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Things got crazy pretty fast in Australia and the truth finally came out!! o.o Looks like Kevin and Nora were keeping a lot of things to themselves D: What's going on with Kevin, what is his Dad planning to do now? And Nora??? What now o.o This is getting intense!!

(By the way, I LOVED the fact they used that song at the end XD)


leftovers 3X04 full.mp4



Just wanna throw out there that though some things that happened on the show seem far fetched, everything (aside from the actual Departure) has a logical/scientific explanation, and the writers made sure of it. Don't be too quick to be drawn into a sci-fi mindset is what I'm saying.

Ryan Roach

That’s what Lindelof claims, though I’ve yet to hear a scientific explanation for Kevin being poisoned and coming back to life after being buried, right at the exact moment of an earthquake. Or why he needed to medical attention whatsoever after being shot. Or Mary regaining consciousness, losing it, and regaining it again. Most of the time there is a possible scientific explanation, but I think a few times in season two they went too far into the fantastical if they wanted to make this claim.