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 And with this episode, we say goodbye to King Aelle....I felt really bad for him in the end D: It's always hard seeing a character go through so much suffering (even though he deserved it) Should've listened to you daughter,s warning, man! :/


Vikings 4X18 full.mp4


Chantelle Miles

To be fair I think all the sons should be leader not just Bjorn, Ivar should be given a chance too. Bjorn only has experience fighting and raiding really. He never came up with the plans and strategy, that was Ragnars doin. The decisions Bjorn has made while Ragnar was sick both didnt end well, including leaving Rollo behind and making Flokis arrest public. So I think all should lead or at least have their input. And No that is Torvis oldest son actually by Jarl Borg, but Bjorn calls him his son too, also thats why Bjorm focuses on the small boy instead of the eldest when it cities to hugs first. I didnt feel sorry for Aella one bit, I'm surprised you do, he was way too cocky about the sons and when they blood eagled him, I just remembered all they did to the great Ragnar Lothbrok. Ivar and Bjorn fell the most when it comes to their dads death, Ivar enjoyed watching he turns his pain to hate and saw first hand the wessex soldiers beating his father, whereas Bjorn didnt see and was very emotional and letting it all out during the Blood eagle, u see it all over his face. Bjorn has been very angry since returning plus his mother has made a huge problem for him killing Aslaug. This and the next few episodes Bjorns face is just focused and constant angry.

Tyrone Tyrone

Bjorn is just a manhoe