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This...was...something else!!! D: OMG that was such a great concept!! And we got to see/learn a little more about Sherlock's past/drug addiction T.T Man it hurts to see him like that, but having his brother there to help was just amazing o.o


Sherlock 3X04 full.mp4



Yes, Mycroft is supposed to be fat in the stories. That's why they hint in the show that he has lost a good amount of weight and Sherlock asks him about his diet. This is the episode that cemented Mycroft as my favorite character. I love how they built up his story arc and made him a really likable character. Looking forward to the next one!


Sherlock Holmes in the stories was a cocaine and opium addict, but because of when they were written it wasn't seen as an "addiction" since those substances weren't yet illegal. Also, y'all's speculations about Redbeard are very interesting and well thought out.


Yeah that's what I thought (which makes the way they handled this side of his character perfect!!)