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Hey guys!! :D I've been getting a couple questions about the way we chose to make full lenght reactions (with no visuals, only a timer) and I've been thinking about a way to make everyone happy without getting copyright claims everywhere XD 

So just out of curiosity, how do you like to see full reactions?


Frederic Faddoul

I'm personally not a big fan of timer reactions in general, though I understand why you do it. But since you host your videos on google drive, I don't think you'll have any problems. Other reactors just put the whole video as is too, no editing, and it works (I'd understand if you didn't want to go that way for moral reasons). I vote episode visible, video can be edited or not, and some sound if possible (if sound is low or off, subs would be nice) :)


Interesting!! The reason why I'm considering keeping the visuals but still taking out the sound is because in a full lenght reaction, the audio is gonna get reeeeally messy whenever we end up discussing/freaking out over dialogue xD but I guess I could try lowering it a bit 🤔 thank you!! :D


Just to get my personal bias out of the way - I prefer timer. But in terms of growing your patreon, I think doing the whole edited version is the way to go. At the end of the day, timer people can still practically do the same thing they're doing now (watching the whole episode in a separate tab), and a ton of people don't like timer reactions, and you want to attract as many people as possible. It's also viable to do both at different tiers or something, but that's probably more work than needed.

gordon d. grant

I much prefer seeing your reactions on the same screen as the full version. It feels too remote and detached with the timer thing.


I will put my vote for "with the episode visible", however I have no problems with the timer system either. Although putting full episodes on google drive is fine, I've had some reactors still losing access to their google drive videos because of copyright. It's usually very rare and depends on what show it is. But yes because using google drive and not youtube, you guys should be able to have the full episode up along with your reaction


From my experience with other reactors they have no issue with posting full PIP reactions with both sound and visuals. Copyrighters simply never go as far as checking people's Patreons (not that they actually do it manually, they have search algorithms to detect possible infringements on Youtube specifically), and since you need to actually pledge money to even have access to the full reactions I'm pretty sure you're 99.9% safe doing that. That's literally how everyone I know goes about it.


The only issue with timers is that the playback speed usually varies slightly from site-to-site or media player, so every couple minutes the videos un-sync by a second or two and need to be paused and re-synced(not that visuals stop this from happening but they do make it a lot easier to re-sync than audio alone).

Ryan Roach

Other reactors just post the full video and they don't seem to get in any trouble, probably because the videos are unlisted. But posting it without sound would work too, if you're being cautious. It's annoying to try to make Netflix into a little window but sound is obviously easy

Captainb's base

you should try to post your full videos through vimeo.


Vimeo is safer than Youtube for sure, but probably less safe than google drive since it's private


Ideally, I would like picture and sound. But if having the picture visible means getting rid of the audio, then I say keep it the way it is now. I find it easier to get things synced up with sound than I do with images. And it’s noticeable right away when the sound gets unsynced, not as easy with video. Please don’t mute!!


Ooh when I say mute, I mostly mean muting the video file I have of the episode, but during the reaction, we would still hear the audio from my computer n.n (if only fainter)

Jasmin Holmes

With the picture please we all have it memorized lol or you could also put on captions?

Cindy Beach

Have you heard of One Hub. That’s what other reactors use for full length with sound reactions for Patreon. They have been posting full length videos like that for over 2 years with no problems. I don’t know anything about videos, I just know it’s a separate file hosting type service or program? Just a thought. I’m going to be honest. I took my subscription back to early access only because the timer on the video was too distracting. And it’s not a small timer. It’s huge numbers right in the middle of the video. Your eyes are just drawn to it.