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Hey guys!! Quick heads up for the schedule, my sister had to replace a coworker at work, which is why the episodes will be a bit late this week! I'll have 2 vikings episodes coming today and 1 tomorrow and instead of uploading one Better Call Saul today and one this Friday, I'll upload both episodes Friday night ;)

Just wanted to let you all know :D I'm thinking of uploading actual schedules here like I used to do on Youtube, that would probably help keep an eye on what's supposed to be uploaded and when :D What do you guys think?!



Quit killing co-workers and you wouldn't have to replace them. :) Schedule would be nice too.


Definitely bring back the schedules!

Rob Brown

definitely stop killing co-workers!

Tyrone Tyrone

Schedules are nice. I like order😀


What happened with the better call Saul?


Episodes for yesterday


My computer got reeeeally slow and it took way longer than usual to render the episodes D: right now I'm uploading the full lenght to Google and finishing rendering the short versions ;) next week I'll try not to depend on my laptop being anywhere close to performant ahah


Oh hopefully with patreon you can afford a faster computer xD okie sounds good


Did you watch el Camino are u gonna do a full reaction to It ?


Of course!! :D the full lenght is rendering right now (it's taking forever xD it's a long movie) and I'll edit the short version later tonight ;)