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Hey guys!!

Happy (late) Halloween!! Eheheh ;D I hope you spent a crazy/spooky day yesterday n.n
Alright back to business!!

I just wanted to warn you guys that today's episodes might be late (depending on how things go later) because we're currently dealing with a huge power outage in our area D: It's super windy out here (trees falling and stuff) so we're cooped up inside (safe n.n) and just waiting for the power to come back on at this point!
If it does soon, then no worries, but I'd rather let you guys know ;)



Heyyy we gonna get better call Saul soon! I’m gonna watch hereditary reaction when will the full reaction be out?


The full reaction (for the movie) should be out later today, it's still uploading on drive ;) as for BCS, the power came back!! So I'll try to have the episode ready tonight :D


When are BCS and Leftovers coming?


Tonight if we're lucky!! The power went back on too late last night, so now I have to work on all the episodes today, rendering might take some time, but I'll do my best ;)


Hey better call Saul soon?


Hey guys, I see that you told Denton that the full length is out already but it's not showing up so it may not have gone through. Just FYI. Thanks.


Hhmm that's weird! I see it on my feed 🤔 people commented on it and everything (although I uploaded a bunch of videos after so you might have to go back a little to find it :) it's in between Vikings 2X03 full and HunterXHunter 48 full )


I don’t see anything from BCS 1x10 either


I only uploaded the full lenght so far, I'm about to upload the early access one in a few minutes n.n you'll probably see it then!