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Ooooh Subaru!! This is getting worse and worse D: You're sounding waaay too obsessed o.o And I know I was saying you needed some sort of reality check, but...not like that!?!?! What happened at the manor? The village? o.o Everyone's dead!


Re Zero 14 full.mp4



Thank you thank you so much for understanding that Subaru's current thought process is highly unhealthy and dangerous. When this episode came out the first time, I noticed a lot of comments mirroring what he was saying, which made me sad because I do not think at any point in these episodes, you're suppose to side with Subaru.The next couple of episodes (which I am super excited to see your reactions, I am so glad I can binge them haha) is honestly what put Subaru into my top favourite characters. These episodes are so hard because it makes you start getting angry at Subaru, but I love the fact we get to see the worst side of him. It's really relatable even if it's infuriating.


A good character is a layered one and Subaru definitly has lots of layers ;) I actually like that he's got a darker/obsessive side! It gives him a chance to make mistakes and work towards becoming a better person! Much more interesting to discuss/love in the end n.n