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Man...it breaks my heart to see Hank so shocked by the news!! And him fighting Walter at the end?!? D: Aside from that, Jesse is not fairing all that well with that money he ''earned'' :/ And he knows deep down that Walter killed Mike....I wonder what he'll do o.o


Breaking Bad 5X09 BLOOD MONEY reaction

** This episode's full reaction is available on Patreon ** Man...it breaks my heart to see Hank so shocked by the news!! And him fighting Walter at the end?!? D: Aside from that, Jesse is not fairing all that well with that money he ''earned'' :/ And he knows deep down that Walter killed Mike....I wonder what he'll do o.o To see the next episode right away, go over on our patreon :D Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chriskaileur Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kyuujinreacts Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kyuujinreacts/ EmberFrost's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ember_frost_/ Chriskaileur's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriskaileur/



its as processed as SPAM and canned food now everybody, may the heisencoaster commence


I love that cold open so damn much. In addition to the mystery of the first flash forward, it's got such a haunting feel to it. I still remember the chills I got watching it live when it first aired and seeing Heisenberg written on the walls and Walt seeing his shattered reflection.


You got to see the Apocalypse of a world we once knew so well... a world we knew, once Hank pieced everything together, was about to crumble away


Damn I wanna watch this so bad but I'll wait for the full reaction to drop in order to watch everything with you guys :) Shit starts to hit the fan in this episode.


Walt has only killed people he doesn't care about. He's never murdered family.