they were divorced in real life at this point :( having that incredibly touching goodbye scene together must have been tough! 1 more episode to go and no more Sherlock :(


Unfortunately the video was blocked on youtube for copyright, so I’ll try to add the link - it’s a Chinese version of youtube. There are no mentions or spoilers for episode 4x03 in it, i think you would enjoy it! https://www.bilibili. com/s/video/BV19W411a756 (just remove the spaces in the middle of the link, patreon doesn't allow links i think?)