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Well...I can't say Rollo didn't surprise me this episode D: Goes to show we should never judge a character too fast, they might just surprise us XD Also, it seems war is ON now o.o Can't wait to see what happens next!!


Vikings 1X04 full.mp4



I love Vikings! Thanks for getting me Into Chris! And also do we get early release bcs?


You're welcome n.n and YES! BCS will be there late tonight, I'll have 2 episodes uploading in a couple hours (I just came back from work ;) )


Really? Housekeeping works this late in Canada? We usually were home before 5 in my former hotel ?


Yep!! I'm on the evening shift (and that's with the new schedule, I'm out by 7h30 pm now than I usually go eat, but A couple months ago, before they changed our shift, I used to be out by 10h30!)