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YES!!! Our babies are the best!! They learned in about 2 hours what should've taken them weeks to learn and I'm so proud of them X3 Now let's see how they survive in the big league o.o


hunterXhunter 29 full.mp4



Thanks for another new HxH reaction, ur HxH reactions are my favs., that and ur Code Geass ones, so I always really look forward to them. Thats why I have Patreon so I can see ur Full Reactions of these series, so I can see all the great moments, these 2 series tend to have a lot of great quieter/ slower moments and dialogue heavy moments that are some of my favs. that dont always make it in edited reactions. And yeah, Killua & Gon are such sweethearts & are great, Im happy they were able to learn so quickly, right in time for their registration, thanks to Wing and Zushi too for helping them out too (and Hisoka too in his own, screwed up way). :)